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var touchstartX = 0; | |
var touchstartY = 0; | |
var touchendX = 0; | |
var touchendY = 0; | |
var gesuredZone = document.getElementById('gesuredZone'); | |
gesuredZone.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) { | |
touchstartX = event.screenX; | |
touchstartY = event.screenY; | |
}, false); | |
gesuredZone.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) { | |
touchendX = event.screenX; | |
touchendY = event.screenY; | |
handleGesure(); | |
}, false); | |
function handleGesure() { | |
var swiped = 'swiped: '; | |
if (touchendX < touchstartX) { | |
alert(swiped + 'left!'); | |
} | |
if (touchendX > touchstartX) { | |
alert(swiped + 'right!'); | |
} | |
if (touchendY < touchstartY) { | |
alert(swiped + 'down!'); | |
} | |
if (touchendY > touchstartY) { | |
alert(swiped + 'left!'); | |
} | |
if (touchendY == touchstartY) { | |
alert('tap!'); | |
} | |
} |
This is starting to look like one of the leading script threads on vanillaJS touch events. Seems like Hammer, Zing and Interactjs (pointer events) libs (interact excluded) are maybe become a bit obsolete except for drag, drop, and pointer support. Does anyone have any flushed out changes they have made since (as the thread goes back a few years)? Would be cool to keep this thread up to date with any changes or learnings. Anyone using this extensively with event listeners on touchMove? @evrenakar @tlacaelelrl @hperrin
Despite not doing any work on it in a couple years, I still do maintain and use my version with the additional features I mentioned:
For anyone still interesting, I just made a bit modified version to get swipe gesture controls on in-browser explorers.
let touchstartX = 0;
let touchstartY = 0;
let touchendX = 0;
let touchendY = 0;
function handleGesture(touchstartX, touchstartY, touchendX, touchendY) {
const delx = touchendX - touchstartX;
const dely = touchendY - touchstartY;
if(Math.abs(delx) > Math.abs(dely)){
if(delx > 0) return "right"
else return "left"
else if(Math.abs(delx) < Math.abs(dely)){
if(dely > 0) return "down"
else return "up"
else return "tap"
const gestureZone = document.getElementById('main');
gestureZone.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) {
touchstartX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchstartY = event.changedTouches[0].screenY;
}, false);
gestureZone.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) {
touchendX = event.changedTouches[0].screenX;
touchendY = event.changedTouches[0].screenY;
alert(handleGesture(touchstartX, touchstartY, touchendX, touchendY))
}, false);
The source thread requires ultra precise swipes
Ohh, yes. Your solution is a acting up on FF but it is the most elegant. Will do more testing.
Thank you, works fine for me!
Quick dumb question, how do you write a function to count the number of swipes to the left or right?
@jonseo I'd probably just create a variable or variables outside of the addEventListener scope (so basically just at the top of the code) and then increment those inside the addEventListener function
lmk if that's too brief a description
Yeh, thats a bit brief, can u point me to some code examples. much appreciated.
@jonseo check this https://gist.github.com/SleepWalker/da5636b1abcbaff48c4d?permalink_comment_id=3537435#gistcomment-3537435
document.querySelector('.carousel').addEventListener('touchmove', e => {
swipeable.touchMove(e, {
onUp: (e, x) => console.log(e, x + 'px swiped') ,
onLeft: (e, x) => console.log(e, x + 'px swiped')
I hope that's what you mean
thnk you!
Great, but still have questions about different browser compatibility issues.
Works great, thanks!