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Created August 27, 2018 12:42
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http4s caching middleware
package com.gubbns
import{Kleisli, OptionT}
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import com.github.blemale.scaffeine.{Cache, Scaffeine}
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.headers._
import org.http4s.server.Middleware
/** Caching middleware, based on request + method */
class HttpCaching[F[_], G[_]] private ()(implicit F: Sync[F]) {
private val cache: Cache[(Uri, Method), Response[G]] = Scaffeine().build()
private def getCached(request: Request[G], http: Http[F, G]) = {
if (request.method.isSafe) {
.getOrElseF(httpAndCache(request, http))
} else {
private def getIfPresent(request: Request[G]) = {
OptionT(F.delay(cache.getIfPresent(request.uri -> request.method)))
private def httpAndCache(request: Request[G], http: Http[F, G]) = {
for {
resp <- http(request)
shouldCache = isCacheable(resp)
_ <- if (shouldCache) {
F.delay(cache.put(request.uri -> request.method, resp))
} else {
} yield resp
private def isCacheable(resp: Response[G]): Boolean = {
import Status._
.exists(_.values.exists(_ == CacheDirective.`no-store`)) &&
(resp.status match {
case Ok => true
case NonAuthoritativeInformation => true
case NoContent => true
case PartialContent => true
case MultipleChoices => true
case MovedPermanently => true
case NotFound => true
case MethodNotAllowed => true
case Gone => true
case UriTooLong => true
case NotImplemented => true
case _ => false
def caching: Middleware[F, Request[G], Response[G], Request[G], Response[G]] = http => Kleisli { request =>
getCached(request, http)
object HttpCaching {
def apply[F[_]: Sync, G[_]](
http: Http[F, G]
): Http[F, G] = new HttpCaching().caching(http)
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