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Last active August 26, 2022 13:51
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fun DraggableCardComplex(
card: CardModel,
isRevealed: Boolean,
cardOffset: Float,
onExpand: () -> Unit,
onCollapse: () -> Unit,
) {
val offsetX by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
val transitionState = remember {
MutableTransitionState(isRevealed).apply {
targetState = !isRevealed
val transition = updateTransition(transitionState)
val offsetTransition by transition.animateFloat(
label = "cardOffsetTransition",
transitionSpec = { tween(durationMillis = ANIMATION_DURATION) },
targetValueByState = { if (isRevealed) cardOffset - offsetX else -offsetX },
modifier = Modifier
.offset { IntOffset((offsetX + offsetTransition).roundToInt(), 0) }
.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectHorizontalDragGestures { change, dragAmount ->
content = { CardTitle(cardTitle = card.title) }
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