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Last active December 17, 2019 11:06
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extends Node
class_name FOV_MRPAS
# TODO: static typing
var _circle_array := [] # to contain a mask to make fov rounded
var last_radius := 0 # to check if circle mask needs to be re-built
var map
func _clear_fov() -> void:
for j in range(map.h):
for i in range(map.w):
map.fovmap[j][i] = FOVData.HIDDEN
func _init(game_map) -> void:
map = game_map
for j in range(map.h):
for i in range(map.w):
# Helper Functions
# nc = no-bounds-check
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
func _is_opaque(x:int, y:int) -> bool:
# TODO: account for transparent tiles. Consider using a callback
# much like Rot.js, and to allow varying levels of visibility
return (x < 0 or x >= map.w or
y < 0 or y >= map.h or
map.tilemap[y][x] == MapData.ID_WALL)
func _is_opaque_nc(x:int, y:int) -> bool:
return map.tilemap[y][x] == MapData.ID_WALL
func _set_visible(x:int, y:int, enable:=true) -> void:
if x >= 0 and x < map.w and y >= 0 and y < map.h:
map.fovmap[y][x] = int(enable)
func _set_visible_nc(x:int, y:int, enable:=true) -> void:
map.fovmap[y][x] = int(enable)
func _is_visisble(x:int, y:int) -> bool:
return x >= 0 and x < map.w and y >= 0 and y < map.h \
and map.fovmap[y][x] == FOVData.VISIBLE
func _is_visisble_nc(x:int, y:int) -> bool:
return map.fovmap[y][x] == FOVData.VISIBLE
# Filled Mid-point Circle
func _make_fov_circle_mask(radius:int) -> void:
var size:int = radius * 2 +1
var cx:int = radius
var cy:int = radius
var err:int = -radius
var x:int = radius
var y:int = 0
for j in range(size):
for i in range(size):
while x >= y:
var last_y = y
err += y
y += 1
err += y
_make_lines(cx, cy, x, last_y, size)
if err >= 0:
if x != last_y:
_make_lines(cx, cy, last_y, x, size)
err -= x
x -= 1
err -= x
func _apply_fov_circle_mask(pos:Vector2, radius:int) -> void:
var size:int = radius * 2 + 1
for j in range(size):
for i in range(size):
var x = (pos.x + i - radius)
var y = (pos.y + j - radius)
if _circle_array[j][i] == FOVData.HIDDEN:
if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < map.w and y < map.h:
_set_visible_nc(x, y, false)
func _make_lines(cx:int, cy:int, x:int, y:int, size:int) -> void:
_line(cx-x, cy+y, cx+x, size)
if y != 0:
_line(cx-x, cy-y, cx+x, size)
func _line(x0:int, y0:int, x1:int, size:int) -> void:
for x in range(x0, x1):
_put_pixel(x, y0, size)
func _put_pixel(x:int, y:int, size:int) -> void:
if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < size and y < size:
_circle_array[y][x] = FOVData.VISIBLE
# Restrictive Precise Angle Shadowcasting (from js)
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Works perfectly, as far as I can tell.
# Ported from:
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
func calc_fov(pos:Vector2, radius:int=data.fov_radius) -> void:
_set_visible_nc(pos.x, pos.y, true) #player can see himself
#compute the 4 quadrants of the map
_mrpas_js_compute_quadrant(pos, radius, 1, 1)
_mrpas_js_compute_quadrant(pos, radius, 1, -1)
_mrpas_js_compute_quadrant(pos, radius, -1, 1)
_mrpas_js_compute_quadrant(pos, radius, -1, -1)
if radius != last_radius:
_apply_fov_circle_mask(pos, radius)
last_radius = radius
func _mrpas_js_compute_quadrant(position, maxRadius, dx, dy):
var start_angle = []
var end_angle = []
for i in range(100):
# octant: vertical edge:
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
var iteration = 1
var done = false
var totalObstacles = 0
var obstaclesInLastLine = 0
var minAngle = 0.0
var x = 0
var y = position.y + dy
var slopesPerCell; var halfSlopes; var processedCell
var minx; var maxx; var miny; var maxy; var pos; var visible; var idx
var startSlope; var centerSlope; var endSlope
if y < 0 or y >= map.h: done = true
while not done:
#process cells in the line
slopesPerCell = 1.0 / (iteration + 1)
halfSlopes = slopesPerCell * 0.5
processedCell = int(minAngle / slopesPerCell)
minx = max( 0, position.x - iteration)
maxx = min(map.w - 1, position.x + iteration)
done = true
x = position.x + (processedCell * dx)
while x >= minx and x <= maxx:
pos = Vector2(x, y)
visible = true
startSlope = processedCell * slopesPerCell
centerSlope = startSlope + halfSlopes
endSlope = startSlope + slopesPerCell
if obstaclesInLastLine > 0 and not _is_visisble_nc(x, y):
idx = 0
while visible and idx < obstaclesInLastLine:
if not _is_opaque_nc(x, y):
if centerSlope > start_angle[idx] \
and centerSlope < end_angle[idx]:
visible = false
elif startSlope >= start_angle[idx] \
and endSlope <= end_angle[idx]:
visible = false
if visible \
and ( not _is_visisble_nc(x, y-dy)
or _is_opaque_nc(x, y-dy) ) \
and ( x-dx >= 0 and x-dx < map.w
and ( not _is_visisble_nc(x-dx, y-dy)
or _is_opaque_nc(x-dx, y-dy) )):
visible = false
idx += 1
if visible:
_set_visible_nc(x, y)
done = false
#if the cell is opaque, block the adjacent slopes
if _is_opaque_nc(x, y):
if minAngle >= startSlope:
minAngle = endSlope
start_angle[totalObstacles] = startSlope
end_angle[totalObstacles] = endSlope
totalObstacles += 1
processedCell += 1
x += dx
if iteration == maxRadius: done = true
iteration += 1
obstaclesInLastLine = totalObstacles
y += dy
if y < 0 or y >= map.h: done = true
if minAngle == 1.0: done = true
# octant: horizontal edge
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
iteration = 1 # iteration of the algo for this octant
done = false
totalObstacles = 0
obstaclesInLastLine = 0
minAngle = 0.0
x = position.x + dx # the outer slope's coordinates (first processed line)
y = 0
slopesPerCell=0; halfSlopes=0; processedCell = 0
minx=0; maxx=0; miny=0; maxy=0; pos=Vector2(); visible=false; idx =0
startSlope=0; centerSlope=0; endSlope=0
if x < 0 or x >= map.w: done = true
while not done:
# process cells in the line
slopesPerCell = 1.0 / (iteration + 1)
halfSlopes = slopesPerCell * 0.5
processedCell = int(minAngle / slopesPerCell)
miny = max( 0, position.y - iteration)
maxy = min(map.h - 1, position.y + iteration)
done = true
y = position.y + (processedCell * dy)
while y >= miny and y <= maxy:
pos = Vector2(x, y)
visible = true
startSlope = (processedCell * slopesPerCell)
centerSlope = startSlope + halfSlopes
endSlope = startSlope + slopesPerCell
if obstaclesInLastLine > 0 and not _is_visisble_nc(x, y):
idx = 0
while visible and idx < obstaclesInLastLine:
if not _is_opaque_nc(x, y):
if centerSlope > start_angle[idx] \
and centerSlope < end_angle[idx]:
visible = false
elif startSlope >= start_angle[idx] \
and endSlope <= end_angle[idx]:
visible = false
if visible \
and ( not _is_visisble_nc(x-dx, y)
or _is_opaque_nc(x-dx, y) ) \
and ( y-dy >= 0 and y-dy < map.h
and ( not _is_visisble_nc(x-dx, y-dy)
or _is_opaque_nc(x-dx, y-dy) )):
visible = false
idx += 1
if visible:
_set_visible_nc(x, y)
done = false
#if the cell is opaque, block the adjacent slopes
if _is_opaque_nc(x, y):
if minAngle >= startSlope:
minAngle = endSlope
start_angle[totalObstacles] = startSlope
end_angle[totalObstacles] = endSlope
totalObstacles += 1
processedCell += 1
y += dy
if iteration == maxRadius: done = true
iteration += 1
obstaclesInLastLine = totalObstacles
x += dx
if x < 0 or x >= map.w: done = true
if minAngle == 1.0: done = true
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