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Last active September 29, 2018 02:50
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  • Save SleepProgger/06a35aa183c297849088efd6204ae45b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SleepProgger/06a35aa183c297849088efd6204ae45b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
REM For general infos see
REM Set the path here if your ffmpeg executable is somewhere else as in the current directory
SET ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg.exe
SET palette=%TMP%\palette.png
SET subtitlefile=subtitle.ass
if not exist "%ffmpeg_path%" echo "Can't find ffmpeg.exe" & goto done
SET /P src=Video to convert (you can drag and drop the file):
if not exist %src% echo "Can't find the video file" & goto done
SET /P start_time=Startime (ss, mm:ss, and hh:mm:ss formats are supported):
SET /P duration=Duration in seconds:
SET /P dest=Name and path for the gif [test.gif]:
if "%dest%" == "" (
SET dest=test.gif
SET /P size=Size [320:-1]("width:height" format. if one is -1 the aspect ratio will be the same):
if "%size%" == "" (
SET size=320:-1
SET /P fps=FPS [15]:
if "%fps%" == "" (
SET fps=15
SET stats_mode=full
SET dithering=sierra2_4a
SET FC_CONFIG_FILE=.\fonts\fonts.conf
SET /P extended=Extended settings ? [N]:
if "%extended%" == "" goto noextended
if not "%extended%" == "Y" goto noextended
SET /P stats_mode=Prioritize moving objects [N]:
if "%stats_mode%" == "Y" (
SET stats_mode=diff
SET /P dithering=Dithering algo (f.e: none, sierra2_4a, floyd_steinberg, bayer(configurable) ) [sierra2_4a]:
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%dithering%" == "bayer" (
SET /P bayer_scale=Bayer scale 1-5 [1]:
if "!bayer_scale!" == "" (
SET bayer_scale=1
SET "dithering=bayer:bayer_scale=!bayer_scale!"
SET /P with_subtitle=Burn subtitle [N]:
if "%with_subtitle%" == "Y" (
SET /P subtitle="Subtitlefile (video if embedded): "
echo Converting subtitle file ...
"%ffmpeg_path%" -v warning -i !subtitle! -y %subtitlefile%
SET "subtitlefilter=ass=%subtitlefile%,"
Setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
SET "filters=%subtitlefilter%fps=%fps%,scale=%size%:flags=lanczos"
echo Creating palette ...
REM Doesn't have the correct subtitle offset but it shouldn't matter
echo "Executing %ffmpeg_path%" -v debug -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %src% -vf "%filters%,palettegen=stats_mode=%stats_mode%" -y %palette%
"%ffmpeg_path%" -v debug -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -i %src% -vf "%filters%,palettegen=stats_mode=%stats_mode%" -y %palette% || echo Failed creating the palette (Invalid video file ?)
echo Creating GIF ...
echo "Executing %ffmpeg_path%" -v debug -i %src% -i %palette% -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse=dither=%dithering%" -y %dest%
"%ffmpeg_path%" -v debug -i %src% -i %palette% -ss %start_time% -t %duration% -lavfi "%filters% [x]; [x][1:v] paletteuse=dither=%dithering%" -y %dest% || echo Failed creating the gif
exit /b
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