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Swift-Evolution Draft Proposal: nil Values for Objective-C Primitives

nil Values for Objective-C Primitives


This proposal aims to improve Swift’s compatibility with Objective-C by allowing Objective-C methods to declare nullability for primitives by using sentinel values. By using the format nullable(value), the syntax will stay close to existing Objective-C nullability specifiers, as well as serving as inline documentation about the method’s behavior.

Swift-evolution thread: Pitch Discussion


Many Objective-C methods use sentinel values to represent null values, whether it’s NSNotFound, an NSRange with NSNotFound as the location, or even simply returning -1 for an NSInteger. When these methods are used from within Swift, the Swift developer must know the method’s behavior and account for these values in their code. Depending on how well-documented the code is, it can be very easy to miss these values and cause problems down the line.

Proposed solution

A good example is NSArray’s ‑indexOfObject: method, which could be annotated thusly:

- (nullable(NSNotFound) NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(ObjectType)anObject;

This annotation does two things: first, it documents the behavior that a null value will return as NSNotFound, and second, it allows the Swift compiler to convert it to this Swift equivalent:

func index(of object: Any) -> Int?

Another example is NSPropertyListSerialization’s ‑writePropertyList:toStream:format:options:error: method. This method’s full signature is as follows:

+ (NSInteger)writePropertyList:(id)plist
                      toStream:(NSOutputStream *)stream
                         error:(out NSError * _Nullable *)error;

Notice that the method returns an NSInteger. The very last line of the documentation reads:

Returns the number of bytes written to the stream. If the value is 0 an error occurred.

This is easy to miss. An annotated version would read as follows:

+ (nullable(0) NSInteger)writePropertyList:(id)plist
                                  toStream:(NSOutputStream *)stream
                                     error:(out NSError * _Nullable *)error;

Here, the first thing the developer sees is that 0 is a null value upon return, and the Swift compiler will treat it as an Int, forcing the developer to handle nil cases.

Detailed design

The design of this feature hinges on the use of nullable for primitives in Objective-C. These values are automatically transformed to and from nil when calling from Swift code (where exactly this happens is left to the implementation). This could be used in return types and parameters of methods and free functions alike:

- (nullable(NSNotFound) NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(ObjectType)anObject;

dispatch_queue_t dispatch_get_global_queue(long identifier,
                                           nullable(0ul) unsigned long flags);

Another place where this could be useful would be in typedef declarations. The aforementioned NSArray method could define a new type, NSArrayIndex, to handle nil values:

typedef nullable(NSNotFound) NSUInteger NSArrayIndex

The advantage to using a typedef is that the information is encoded for other methods where the sentinel value is not a valid value to pass:

- (NSArrayIndex)indexOfObject:(ObjectType)anObject;
- (ObjectType)objectAtIndex:(nonnull NSArrayIndex)index;

Using a typedef also has an advantage in readability; the NSPropertyListSerialization methods above come dangerously close to exceeding the width of many IDE windows.

The use of nullable() gets a little more complicated with struct types—what happens with types like CGRect? CGRectNull exists, but it’s not always clear how to determine if a struct value represents nil. NSRange, for instance, uses the location NSNotFound and a length of 0, but only the location is used to determine nil-ness.

One proposed solution to this is a pair of functions provided to the annotation, one to determine if a value is nil, and one to create a nil value.

Source compatibility

As this annotation is used by more Objective-C code, the Swift code calling into it will necessarily need to update in order to compile. Methods that used to return Int types will instead return Int?, causing additional work to support. However, in these cases, if the developer were already properly accounting for null values using existing conventions, the change should be straightforward. This code:

let index = myArray.index(of: "Foo")

if index != NSNotFound { // do something }

will need to change to something like so:

if let index = myArray.index(of: "Foo") { // do something }

Where there are questions around this code is when the sentinel values are used in Swift. Consider this innocent-looking for loop:

for i in 0 ..< numberOfTimes {
    myObjCObject.doSomething(with: i)

If the -doSomethingWithInt: method of the Objective-C object changes such that 0 is nil, what should this code do? At what point is it converted to nil so the Swift compiler can catch that you’re passing nil to a nonnull parameter? If possible, my preference would be to make sending the sentinel an error, with a Fix-It to use nil instead for nullable values.

Effect on ABI stability

At first glance, since this change is mostly on the Objective-C side, I don’t think this would affect the Swift ABI.

Effect on API resilience

As with ABI stability, I think this change mostly affects Objective-C, so this shouldn’t impact the API resilience of Swift APIs.

Alternatives considered

My initial draft featured NS_SWIFT_NIL() as the annotation, but a reply used nullable() instead and I’ve come to prefer it, as it’s what an Objective-C programmer is already used to using as a nullability specifier. This also allows nonnull to be used for annotated types in a straightforward manner.

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