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Last active March 24, 2016 00:36
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Save SkyzohKey/c19bafa25813fc43b30c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PandaLogger - A simple PandaJS plugin that brings basic logger features into the game scope.


PandaLogger is a plugin for Panda.js that brings basic logger features into the game scope. To learn more about this plugin, read the following samples.


In order to install PandaLogger, simply copy this file into your <project_root>/src/plugins folder. That's all ! You'll then have to require it whenever you want to use it in your code. (see samples)


LogType's allowed with PandaLogger

Here's a table that show you what LogType each log method uses.

IMPORTANT: U should NEVER use UNKNOWN, it's here just for cases where the LogType is invalid.

Log method LogType Indice
info() INFO 0
warn() WARNING 1
error() ERROR 2
fatal() FATAL 3
debug() DEBUG 4


Basic usage

In this first sample, I'll show you the way I think right to handle the desired logLevel ; The awesome config.js file!

File config.js:

pandaConfig = {
  system: {
    width: 800,
    height: 400
  logger: {
    logLevel: "DEBUG"

game.config = pandaConfig;

File main.js:

).body(function () {
  init: function () {
    game.logger.debug("This is a debug message");"This is an information message");
    game.logger.warn("This is a warning message");
    game.logger.error("This is an error message");
    game.logger.fatal("This is a fatal error messages");
* @name PandaLogger
* @summary A simple PandaJS plugin that brings basic logger features into the game scope.
* @author SkyzohKey
* @version 0.0.2
* @module plugins.logger
.body(function() {
* Polyfill for the String.format method
* It's taken from what Stackoverflow uses ;)
String.prototype.format = function() {
var str = String(this).toString();
if (!arguments.length)
return str;
var args = typeof arguments[0],
args = (("string" == args || "number" == args) ? arguments : arguments[0]);
for (var arg in args)
str = str.replace(RegExp("\\{" + arg + "\\}", "gi"), args[arg]);
return str;
game.createClass("Logger", {
* The plugin version, defined at commiting stage.
* @property {String} VERSION
VERSION: "0.0.2",
* The logLevel selected by the plugin in the staticInit method.
* @private
logLevel: null,
* Indicate wether we are in debug mode or not. Used to display plugin infos.
* @private
isDebugMode: false,
* Static initialization of the Logger.
* @method staticInit
* @constructor
staticInit: function () {
* Basically we'll first search for `game.config.logger.logLevel`, else
* we'll determine if we have a `logLevel` variable defined into `game` else
* we fallback to `LogType.DEBUG` that'll print everything it receives.
var logLevel = null;
if (game.config.logger.logLevel != undefined) {
logLevel = game.config.logger.logLevel;
} else if (game.logLevel != undefined) {
logLevel = game.logLevel;
} else {
logLevel = game.LogType.DEBUG;
if (typeof logLevel === "string") { // If defined as a String
this.logLevel = this._Str2LogType(logLevel);
} else if (typeof logLevel === "number") { // If defined as a Number (indice from the Enum)
this.logLevel = this._Number2LogType(logLevel);
} else if (typeof logLevel === "object") { // If defined as a LogType
this.logLevel = logLevel;
} else {
this.fatal("Logger.logLevel must be a LogType, a Number or a String.");
// Get the URL of the page and check it if matches "?debug".
var href = document.location.href.toLowerCase();
if (href.match(/\?debug/)) {
this.isDebugMode = true;
// This permits us to do tests, you can ofc remove it. ;)
if (this.isDebugMode) {
this.debug("Initializing PandaLogger {version}...".format({ version: this.VERSION })); ("Log level set to {level}".format({ level: this._LogType2Str(this.logLevel) }));
return true; // Avoid `init()` to be called.
* Method that convert a String to a LogType
* @method _Str2LogType
* @private
* @param {String} type
* @return {LogType}
_Str2LogType: function (type) {
// A basic switch, do I really need to explain ?
switch (type) {
case "DEBUG":
return game.LogType.DEBUG;
case "INFO ":
return game.LogType.INFO;
case "WARN ":
return game.LogType.WARN;
case "ERROR":
return game.LogType.ERROR;
case "FATAL":
return game.LogType.FATAL;
return "UNKNOWN";
* Method that convert a LogType to a String
* @method _logType2Str
* @private
* @param {LogType} type
* @return {String}
_LogType2Str: function (type) {
// A basic switch, do I really need to explain ?
switch (type) {
case game.LogType.DEBUG:
return "DEBUG";
case game.LogType.INFO:
return "INFO ";
case game.LogType.WARNING:
return "WARN ";
case game.LogType.ERROR:
return "ERROR";
case game.LogType.FATAL:
return "FATAL";
return "UNKNOWN";
* Method that convert a Number to a LogType
* The number should correspond to one of the indices from
* the LogType enum.
* @method _Str2LogType
* @private
* @param {Number} type
* @return {LogType}
_Number2LogType: function (type) {
// A basic switch, do I really need to explain ?
switch (type) {
case 0:
return game.LogType.INFO;
case 1:
return game.LogType.WARN;
case 2:
return game.LogType.ERROR;
case 3:
return game.LogType.FATAL;
case 4:
return game.LogType.DEBUG;
return game.LogType.UNKNOWN;
* Principal method that handle all the logging logic.
* @method log
* @param {LogType} type
* @param {String} message
log: function (type, message) {
// We don't want unknown messages, or even empty messages.
if (type == game.LogType.UNKNOWN || message.replace(' ', '') == "") {
// We don't want to display messages that are lower than the logLevel.
if (type > this.logLevel) {
// Convert the LogType to string and format the output string.
var typeStr = this._LogType2Str(type);
var strToPrint = "[{type}] {message}".format({ type: typeStr, message: message });
// The dark magic behind this project ; console.log() !
* Shortcut functions.
* Avoid the need to call this.log and passing a game.LogType.
* Debug Shortcut
* @method debug
* @param {String} message
debug: function (message) {
this.log(game.LogType.DEBUG, message);
* Info Shortcut
* @method info
* @param {String} message
info: function (message) {
this.log(game.LogType.INFO, message);
* Warning Shortcut
* @method warn
* @param {String} message
warn: function (message) {
this.log(game.LogType.WARNING, message);
* Error Shortcut
* @method error
* @param {String} message
error: function (message) {
this.log(game.LogType.ERROR, message);
* Fatal error Shortcut
* @method fatal
* @param {String} message
fatal: function (message) {
this.log(game.LogType.FATAL, message);
* The LogType "Enum".
game.LogType = {
"UNKNOWN" : -1, // This should never be used.
"INFO" : 0,
"WARNING" : 1,
"ERROR" : 2,
"FATAL" : 3,
"DEBUG" : 4,
* Here's our `game.logger` object that is in fact a game.Logger instance
* shared accross the game module.
game.logger = new game.Logger();
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