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Created August 23, 2018 15:45
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// we need to tell the compiler which version we're using
syntax = "proto3";
package registry;
// here we define the service and methods we're going to use later on
// to do the registration process
service Registry {
rpc Register (Registration) returns (RegisterResponse);
rpc Unregister (Registration) returns (RegisterResponse);
rpc fetchServiceLocation (RegistrationFetchRequest) returns (RegistrationList);
// we define what a registration needs to have
// all optional and self explanatory
message Registration {
optional string name = 1;
optional string ipv4 = 2;
optional string port = 3;
optional string domain = 4;
// a list/array of registrations
message RegistrationList {
repeated Registration registrations = 1;
// w/ this message we define what the server needs
// to know what you want to have
message RegistrationFetchRequest {
repeated Registration registrations = 1;
optional bool fetchAll = 2;
// simple response when you sign up
message RegisterResponse {
required string message = 1;
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