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Last active October 12, 2020 23:01
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Properties for Python Classes. Supports get and set.
To use simply copy ClassPropertyMeta and classproperty into your project
class ClassPropertyMeta(type):
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
obj = self.__dict__.get(key, None)
if type(obj) is classproperty:
return obj.__set__(self, value)
return super().__setattr__(key, value)
class classproperty(object):
Similar to @property but used on classes instead of instances.
The only caveat being that your class must use the
classproperty.meta metaclass.
Class properties will still work on class instances unless the
class instance has overidden the class default. This is no different
than how class instances normally work.
Derived from:
class Z(object, metaclass=classproperty.meta):
def foo(cls):
return 123
_bar = None
def bar(cls):
return cls._bar
def bar(cls, value):
return cls_bar = value # 123 # None = 222 # 222
meta = ClassPropertyMeta
def __init__(self, fget, fset=None):
self.fget = self._fix_function(fget)
self.fset = None if fset is None else self._fix_function(fset)
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if not issubclass(type(owner), ClassPropertyMeta):
raise TypeError(
f"Class {owner} does not extend from the required "
f"ClassPropertyMeta metaclass"
return self.fget.__get__(None, owner)()
def __set__(self, owner, value):
if not self.fset:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
if type(owner) is not ClassPropertyMeta:
owner = type(owner)
return self.fset.__get__(None, owner)(value)
def setter(self, fset):
self.fset = self._fix_function(fset)
return self
_fn_types = (type(__init__), classmethod, staticmethod)
def _fix_function(cls, fn):
if not isinstance(fn, cls._fn_types):
raise TypeError("Getter or setter must be a function")
# Always wrap in classmethod so we can call its __get__ and not
# have to deal with difference between raw functions.
if not isinstance(fn, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
return classmethod(fn)
return fn
# ---------------- TESTS ----------------
import unittest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, sentinel
class TestClassProperty(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_set(self):
get_only_cls = MagicMock()
get_set_get_cls = MagicMock()
get_set_set_cls = MagicMock()
class Z(object, metaclass=classproperty.meta):
_get_set = sentinel.nothing
def get_only(cls):
return sentinel.get_only
def get_set(cls):
return cls._get_set
def get_set(cls, value):
cls._get_set = value
for c, msg in [(Z, "class"), (Z(), "instance")]:
with self.subTest(msg=msg):
# Reset
Z._get_set = sentinel.nothing
# Test get_only
self.assertEqual(sentinel.get_only, c.get_only)
# Should return our initial "nothing" value
self.assertEqual(sentinel.nothing, c.get_set)
# Now test the set
c.get_set = sentinel.get_set_val
self.assertEqual(sentinel.get_set_val, c.get_set)
def test_read_only(self):
class Z(object, metaclass=classproperty.meta):
_get_set = sentinel.nothing
def get_only(cls):
return sentinel.get_only
self.assertEqual(sentinel.get_only, Z.get_only)
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
Z.get_only = 123
def test_proper_metaclass(self):
class Z(object):
_get_set = sentinel.nothing
def get_only(cls):
return sentinel.get_only
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
self.assertEqual("should not resolve", Z.get_only)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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How would you allow sub classes to propagate share changes with super classes?

For instance here is an example:

`class A(object, metaclass=classproperty.meta):
_val = 0
def val(cls):
super_class = cls.mro()[1]
if not == 'object':
return super_class.val
return cls._val
def val(cls, value):
super_class = cls.mro()[1]
if not == 'object':
super_class.val = value
cls._val = value

class B(A):

The above would work as a getter and setter class method but when set using your technique, with the @classproperty, when settings a subclasses property the method is overwritten instead

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@devopsec I've been meaning to respond to you, I just haven't had a free second.

There is undoubtedly a reason we don't get native classproperties. I haven't had a chance to look into what you're reporting but I plan to very soon.

This classproperty is an evolution of what I used to do and that's to create static non-data descriptors. You could rig up a non-data descriptor to always return the value of a static function (similar to this example: and just overwrite that function as you update the value.

CLEARLY not as nice, but might work. Again, untested, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. I'll get back to this.

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