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Created January 19, 2023 21:23
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Recursively navigates into nested collections inside `collection` by following a sequence of properties `pathArray`, executing any methods along the way, and returning the first `undefined` encountered.
* Recursively navigates into nested collections inside `collection` by
* following a sequence of properties `pathArray`, executing any methods
* along the way, and returning the first `undefined` encountered.
* @param {any} collection - The collection to traverse.
* @param {Array<string|number|function()>} pathArray - A sequence of
* property names, indexes, or functions to traverse into the `collection`.
* @returns {any|undefined} The final value found,
* otherwise the first `undefined` encountered.
* @example
* const largeViewModelObject = {
* knockoutObservable: {
* GetSomeValue() { return [1, 2, 3] }
* }
* }
* getByPath(largeViewModelObject, ["knockoutObservable", "GetSomeValue", 2]);
* // returns 3
const getByPath = (collection, pathArray) => {
const [prop, ...leftoverProps] = pathArray;
const value = collection[prop];
return leftoverProps.length == 0
? value
: getByPath(
value instanceof Function ? collection[prop]() : value,
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