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Last active May 26, 2017 06:31
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Symfony form extrension translator on createView
class: AppBundle\Form\Extension\TranslatorExtension
arguments: ['@translator']
- { name: form.type_extension, extended_type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType }
namespace KVZBundle\Form\Extension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
class TranslatorExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
* @var TranslatorInterface
private $translator;
* TranslatorExtension constructor.
* @param TranslatorInterface $translator
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator)
$this->translator = $translator;
public function finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
$domain = $form
$this->translate($view->children, $domain);
private function translate(&$children, $domain, $locale = 'ru')
foreach ($children as $name => $child)
$children[$name]->vars['label'] = $this->translator->trans($child->vars['label'], [], $domain, $locale);
if(isset($child->vars['children']) && count($child->vars['children']))
$this->translate($child->vars['children'], $domain);
* Returns the name of the type being extended.
* @return string The name of the type being extended
public function getExtendedType()
return FormType::class;
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