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Last active December 18, 2022 13:37
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Tool for drawing 3D lines using actual meshes (Godot 3)
class_name DrawTool3DMesh extends Spatial
# DrawTool3DMesh 0.7.3 (Godot 3)
# Uses a MultiMeshInstance to draw instances of a cube or cylinder,
# stretched to represent lines, and spheres for 3D points.
# For each line AB, scale an instance of a cube in one axis to equal the
# distance from A to B, and then rotate it accordingly using
# 'transform.looking_at()'.
# Cylinders are by default upright, along the Y axis, so they also have to
# be manually rotated to compensate for this.
# Notes:
# '_WIDTH_FACTOR' affects the line width. Draw lines of width 1 to tweak it.
# Basically it's how thick the unit cube should be in order to properly
# represent a line of thickness 1.
# - consider periodically lowering the 'instance_count', since currently it
# grows as needed, and stays as is to serve as an object pool,
# but it never comes back down (not sure it's really an issue)
# - draw quads
# - draw polygons
# - create cylinders without caps through code (and cones) ?
const _DOT_THRESHOLD := 0.999
const _WIDTH_FACTOR := 0.005
const _SPHERE_RINGS := 4
const _CIRCLE_SEGMENTS := 16
const _USE_TRANSPARENCY := false
const _MAX_ALPHA := 0.5
const _UNSHADED := true # actually looks great shaded, except for the cylinder caps
const _DRAW_OUTLINES := false
var _mms:Dictionary
var _use_cylinders_for_lines := true
# initializeation
func _init(_name=null) -> void:
name = "DrawTool3DMesh" if not _name else _name
func _ready() -> void:
var mat = _create_material()
# ----------------------------------------
# create lines
if _use_cylinders_for_lines:
# Note: cylinders look like the cubes with 4 radial_segments
var cylinder :=
cylinder.top_radius = _WIDTH_FACTOR
cylinder.bottom_radius = _WIDTH_FACTOR
cylinder.height = 1
cylinder.radial_segments = _RADIAL_SEGMENTS
cylinder.rings = 0
cylinder.material = mat
_mms["lines"] = _create_multimesh(cylinder)
# this is deprecated, but the cylinder code isn't well tested yet
# so this is here just in case
var cube :=
cube.size = Vector3(_WIDTH_FACTOR, _WIDTH_FACTOR, 1)
cube.material = mat
_mms["lines"] = _create_multimesh(cube)
# ----------------------------------------
# create cones (for vectors)
var cone :=
cone.top_radius = 0
cone.bottom_radius = _WIDTH_FACTOR*4
cone.height = 0.04
cone.radial_segments = _RADIAL_SEGMENTS
cone.rings = 0
cone.material = mat
_mms["cones"] = _create_multimesh(cone)
# ----------------------------------------
# create spheres
var sphere :=
sphere.radius = _WIDTH_FACTOR
sphere.height = _WIDTH_FACTOR*2
sphere.radial_segments = _RADIAL_SEGMENTS
sphere.rings = _SPHERE_RINGS
sphere.material = mat
_mms["spheres"] = _create_multimesh(sphere)
func _create_material() -> SpatialMaterial:
var mat :=
mat.vertex_color_use_as_albedo = true
mat.flags_unshaded = _UNSHADED
mat.flags_no_depth_test = true
mat.flags_do_not_receive_shadows = true
mat.flags_transparent = _USE_TRANSPARENCY
mat.albedo_color = Color(1,1,1, _MAX_ALPHA) if _USE_TRANSPARENCY else Color.white
var np_mat :=
np_mat.flags_unshaded = _UNSHADED
np_mat.flags_do_not_receive_shadows = true
np_mat.flags_no_depth_test = true
np_mat.albedo_color =
np_mat.params_grow = true
np_mat.params_grow_amount = 0.002
mat.next_pass = np_mat
return mat
func _create_multimesh(mesh:Mesh) -> MultiMesh:
var mm =
mm.transform_format = MultiMesh.TRANSFORM_3D
mm.color_format = MultiMesh.COLOR_FLOAT
mm.mesh = mesh
mm.visible_instance_count = 0
mm.instance_count = 256
var mmi =
mmi.multimesh = mm
return mm
# internal stuff
func _create_circle_points(position:Vector3, radius:float, axis:Vector3, color:Color) -> Array:
axis = axis.normalized()
var points := []
# point(position,, 5) # draw debug point
var cross = axis.cross(Vector3.RIGHT).normalized() * radius
var dot = abs(
if dot > 0.9:
print("I WAS HERE") # this seems to never run
cross = axis.cross(Vector3.UP) * radius
# draw a debug cross-product vector
# line(position, position+cross, color, 2)
# cone(position+cross, cross, color, 2)
for r in range(0, 360, 360/_CIRCLE_SEGMENTS):
var p = position + cross.rotated(axis, deg2rad(r)) * radius
# point(p, Color.yellow, 5) # draw debug point
return points
func _create_circle_points_OLD(position:Vector3, radius:Vector3, axis:Vector3) -> Array:
var points := []
for r in range(0, 360, 360/_RADIAL_SEGMENTS):
var p = position + radius.rotated(axis, deg2rad(r))
return points
func align_with_y(tr:Transform, new_y:Vector3) -> Transform:
tr.basis.y = new_y
tr.basis.x = -tr.basis.z.cross(new_y)
tr.basis = tr.basis.orthonormalized()
return tr
#TODO: Test if it's really better to add many instances once in a while
# versus adding one instance every time it's needed.
# Maybe there's a tradeoff between too many and too few.
func _add_instance_to(mm:MultiMesh) -> int:
# the index of a new instance is count-1
var idx := mm.visible_instance_count
mm.visible_instance_count += 1
# if the visible count reaches the instance count, then more instances are needed
if mm.instance_count <= mm.visible_instance_count:
# this is enough to make the MultiMesh create more instances internally
mm.instance_count += 256
return idx
func _commit_instance(mm:MultiMesh, idx:int, transform:Transform, color:Color) -> void:
mm.set_instance_transform(idx, transform)
mm.set_instance_color(idx, color)
func _add_line(a:Vector3, b:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
if _use_cylinders_for_lines:
_add_line_cylinder(a, b, color, thickness)
_add_line_cube(a, b, color, thickness)
func _check_equal_points(a:Vector3, b:Vector3) -> bool:
if a != b: return false
# push_warning("points 'a' and 'b' are the same: %s == %s" % [a, b])
return true
func _add_line_cube(a:Vector3, b:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
# I had issues here with 'looking_at', which I can't quite remember,
# but I solved somehow. I posted it here:
var mm:MultiMesh = _mms["lines"]
if _check_equal_points(a, b): return
# adding an instance is basically just raising the visible_intance_count
# and then using that index to get and set properties of the instance
var idx := _add_instance_to(mm)
# if transform is to be orthonormalized, do it here before applying any
# scaling, or it will revert the scaling
var transform := mm.get_instance_transform(idx).orthonormalized()
# var transform := Transform()
transform.origin = (a+b)/2
var target_direction := (b-transform.origin).normalized()
transform = transform.looking_at(b,
Vector3.UP if abs( < _DOT_THRESHOLD
else Vector3.BACK
# TODO: this probably accumulates scaling if this instance was scaled before,
# but I've never seen any issues, so... I could be wrong.
transform.basis.x *= thickness
transform.basis.y *= thickness
transform.basis.z *= a.distance_to(b)
_commit_instance(mm, idx, transform, color)
func _add_line_cylinder(a:Vector3, b:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
if _check_equal_points(a, b): return
var mm:MultiMesh = _mms["lines"]
var idx := _add_instance_to(mm)
var transform := mm.get_instance_transform(idx).orthonormalized()
transform.origin = (a+b)/2
var target_direction := (b-transform.origin).normalized()
transform = align_with_y(transform, target_direction)
transform.basis.x *= thickness
transform.basis.y *= a.distance_to(b) # stretch the Y instead
transform.basis.z *= thickness
_commit_instance(mm, idx, transform, color)
func _add_cone(position:Vector3, direction:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0):
var mm:MultiMesh = _mms["cones"]
var idx := _add_instance_to(mm)
var transform := Transform()
transform.origin = position
transform = align_with_y(transform, direction)
transform.basis = transform.basis.scaled(Vector3.ONE * thickness)
_commit_instance(mm, idx, transform, color)
func _add_sphere(position:Vector3, color:Color, size:=1.0) -> void:
var mm:MultiMesh = _mms["spheres"]
var idx := _add_instance_to(mm)
# var transform := mm.get_instance_transform(idx).orthonormalized()
var transform := Transform()
transform.origin = position
transform.basis = transform.basis.scaled(Vector3.ONE * size)
_commit_instance(mm, idx, transform, color)
func _add_circle():
# Public API
func clear() -> void:
# keep the real 'instance_count' up, to serve as a pool
for mm in _mms.values():
mm.visible_instance_count = 0
func line(a:Vector3, b:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
_add_line(a, b, color, thickness)
# points = contiguous Array[Vector3]
func polyline(points:Array, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
for i in range(1, points.size(), 1):
_add_line(points[i-1], points[i], color, thickness)
# lines = array of arrays: [a, b, color, thickness]
func bulk_lines(lines:Array) -> void:
for l in lines:
_add_line(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3])
# useful for drawing vectors as arrows, for example
func cone(position:Vector3, direction:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0) -> void:
_add_cone(position, direction, color, thickness)
# cones = array of arrays: [position, direction, color, thickness]
func bulk_cones(cones:Array) -> void:
for c in cones:
var tip = c[0]+c[1]
if c.size() > 3:
_add_cone(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3])
_add_cone(c[0], c[1], c[2])
func point(position:Vector3, color:Color, size:=1.0) -> void:
_add_sphere(position, color, size)
# points = contiguous Array[Vector3]
func points(points:Array, color:Color, size:=1.0) -> void:
for p in points:
_add_sphere(p, color, size)
# points = array of arrays: [position, color, size]
func bulk_points(points:Array) -> void:
for p in points:
if p.size() > 2: _add_sphere(p[0], p[1], p[2])
else: _add_sphere(p[0], p[1])
func circle(position:Vector3, radius:float, axis:Vector3, color:Color, thickness:=1.0):
var points := _create_circle_points(position, radius, axis, color)
polyline(points, color, thickness)
func bulk_circles(circles:Array) -> void:
for c in circles:
circle(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4])
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