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Last active February 28, 2021 09:31
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  • Save Skyb0rg007/cf194d66f7e944e5c8a1a58c816609b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Skyb0rg007/cf194d66f7e944e5c8a1a58c816609b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(import (scheme base)
(only (scheme write) display)
(only (srfi 18) make-thread thread-start! thread-join!))
;; Helpers
(define-syntax for
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (i start end) body ...)
(do ((i start (+ i 1)))
((= i end))
body ...))))
(define (println . args)
(for-each display args)
(define num-iterations 10)
(define num-threads 2)
(define threads (make-vector num-threads #f))
(define mappings (make-vector num-threads #f))
(define (race-thread i)
(lambda ()
(define mapping (make-vector num-iterations))
(for (n 0 num-iterations)
(define sym (string->symbol (string-append "sym" (number->string n))))
(vector-set! mapping n sym))
(vector-set! mappings i mapping))))
;; Run each thread
(for (i 0 num-threads)
(vector-set! threads i (race-thread i)))
(for (i 0 num-threads)
(thread-start! (vector-ref threads i)))
(for (i 0 num-threads)
(thread-join! (vector-ref threads i)))
;; Check for the race condition firing
(define a #f)
(define b #f)
(lambda (return)
(for (i 0 num-iterations)
(define syms (make-vector num-threads #f))
(for (j 0 num-threads)
(vector-set! syms j (vector-ref (vector-ref mappings j) i)))
(when (not (apply eq? (vector->list syms)))
(set! a (vector-ref syms 0))
(set! b (vector-ref syms 1))
(display "Race condition did not occur, try again")
(exit 1)))
;; The big reveal
(println "(symbol? " a ") == " (symbol? a))
(println "(symbol? " b ") == " (symbol? b))
(println "(string=? (symbol->string " a ") (symbol->string " b ")) == " (string=? (symbol->string a) (symbol->string b)))
(println "(eq? " a " " b ") == " (eq? a b))
(println "(eqv? " a " " b ") == " (eqv? a b))
(symbol? sym0) == #t
(symbol? sym0) == #t
(string=? (symbol->string sym0) (symbol->string sym0)) == #t
(eq? sym0 sym0) == #f
(eqv? sym0 sym0) == #f
/* Here is an excerpt from the Scheme implementation I'm writing now.
* It passes the above test (when ported to C)
static ck_hs_t symbol_table;
static pthread_mutex_t symbol_table_lock;
static unsigned long sym_hash(const void *, unsigned long);
static bool sym_eq(const void *, const void *);
vm_object *vm_symbol_create(const char *name, int len)
vm_symbol tmp, *sym;
char *copy;
unsigned long h;
bool inserted;
bool attempted = false;
/* Create a stack-allocated symbol for lookup */
tmp.header.tag = VM_OBJECT_TAG_SYMBOL;
tmp.desc = name;
tmp.len = len;
h = CK_HS_HASH(&symbol_table, sym_hash, &tmp);
sym = ck_hs_get(&symbol_table, h, &tmp);
if (sym) {
return (vm_object *)sym;
/* This means we found a symbol that matches, then couldn't find it the second time. */
if (attempted) {
fprintf(stderr, "Symbol table is in invalid state: this shouldn't happen\n");
/* Turn the temp symbol into a heap-allocated one, moving to sym */
copy = malloc(len + 1);
memcpy(copy, name, len);
copy[len] = '\0';
tmp.desc = copy;
sym = malloc(sizeof(vm_symbol));
memcpy(sym, &tmp, sizeof(vm_symbol));
/* Insert the symbol. We need the writer lock since only one thread can write. */
inserted = ck_hs_put(&symbol_table, h, sym);
if (!inserted) {
/* Another thread must have created the symbol
* between the first lookup and grabbing the lock.
* Retry (lookup should succeed now) */
attempted = true;
goto retry;
return (vm_object *)sym;
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