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Last active September 7, 2020 14:59
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Linux administration: Lab_1
# 1 Create the "test" directory if it doesnt already exist
if [ ! -d ~/test ]; then mkdir ~/test; fi
# 2 Write the list of all sub-files and folders of /etc
ls -a -g /etc > ~/test/list
# 3 Show the number of folders in /etc
echo "directories: $(grep -c -e "^d" ~/test/list)" >> ~/test/list
# 3 Show the number of files in /etc
echo "files: $(grep -c -v "^d" ~/test/list)" >> ~/test/list
# 4 Create the "links" directory inside of "test"
if [ ! -d ~/test/links ]; then mkdir ~/test/links; fi
# 5 Create a hard-link to "list" as "list_hlink" inside ~/test/list
if [ -e ~/test/links/list_hlink ]; then
rm ~/test/links/list_hlink;
ln ~/test/list ~/test/links/list_hlink;
# 6 Create a symbolic link to "list" as "list_slink" inside ~/test/list
if [ ! -e ~/test/links/list_slink ]; then
ln -s ~/test/list ~/test/links/list_slink;
# 7 Display the info about number of hard links to all three files
echo "Hard links to ~/test/list: "
find ~/test/ -inum $(ls -i ~/test/list | awk '{print $1}')
echo "" && echo "Hard links to ~/test/links/list_hlink: "
find ~/test/ -inum $(ls -i ~/test/links/list_hlink | awk '{print $1}')
echo "" && echo "Hard links to ~/test/links/list_slink: "
find ~/test/ -inum $(ls -i ~/test/links/list_slink | awk '{print $1}')
# 8 Write num of lines of list to the end of list_hlink
wc -l ~/test/list | awk '{print $1}'>> ~/test/links/list_hlink
# 9 Compare ~/test/list and ~/test/links/list_hlink, print YES if equal
echo ""
if diff -N ~/test/links/list_hlink ~/test/links/list_slink >/dev/null ; then
echo "YES_1";
# 10 Rename list into list1
mv ~/test/list ~/test/list1
# 11 Compare ~/test/list and ~/test/links/list_hlink, print YES if equal
if diff -N ~/test/links/list_hlink ~/test/links/list_slink >/dev/null ; then
echo "YES_2";
# 12 Creating a hard link to "links" directory inside ~/ is impossible
echo ""
ln -F ~/test/links ~/links
# 12 So I mounted it instead
if [ ! -d ~/links ]; then mkdir ~/links; fi
sudo mount -o bind ~/test/links ~/links
# 12 Dont forget to umount it after usage!!!
sudo umount ~/links
# 13 Create a "list_conf" file with all .conf files from /etc
sudo ls -la /etc | grep -e "\.conf$" > ~/list_conf
# 14 Create a "list_d" file containing all sub-folders from all /etc/*.d folders
sudo ls -lda /etc/*.d/* | grep -e "^d" > ~/list_d
# 15 Create a "list_conf_d" file with all info from "list_conf" and "list_d"
cat ~/list_conf ~/list_d > ~/list_conf_d
# 16 Create a hidden folder "sub" inside ~/test
if [ ! -d ~/test/.sub ]; then
mkdir ~/test/.sub;
# 17 Copy "list_conf_d" into ~/test/.sub
cp ~/list_conf_d ~/test/.sub/
# 18 Copy "list_conf_d" into ~/test/.sub again creating a backup if exist
cp -b ~/list_conf_d ~/test/.sub/
# 19 Show the entire structure of ~/test
echo ""
ls -Ral ~/test
# 20 Create "man.txt" in ~/ containing the documentation for man
man man > ~/man.txt
# 21 Split "man.txt" by 1000 Bytes
split ~/man.txt -b 1000
# 22 Create a "man.dir" folder inside the ~/test
if [ ! -d ~/test/man.dir ]; then
mkdir ~/test/man.dir;
# 23 Move all the shards of splitted "man.txt" into ~/test/man.dir
mv x[a-z][a-z] ~/test/man.dir
# 24 Assemble all files within ~/test/man.dir back into "man.txt"
if [ -e ~/test/man.dir/man.txt ]; then
rm ~/test/man.dir/man.txt;
cat ~/test/man.dir/x[a-z][a-z] > ~/test/man.dir/man.txt
# 25 Compare "man.txt" within ~/ and ~/test/man.dir, show YES if equal
echo ""
if diff ~/man.txt ~/test/man.dir/man.txt >/dev/null; then
echo "YES_3";
# 26 Add multiple random lines to the beginning and the end of ~/man.txt
echo "ghrgh ht hrtn\n rndn dn\nn erns zde\n$(cat ~/man.txt)" > ~/man.txt
echo "gerhg rjsgerg\neakjebkqjblzv' 'dhe;lrrr\n" >> ~/man.txt
# 27 Get the difference of both of man.txt ready to patch
diff -u ~/test/man.dir/man.txt ~/man.txt > diff.patch
# 28 Move patch file into man.dir
mv diff.patch ~/test/man.dir/
# 29 Patch the ~/test/man.dir/man.txt file
echo ""
patch -u <~/test/man.dir/diff.patch ~/test/man.dir/man.txt
# 30 Compare "man.txt" within ~/ and ~/test/man.dir, show YES if equal
echo ""
if diff -N ~/man.txt ~/test/man.dir/man.txt > /dev/null; then
echo "YES_4";
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