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Last active January 4, 2020 20:40
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Encrypt plaintext using an kms encrypted data key, and the inverse decrypt is also supported.
# This guide outlines how to:
# 1. Generate a AWS KMS data key (
# 2. Encrypt a secret using the generated data key.
# 3. Decrypt the encrypted secret.
# generate a kms data key
aws kms generate-data-key-without-plaintext \
--key-id <key-id> \
--key-spec AES_256 \
--output text --query CiphertextBlob | base64 -D > ./key.enc
# encrypt a secret using the generated key ciphertext, and enter your secret when required
./ key.enc > secret
# decrypt the secret
./ $(cat secret)
set -ue -o pipefail
# Decrypt the supplied secret, by first decrypting the data key ciphertext using kms, then decrypt the secret ciphertext.
# Usage:
# ./kms-encrypt <encrypted-secret>
# Note: this requires aws credentials to access the kms key used to encrypt this file.
readonly payload="$1"
# extract key, iv and ciphertext from supplied payload
readonly keyCiphertextB64=$(echo $payload | cut -d "." -f1)
readonly ivB64=$(echo $payload | cut -d "." -f2)
readonly ciphertextB64=$(echo $payload | cut -d "." -f3)
readonly keyCiphertextFile=$(mktemp)
echo $keyCiphertextB64 | base64 -D > $keyCiphertextFile
readonly toHex='xxd -p'
readonly key=$(aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://$keyCiphertextFile --output text --query Plaintext | base64 -D | $toHex | tr -d "[:space:]")
readonly iv=$(echo $ivB64 | base64 -D | $toHex | tr -d "[:space:]")
echo $ciphertextB64 | base64 -D | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -K "$key" -iv "$iv" -in /dev/stdin -out /dev/stdout
set -ue -o pipefail
# Encrypt the supplied secret, using an environment specific key.
# Secret is stored in the form <key-ciphertext-base64>.<iv-base64>.<ciphertext-base64>
# Usage:
# ./kms-encrypt <kms-generated-data-key-file>
# When prompted enter the plaintext to be encrypted.
# Note: this requires aws credentials to access the kms key used to encrypt the data key.
readonly keyCiphertextFile="$1"
read -s -p 'plaintext:' plaintext
readonly toHex='xxd -p'
readonly key=$(aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://$keyCiphertextFile --output text --query Plaintext | base64 -D | $toHex | tr -d "[:space:]")
readonly ivB64=$(aws kms generate-random --number-of-bytes 16 --output text --query Plaintext)
readonly iv=$(echo $ivB64 | base64 -D | $toHex | tr -d "[:space:]")
readonly ciphertextFile=$(mktemp)
# encrypt the plaintext
echo $plaintext | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -K "$key" -iv "$iv" -in /dev/stdin -out $ciphertextFile
# store key cipher, iv and ciphertext
readonly keyCiphertextB64=$(cat $keyCiphertextFile | base64)
echo "$keyCiphertextB64.$ivB64.$(cat $ciphertextFile | base64)"
rm $ciphertextFile
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