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Created June 30, 2020 16:55
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func createCloudfrontDistro(s *session.Session, functionARN string) {
cdnHandler := cloudfront.New(s)
config := &cloudfront.CreateDistributionInput{
DistributionConfig: &cloudfront.DistributionConfig{
CallerReference: aws.String(bucketNameOrigin),
Comment: aws.String(bucketNameOrigin),
Enabled: aws.Bool(true),
Origins: &cloudfront.Origins{ // here we tell cloudfront that we want to use a Bucket as origin
Quantity: aws.Int64(1),
Items: []*cloudfront.Origin{
S3OriginConfig: &cloudfront.S3OriginConfig{
OriginAccessIdentity: aws.String(""), // this would have a value if you chose to use an access ID to restrict bucket access
Id: aws.String("ORIGIN_ID"),
DomainName: aws.String(bucketNameOrigin + ""),
DefaultCacheBehavior: &cloudfront.DefaultCacheBehavior{
MinTTL: aws.Int64(10),
Compress: aws.Bool(true),
TargetOriginId: aws.String("ORIGIN_ID"),
ViewerProtocolPolicy: aws.String("redirect-to-https"),
LambdaFunctionAssociations: &cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociations{ // this is where we add Lambda@Edge to our CDN
Items: []*cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociation{
LambdaFunctionARN: aws.String(functionARN),
IncludeBody: aws.Bool(false),
EventType: aws.String("origin-request"), // you can change the event type according to your needs
Quantity: aws.Int64(1),
ForwardedValues: &cloudfront.ForwardedValues{ // we don't do anything here, but we need to define the nullish config here
QueryString: aws.Bool(false),
Cookies: &cloudfront.CookiePreference{
Forward: aws.String("none"),
TrustedSigners: &cloudfront.TrustedSigners{
Quantity: aws.Int64(0),
Enabled: aws.Bool(false),
_, err := cdnHandler.CreateDistribution(config)
if err != nil {
panic("Could not create CDN" + err.Error())
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