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Created October 17, 2023 09:52
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Javascript/NodeJS String Interpolation
* Interpolates a string template with values from an object or array.
* @param {string} template - The string containing placeholders to be interpolated.
* @param {Object|Array} values - An object or array containing values to replace the placeholders.
* @param {string|boolean} [fallback=""] - Value to use when a placeholder's corresponding key is not found.
* If set to `true`, the placeholder itself is used as the fallback.
* @returns {string} - The interpolated string.
* @example
* // Object as values
* interpolate("Hello, {$name}", { name: "John" }) // Returns "Hello, John"
* // Array as values
* interpolate("Hello, {#1}", ["John"]) // Returns "Hello, John"
* // Using fallback
* interpolate("Hello, {$name}", {}, "Unknown") // Returns "Hello, Unknown"
* interpolate("Hello, {$name}", {}, true) // Returns "Hello, {$name}"
const interpolate = (template, values, fallback = "") => {
const isArr = Array.isArray(values);
const pattern = isArr ? /{#([1-9][0-9]*|n)}/g : /{\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)}/g;
let idx = 0;
return template.replace(pattern, (match, key) => {
let val;
if (isArr) {
if (key === "n") {
val = values[idx];
} else {
val = values[Number.parseInt(key, 10) - 1];
} else {
val = values[key];
if (val !== undefined) {
return val;
return fallback === true ? match : fallback;
// Tests and examples
const testInterpolate = () => {
const assertEqual = (expected, actual) => {
if (expected === actual) {
} else {
console.log(`FAIL. Expected: "${expected}", Given: "${actual}"`);
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar1 testVar1 testVar2 {strPart2} ", interpolate(`strPart1 {$var1} {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} {$var3}`, { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar1 testVar1 testVar2 {strPart2} qwerty", interpolate(`strPart1 {$var1} {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} {$var3}`, { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }, "qwerty"));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar1 testVar1 testVar2 {strPart2} {$var3}", interpolate(`strPart1 {$var1} {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} {$var3}`, { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }, true));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar3 testVar3 testVar4 {strPart2} ", interpolate(`strPart1 {#1} {#1} {#2} {strPart2} {#3}`, ["testVar3", "testVar4"]));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar3 testVar3 testVar4 {strPart2} asdf", interpolate(`strPart1 {#1} {#1} {#2} {strPart2} {#3}`, ["testVar3", "testVar4"], "asdf"));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar3 testVar3 testVar4 {strPart2} {#3}", interpolate(`strPart1 {#1} {#1} {#2} {strPart2} {#3}`, ["testVar3", "testVar4"], true));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar3 testVar4 {strPart2} ", interpolate(`strPart1 {#n} {#n} {#n} {strPart2} {#n}`, ["testVar3", "testVar4"]));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar3 testVar4 up {strPart2} ", interpolate(`strPart1 {#n} {#n} {#n} {strPart2} {#n}`, ["testVar3", "testVar4", "up"]));
assertEqual("strPart1 $ $ {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 $ $ {strPart2} ", { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }));
assertEqual("strPart1 $ $ {strPart2} $", interpolate("strPart1 $ $ {strPart2} $", { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }));
assertEqual("strPart1 $ testVar1 testVar2 {strPart2} $", interpolate("strPart1 $ {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} $", { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }));
assertEqual("strPart1 {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} ", {}, true));
assertEqual("strPart1 {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} ", {}));
assertEqual("strPart1 {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 {$var1} {strPart2} ", {}));
assertEqual(" ", interpolate(" ", {}));
assertEqual("strPart1 {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 {#1} {strPart2} ", []));
assertEqual("strPart1 false {strPart2} ", interpolate("strPart1 {#1} {strPart2} ", [], "false"));
assertEqual(" ", interpolate(" ", [], "false"));
assertEqual("strPart1 testVar1 testVar1 testVar2 {strPart2} {#1}", interpolate(`strPart1 {$var1} {$var1} {$var2} {strPart2} {#1}`, { var1: "testVar1", var2: "testVar2" }, ["testVar3", "testVar4"]));
// JSDoc tests
assertEqual("Hello, John", interpolate("Hello, {$name}", { name: "John" }));
assertEqual("Hello, John", interpolate("Hello, {#1}", ["John"]));
assertEqual("Hello, Unknown", interpolate("Hello, {$name}", {}, "Unknown"));
assertEqual("Hello, {$name}", interpolate("Hello, {$name}", {}, true));
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