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Created December 31, 2019 18:38
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reddit chat
[–]subreddit message via /r/VoxelGameDev[M] sent 16 hours ago
Sleakes: You have been removed as a moderator from r/VoxelGameDev. If you have a question regarding your removal, you can contact the moderator team for r/VoxelGameDev by replying to this message.
[–]to /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
Guess my services aren't required here anymore.. I'll just move on then.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
You didn't respond to me when I asked for you to return ownership of the discord back to me, so I removed you as a moderator because I feel that you may be untrustworthy.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
I also noticed that you created the "Owner" role, and reduced the permissions of the "Admin" role, which indicates to me that you're trying to steal my Discord server from me.
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
The only person that's ever been untrustworthy as a moderator on this sub is you. I don't need moderatorship on here, all I do is approve posts, and occasionally respond to spam requests (they're really infrequent).
I'm not going to transfer ownership on the discord due to your history of coming in, doing a bunch of stuff for a month, and then leaving. The discord is stable, you have mod, and it's been fine with a mostly passive pingable mod-team. If you want changes to how things work you can discuss them with everyone.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
I am the CREATOR of the subreddit, as well as the Discord.
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
I already "stole" it... that's why I'm listed as the owner now. You were gone, people were posting crap they shouldn't be and were pinging over and over for mods but there was no mod team, so I petitioned discord to transfer ownership.
It's a development discussion channel.. does it really matter? I've been here approving/moderating consistently for what 6 years now and you're worried someone is going to do what?
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
Who cares? you're a person just like everyone else. get off your high horse.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 14 hours ago
It doesn't matter. I created it, and I didn't give you ownership, nor did I grant you permission to take ownership. You were an admin before, there is no reason you couldn't have managed the discord while I was struggling with homelessness. That's a huge dick move.
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 13 hours ago
I don't think you understand so let me spell it back out:
Nobody - had - mod
you can't manage problem people on discord without being able to ban/kick/delete posts.
The reason why I won't be transferring ownership back is precisely because of what you've already done to the subreddit (removed all the mods?). I'm not about to remove you as a mod on the discord, even if I disagree with basically all of the things you've done since you've been back.
You still need to grow up, the discord and subreddit aren't yours. They are the communities. Creating a community forum is about serving the community, not about notoriety and being 'The Owner'. Put in the work, don't just flash a title like it gets you something.
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 13 hours ago
Slight clarification if it helps too: You are correct that I did have mod, but I couldn't do it solo. The whole point of getting ownership was to promote others to admin roles since that was locked to owner only.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 13 hours ago
I removed everyone as mod so that I could put my main account as the head mod so that there wouldn't be a chance of someone like you from somehow gaining ownership of the subreddit as well. I reinvited every moderator except for you, and the only reason I didn't reinvite you is because you're refusing to return Discord ownership back to me, making it impossible for me to manage the server the way I would like to.
[–]to SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 13 hours ago
Because there's clearly actual damage that can be done to the community if someone like myself was a mod! Oh no, is he going to approve another post?! Lol. Sure..
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 13 hours ago
Also, I'm already in contact with Discord on the matter, and have provided proof to them that I am the original owner.
So, you can either return ownership to me and I'll add you back as a moderator, or you can wait until they return ownership to me, and I can ban you from the subreddit as well as the Discord. Your gamble.
[–]from SevenSoIaris
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev sent 8 hours ago
Alright, I decided to really power trip. I nuked my Discord server that you stole, and now I've also nuked /r/voxelgamedev.
I don't care anymore. I used to be passionate about voxel game dev, but all this drama that you could have prevented me has just made me decide that it isn't worth it anymore.
So, have fun doing whatever. I don't care.
[–]from Doggettx
[M] via /r/VoxelGameDev to SevenSoIaris
[M] sent 2 hours ago
This seems extreme, if you really don't care at least give full control to another mod but if you do still care just set the sub back to public. I'd prefer to stay out of the argument but you're not exactly putting yourself in a good light here....
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