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Created December 30, 2020 00:03
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.slidingN, Scala .sliding method, but for tuples. Only relies on foldable, could do up to .sliding22
import $ivy.`org.typelevel::cats-core:2.3.0`
import cats.Foldable
import cats.implicits._
def sliding2[F[_] : Foldable, A](l: F[A]): Option[NonEmptyList[(A, A)]] = {
l.foldLeft[(List[(A, A)], Option[A])]((Nil, None)) {
case ((acc, Some(x1)), x2) =>
((x1, x2) :: acc, Some(x2))
case ((Nil, None), x) =>
(Nil, Some(x))
sliding2(1 to 1).toList) // : None
sliding2((1 to 5).toList).get.toList // : List((1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5))
def sliding3[F[_] : Foldable, A](l: F[A]): Option[NonEmptyList[(A, A, A)]] = {
l.foldLeft[(List[(A, A, A)], List[A])]((Nil, Nil)) {
case ((acc, x2 :: x1 :: Nil), x3) =>
((x1, x2, x3) :: acc, x3 :: x2 :: Nil)
case ((Nil, l), x) =>
(Nil, x :: l)
sliding3((1 to 2).toList) // : None
sliding3((1 to 5).toList).get // : List((1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (3, 4, 5))
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