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Last active November 15, 2022 17:21
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Files for the PL presentation on (free) monads
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-19.30
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, InstanceSigs, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving, UnicodeSyntax, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
data Product f g a = Pair { fstP ∷ f a, sndP ∷ g a }
instance (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (Product f g) where
fmap f (Pair x y) = Pair (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) ⇒ Applicative (Product f g) where
pure a = Pair (pure a) (pure a)
Pair f g <*> Pair x y = Pair (f <*> x) (g <*> y)
instance (Monad f, Monad g) ⇒ Monad (Product f g) where
Pair m n >>= k = Pair (m >>= fstP . k) (n >>= sndP . k)
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose ∷ f (g a) }
deriving Eq
instance (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (Compose f g) where
fmap f (Compose x) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) x)
-- f ∷ a → b
-- fmap f ∷ f a → f b
-- fmap (fmap f) ∷ g (f a) → g (f b)
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) ⇒ Applicative (Compose f g) where
pure a = Compose (pure (pure a))
Compose f <*> Compose x = Compose (liftA2 (<*>) f x)
-- data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
-- data Proxy a = Proxy
-- Counterexample for Monads:
bindC ∷ (m ~ Compose Maybe Proxy) ⇒ m a → (a → m b) → m b
bindC (Compose (Just Proxy)) k = Compose (Just Proxy)
bindC (Compose Nothing) k = Compose Nothing
kC ∷ (m ~ Compose Maybe Proxy) ⇒ Bool → m Int
kC True = Compose (Just Proxy)
kC False = Compose Nothing
lawC ∷ Bool
lawC = (pure True `bindC` kC) == kC True
&& (pure False `bindC` kC) == kC False
-- pure x == Compose (Just Proxy)
-- pure x >>= k = ⟨something that doesn't depend on x⟩
-- ≠ k x
data Sum f g a = InL (f a) | InR (g a)
instance (Functor f, Functor g) ⇒ Functor (Sum f g) where
fmap f (InL x) = InL (fmap f x)
fmap f (InR x) = InR (fmap f x)
-- Sum of Applicatives is not always an Applicative
-- Monad instance for Compose
class Distributive f g where
dist ∷ f (g a) → g (f a)
-- f (g (f (g a))) -> f (g a)
instance (Monad f, Monad g, Distributive g f) ⇒ Monad (Compose f g) where
Compose x >>= k = Compose $ join $ fmap (fmap join . dist . fmap (getCompose . k)) x
-- Note:
-- (∀ f. Functor f ⇒ Distributive f g) ⇒ (∃ x. (g a) ≃ (x → a))
main ∷ IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, world!"
putStrLn $ "lawC = " ++ show lawC
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-19.30
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, StandaloneDeriving, UnicodeSyntax, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Main where
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Control.Monad (ap)
-- A Monoid m has:
-- A unit ε : 1 → m
-- Binary operator + : m × m → m
-- Associativity : ∀ a b c. a + (b + c) ≌ (a + b) + c
-- Left identity : ∀ a. ε + a ≌ a
-- Right identity : ∀ a. a + ε ≌ a
-- Here,
-- ≌ : the notion of equality
-- → : morphisms
-- × : the notion of product
-- 1 : the product identity
-- The category of endofunctors:
-- f → g := ∀ a. f a → g a
-- f × g := Compose f g (λ a. f (g a))
-- 1 := Identity (λ a. a)
-- So a Monoid in the category of endofunctors has:
-- A unit ε : 1 → m
-- ≃ ∀ a. a → m a
-- Binary operator + : m × m → m
-- ≃ ∀ a. m (m a) → m a
data Free f a
= Pure a
| Impure (f (Free f a))
deriving instance (Show a, Show (f (Free f a))) ⇒ Show (Free f a)
deriving instance (Eq a, Eq (f (Free f a))) ⇒ Eq (Free f a)
instance Functor f ⇒ Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
fmap f (Impure m) = Impure (fmap (fmap f) m)
instance Functor f ⇒ Applicative (Free f) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor f ⇒ Monad (Free f) where
Pure a >>= k = k a
Impure m >>= k = Impure (fmap (>>= k) m)
lift ∷ Functor f ⇒ f a → Free f a
lift x = Impure (fmap pure x)
ex1, ex2 ∷ Free Identity [Int]
(ex1, ex2) = (foo >>= \x → bar x >>= baz, (foo >>= bar) >>= baz)
foo = Impure (Identity (Pure [1]))
bar x = Impure (Identity (Pure (x ++ [2])))
baz x = Impure (Identity (Pure (x ++ [3])))
main ∷ IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Free Monad example"
putStrLn $ "ex1 = " ++ show ex1
putStrLn $ "ex2 = " ++ show ex2
putStrLn $ "ex1 == ex2 = " ++ show (ex1 == ex2)
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-19.30
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Main where
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
-- A "Free Structure" is a mapping from a type to another type s.t.
-- * The new type satisfies the given structure
-- * There is an injection from the original type into the new type
-- "The Free Structure" satisfies the above where
-- * For every other free structure, there is an injection into it
-- (Universal Property)
-- Implement the minimum requirements of a magma for any type
-- * there is a binary operator
data FreeMagma a
= Single a
| Plus (FreeMagma a) (FreeMagma a)
deriving Eq
instance Show a ⇒ Show (FreeMagma a) where
show (Single a) = show a
show (Plus a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ " + " ++ show b ++ ")"
-- Note: FreeMagma's binary operator is not associative
ex1, ex2 ∷ FreeMagma Int
(ex1, ex2) = (foo `Plus` (bar `Plus` baz), (foo `Plus` bar) `Plus` baz)
foo = Single 1
bar = Single 2
baz = Single 3
-- Implements the minimum requirements of a semigroup for any type
-- * there is a binary operator
-- * the binary operator is associative
type FreeSemigroup = NE.NonEmpty
ex3, ex4 ∷ FreeSemigroup Int
(ex3, ex4) = (foo <> (bar <> baz), (foo <> bar) <> baz)
foo = NE.singleton 1
bar = NE.singleton 2
baz = NE.singleton 3
-- Implements the minimum requirements of a monoid for any type
-- * there is a binary operator
-- * there is a zero element
-- * the binary operator is associative
-- * the zero element is the left and right identity of the binary operator
type FreeMonoid = []
ex5, ex6 ∷ FreeMonoid Int
(ex5, ex6) = (empty <> (foo <> (bar <> baz)), ((foo <> bar) <> baz) <> empty)
foo = [1]
bar = [2]
baz = [3]
empty = []
main ∷ IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Free Magma examples"
putStrLn $ "ex1 = 1 + (2 + 3) = " ++ show ex1
putStrLn $ "ex2 = (1 + 2) + 3 = " ++ show ex2
putStrLn $ "ex1 == ex2 = " ++ show (ex1 == ex2)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Free Semigroup examples"
putStrLn $ "ex3 = 1 + (2 + 3) = " ++ show (NE.toList ex3)
putStrLn $ "ex4 = (1 + 2) + 3 = " ++ show (NE.toList ex4)
putStrLn $ "ex3 == ex4 = " ++ show (ex3 == ex4)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Free Monoid examples"
putStrLn $ "ex5 = ∅ + (1 + (2 + 3)) = " ++ show ex5
putStrLn $ "ex6 = ((1 + 2) + 3) + ∅ = " ++ show ex6
putStrLn $ "ex5 == ex6 = " ++ show (ex5 == ex6)
putStrLn ""
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-19.30
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving, UnicodeSyntax, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (read)
import Control.Monad.Free (Free (..), liftF)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
-- type Teletype1 a = WriterT String (Reader String) a
data Teletype a
= Write String a
| Read (String → a)
deriving Functor
write ∷ String → Free Teletype ()
write str = liftF (Write str ())
read ∷ Free Teletype String
read = liftF (Read id)
echoServer ∷ Free Teletype ()
echoServer = do
msg ← read
case msg of
"" → pure ()
"quit" → pure ()
_ → do
write msg
interpretIO ∷ Free Teletype a → IO a
interpretIO m =
case m of
Pure a → pure a
Free (Write msg k) → do
putStrLn msg
interpretIO k
Free (Read k) → do
line ← getLine
interpretIO (k line)
interpretList ∷ Free Teletype a → [String] → (a, [String])
interpretList m input = go m input []
go ∷ Free Teletype a → [String] → [String] → (a, [String])
go m input output =
case m of
Pure a → (a, reverse output)
Free (Write msg k) → go k input (msg : output)
Free (Read k) →
case input of
[] → go (k "") [] output
x : xs → go (k x) xs output
interpretIOLimit ∷ Free Teletype () → Int → IO (Maybe (Free Teletype ()))
interpretIOLimit m 0 = do
putStrLn "Limit reached!"
pure (Just m)
interpretIOLimit m n =
case m of
Pure () → pure Nothing
Free (Write msg k) → do
putStrLn msg
interpretIOLimit k (n - 1)
Free (Read k) → do
line ← getLine
interpretIOLimit (k line) (n - 1)
main ∷ IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Starting echo server..."
-- print $ interpretList echoServer ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
-- interpretIO echoServer
-- rest ← interpretIOLimit echoServer 5
-- case rest of
-- Nothing → pure ()
-- Just rest → do
-- putStrLn "Continue?"
-- resp ← getLine
-- case resp of
-- 'y' : _ → interpretIO rest
-- _ → pure ()
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