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Last active March 15, 2024 04:30
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Simple Game of Life written in Odin
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
Screen :: struct {
img : rl.Image,
tex : rl.Texture2D,
pixels : [^]rl.Color,
SW :: 1280
SH :: 800
scale :: 4 // this is basically the size of a cell in pixels
GW :: SW/scale // grid dimensions
GH :: SH/scale
screen : Screen
paused := false
alive_color := rl.GREEN
dead_color := rl.Color{16, 10, 6, 255}
main :: proc() {
tracking_allocator : mem.Tracking_Allocator
mem.tracking_allocator_init(&tracking_allocator, context.allocator)
context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&tracking_allocator)
reset_tracking_allocator :: proc(a: ^mem.Tracking_Allocator) -> bool {
leaks := false
fmt.printf(" Memory leaks: \n\n")
for k, v in a.allocation_map {
leaks = true
fmt.printf("%v leaked %v bytes\n", v.location, v.size)
return leaks
rl.InitWindow(SW, SH, "odin/raylib test - game of life")
defer rl.CloseWindow()
main_loop: for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
defer free_all(context.temp_allocator)
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.SPACE) {
paused = !paused
fmt.println("paused", paused)
} else if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.R) {
if !paused do compute_generation()
rl.UpdateTexture(screen.tex, screen.pixels)
rl.DrawTextureEx(screen.tex, rl.Vector2{}, 0, f32(scale), rl.WHITE); // Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters
if reset_tracking_allocator(&tracking_allocator) {
// fmt.printf("press space to continue...")
// for rl.IsKeyPressed(.SPACE) == false {}
init_screen :: proc() {
// this must be initialized only after 'rl.InitWindow()' is called
img : rl.Image = rl.GenImageColor(i32(GW), i32(GH), rl.GREEN)
screen = {
img = img,
tex = rl.LoadTextureFromImage(img),
pixels = rl.LoadImageColors(img),
set_pixel :: proc(x, y:int, color:rl.Color) {
screen.pixels[x+y*GW] = color
clear_screen :: proc() {
for j in 0..<GH {
for i in 0..<GW {
screen.pixels[i+j*GW] = dead_color
Life stuff
Simplest life algorithm
- iterates the entire array to apply rules
- swaps borders to avoid checking bounds
- alternates between two boards to avoid slow copying
cells : [2][][]int
curr := 1
prev := 0
ALIVE :: 1
DEAD :: 0
life_init :: proc() {
s1 := make([][]int, GH)
s2 := make([][]int, GH)
for j in 0 ..<GH {
s1[j] = make([]int, GW)
s2[j] = make([]int, GW)
cells = [2][][]int{s1, s2}
// top and bottom rows are the same memory (required for wrapping around)
cells[0][GH-1] = cells[0][1]
cells[0][0] = cells[0][GH-2]
cells[1][GH-1] = cells[1][1]
cells[1][0] = cells[1][GH-2]
life_destroy :: proc() {
for j in 0 ..< GH {
inbounds :: proc(x, y:int) -> bool {
// keep in mind the 1 cell border all around
return x > 0 && x < GW-1 && y > 0 && y < GH-1
compute_generation :: proc() {
curr, prev = prev, curr
p := cells[prev]
c := cells[curr]
l, r, u, d:int
n:int // alive neighbor count
for j in 1..<GH-1 { // leave the borders out
u, d = j-1, j+1
for i in 1..<GW-1 {
l, r = i-1, i+1
n = ( // seems parentesis are needed for this ?!
+ p[u][i]
+ p[u][r]
+ p[j][l]
+ p[j][r]
+ p[d][l]
+ p[d][i]
+ p[d][r]
c[j][i] = (n==3 || (n==2 && p[j][i]==1)) ? ALIVE : DEAD
draw_grid :: proc() {
c := cells[curr]
for j in 1..<GH-1 {
cj := c[j]
for i in 1..<GW-1 {
if bool(cj[i]) do set_pixel(i, j, alive_color)
// TODO: add a way to turn this off without leaving a blank border
draw_border_cells :: proc() {
c := cells[curr]
for j in 0..<GH {
cj := c[j]
if bool(cj[0]) do set_pixel(0, j, rl.RED)
if bool(cj[GW-1]) do set_pixel(GW-1, j, rl.RED)
for i in 0..<GW {
if bool(c[0][i]) do set_pixel(i, 0, rl.RED)
if bool(c[GH-1][i]) do set_pixel(i, GH-1, rl.RED)
swap_borders :: proc() {
c := cells[curr]
for j in 0..<GH {
cj := c[j]
cj[ 0 ] = cj[GW-2]
cj[GW-1] = cj[ 1 ]
// no need to swap horizontal borders when using slices
// c[GH-1] = c[1]
// c[0] = c[GH-2]
randomize_cells :: proc() {
c := cells[curr]
for j in 1..<GH-1 {
for i in 1..<GW-1 {
alive := rl.GetRandomValue(0, 100) > 50
c[j][i] = alive ? ALIVE : DEAD
clear_grid :: proc() {
c := cells[curr]
for j in 1..<GH-1 {
for i in 1..<GW-1 {
c[j][i] = DEAD
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