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Created August 16, 2017 17:44
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xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ uname -a
Linux localhost 3.14.0 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 13 11:50:53 PDT 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
t/spec/S17-supply/syntax.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 67 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 255
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 73 tests but ran 67.
t/spec/S03-operators/comparison.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 112 Failed: 3)
Failed tests: 102-104
Non-zero exit status: 3
t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t (Wstat: 2048 Tests: 16 Failed: 8)
Failed tests: 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14
Non-zero exit status: 8
t/spec/S04-statements/sink.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 7 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 6
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/spec/S05-modifier/ignoremark.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 36 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 35
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/spec/S12-attributes/native.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 135 Tests: 45 Failed: 0)
Non-zero wait status: 135
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 48 tests but ran 45.
t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 Tests: 36 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 35
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=1204, Tests=66963, 3974 wallclock secs (26.51 usr 4.09 sys + 3527.96 cusr 210.01 csys = 3768.57 CPU)
Result: FAIL
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S17-supply/syntax.t | grep -C 2 'not
ok 4 - works when used in two whenevers
ok 72 - next in whenever
not ok 73 - Supply is closed by Supply block after it sends done
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S03-operators/comparison.t | grep -C
2 'not ok'
ok 100 - '' cmp 'a' is Less
ok 101 - 'a' cmp '' is More
not ok 102 - Synthetic codepoints compare properly
# Failed test 'Synthetic codepoints compare properly'
# at t/spec/S03-operators/comparison.t line 102
# expected: Order::Less
# got: Order::More
not ok 103 - Synthetic codepoints compare properly
# Failed test 'Synthetic codepoints compare properly'
# at t/spec/S03-operators/comparison.t line 103
# expected: Order::More
# got: Order::Less
not ok 104 - Synthetic codepoints compare properly
# Failed test 'Synthetic codepoints compare properly'
# at t/spec/S03-operators/comparison.t line 106
# expected: Order::More
# got: Order::Less
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t | grep -C 2 'not ok'
not ok 1 - Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 1
# Failed test 'Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 1'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 14
not ok 2 - Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 2
# Failed test 'Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 2'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 15
ok 3 - Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 3
ok 4 - Hash ~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 4
not ok 5 - Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 1
# Failed test 'Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 1'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 18
not ok 6 - Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 2
# Failed test 'Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 2'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 19
ok 7 - Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 3
ok 8 - Hash !~~ Hash ($_ eqv X) 4
not ok 9 - Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 1
# Failed test 'Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 1'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 23
not ok 10 - Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 2
# Failed test 'Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 2'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 24
ok 11 - Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 3
ok 12 - Hash ~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 4
not ok 13 - Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 1
# Failed test 'Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 1'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 27
not ok 14 - Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 2
Failed test 'Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 2'
# at t/spec/S03-smartmatch/hash-hash.t line 28
ok 15 - Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 3
ok 16 - Hash !~~ Hash, eval_elsewhere 4
# Looks like you failed 8 tests of 16
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S04-statements/sink.t | grep -C 2 'not ok'
ok 4 - map inside sunk 'for' runs as sunk
ok 5 - we don't sink things that are wrapped in a container
not ok 6 - we don't sink the result of thing().=method-name
# Failed test 'we don't sink the result of thing().=method-name'
# at t/spec/S04-statements/sink.t line 59
# expected: 'False'
# got: 'True'
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S05-modifier/ignoremark.t | grep -C 2 'not ok'
ok 33 - Ignoremark on quoted double-quote
ok 34 - Ignoremark on backslashed double-quote
not ok 35 - Synthetics with decomposable base characters properly work with ignoremark
# Failed test 'Synthetics with decomposable base characters properly work with ignoremark'
# at t/spec/S05-modifier/ignoremark.t line 67
# expected: 'ǰ'
# got: (Nil)
ok 36 - Synthetics properly can be matched with ignoremark
# Looks lik
(xenial)skarsnik@localhost:~/perl6/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar | grep -C 2 'not ok'
WARNINGS for /home/skarsnik/perl6/rakudo/t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar:
Useless use of constant integer 1 in sink context (lines 67, 74)
/bin/sh: 1: program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_this_error_please.exe: not found
/bin/sh: 1: program_that_does_not_exist_ignore_errors_please.exe: not found
ok 31 - :merge with run on non-existent program does not crash [attempt 8]
ok 32 - :merge with run on non-existent program does not crash [attempt 9]
not ok 33 - LAST phaser gets triggered when using -n command line switch # TODO RT 128398
# Failed test 'LAST phaser gets triggered when using -n command line switch'
/bin/sh: 1: perl6: not found
ok 34 - &chdir changes the directory processes are spawned in
not ok 1 - run sets $cwd and $env
# Failed test 'run sets $cwd and $env'
# at t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar line 150
# expected: 'Testing42'
# got: ''
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1
not ok 35 - :cwd(...) changes the directory processes are spawned in
# Failed test ':cwd(...) changes the directory processes are spawned in'
# at t/spec/S29-os/system.rakudo.moar line 133
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 36
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