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Created April 28, 2012 03:31
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Wrapper and helper lib to the vectorial vec2f class
// ============================================================================
// Vec2f.hpp
// Wrapper and helper lib to the vectorial vec2f class
// Made available under the public domain
// ============================================================================
#ifndef __VEC2F_H__
#define __VEC2F_H__
#include "vectorial/vec2f.h"
namespace Vec2f {
using namespace ::vectorial;
// Vec2f helper function. Sets the X value of a vec2f
vectorial_inline void setX( vec2f& vec, const float& xVal ) {
vec = vec2f( xVal, vec.y() );
// Vec2f helper function. Sets the Y value of a vec2f
vectorial_inline void setY( vec2f& vec, const float& yVal ) {
vec = vec2f( vec.x(), yVal );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns distance between two vec2fs
vectorial_inline float distance( const vec2f& vec1, const vec2f& vec2 ) {
return length( vec1 - vec2 );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns the squared distance between two vec2fs
vectorial_inline float distance_squared( const vec2f& vec1, const vec2f& vec2 ) {
return length_squared( vec1 - vec2 );
// Vec2f helper function. Normalizes the vec2f in place instead of returning a new vec2f
vectorial_inline void normalize_inplace( vec2f& vec ) {
vec = normalize( vec );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns a vec2f of the point half way between two vec2fs
vectorial_inline vec2f midpoint( const vec2f& vec1, const vec2f& vec2 ) {
return (vec1 + vec2) * 0.5f;
// Vec2f helper function. Returns the cross product of two vec2fs
vectorial_inline float cross( const vec2f& vec1, const vec2f& vec2 ) {
return vec1.x() * vec2.y() - vec1.y() * vec2.x();
// Vec2f helper function. Returns a new rotated vec2f. Angle is in radians
vectorial_inline vec2f rotate( const vec2f& vec, const float& angle ) {
const float cosa = cos( angle );
const float sina = sin( angle );
return vec2f( cosa * vec.x() - sina * vec.y(), sina * vec.x() + cosa * vec.y() );
// Vec2f helper function. Rotates the vec2f in place instead of returning a new vec2f
vectorial_inline void rotate_inplace( vec2f& vec, const float& angle ) {
vec = rotate( vec, angle );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns a vec2f perpendicular to the given vec2f
vectorial_inline vec2f perpendicular( const vec2f& vec ) {
return vec2f( -vec.y(), vec.x() );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns a vec2f that is reflected on the given normal.
// Assumes vec is facing away from normal.
vectorial_inline vec2f reflect( const vec2f& vec, const vec2f& normal ) {
return vec2f( vec - (2.0f * dot( vec, normal ) * normal) );
// Vec2f helper function. Returns the angle in radians between two direction
// vec2fs. Really only needed if both vec2fs are not normalized.
// acos( dot( v1, v2 ) ) will be enough otherwise
vectorial_inline float angle( const vec2f& vec1, const vec2f& vec2 ) {
float lenP = length( vec1 ) * length( vec2 );
// Divide by zero check
if ( lenP < 1e-06f ) lenP = 1e-06f;
const float f = dot( vec1, vec2 ) / lenP;
return acos( (f < 1.0f ? f : 1.0f) > -1.0f ? f : -1.0f );
} // Namespace Vec2f
using Vec2f::vec2f;
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