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Last active January 5, 2018 16:40
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Fetch crypto prices using cryptocompare api (includes retries and caching)
// #loljavascript
var settings = {
cacheExpiresSec: 10,
extraParams: "&extraParams=your-id-here", // enter your id here
retry: {
factor: 2,
max: 5,
maxRetries: 5,
syms: [
function nowSeconds() {
return / 1000;
function retry(f) {
function loop(count, delay) {
try {
return f();
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error encountered, retrying...");
const newCount = count + 1;
if (newCount >= settings.retry.maxRetries) {
throw e;
} else {
const newDelay = Math.min(delay * settings.retry.factor, settings.retry.factor);
return loop(newCount, newDelay);
return function() { return loop(0, 0.5); };
function cacheGetOrUpdate(key, f) {
const cache = CacheService.getDocumentCache();
const cached = cache.get(key)
if (cached != null) {
console.log("Found cached data for key: " + key);
return JSON.parse(cached); // easiest way to encode type
const value = f();
const valueJs = JSON.stringify(value); // encode type
cache.put(key, valueJs, settings.cacheExpiresSec);
return value;
function fetchJson(url) {
return cacheGetOrUpdate("fetch:" + url, retry(function () {
console.log("Fetching url " + url);
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
const result = response.getContentText();
console.log("Response: " + result);
const js = JSON.parse(result);
const isError = js.Response == "Error";
if (isError) {
console.error("Error when fetching url: " + url + ", " + js.Message);
throw new Error(js.Message);
return js;
var dataEndpoint = "";
function fetchPrices(toSym) {
const syms = settings.syms.join(",");
const url = dataEndpoint + "/pricemulti?fsyms=" + syms + "&tsyms=" + toSym + settings.extraParams;
return fetchJson(url)
function fetchPrice(sym, toSym) {
return fetchPrices(toSym)[sym][toSym];
function fetchPriceHistorical(sym, toSym, durSec) {
const ts = Math.floor(nowSeconds() - durSec);
const url = dataEndpoint + "/pricehistorical?fsym=" + sym + "&tsyms=" + toSym + "&ts=" + ts + settings.extraParams;
return fetchJson(url)[sym][toSym];
function fetchRateLimitSecond() {
return fetchJson("");
function fetchRateLimitMinute() {
return fetchJson("");
function fetchRateLimitHour() {
return fetchJson("");
function CRYPTOPRICE(sym, toSym) {
return fetchPrice(sym, toSym);
function CRYPTOPRICEHOUR(sym, toSym) {
return fetchPriceHistorical(sym, toSym, 60 * 60);
function CRYPTOPRICEDAY(sym, toSym) {
return fetchPriceHistorical(sym, toSym, 60 * 60 * 24);
return JSON.stringify(fetchRateLimitSecond().CallsLeft);
return JSON.stringify(fetchRateLimitMinute().CallsLeft);
return JSON.stringify(fetchRateLimitHour().CallsLeft);
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