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Last active August 2, 2023 00:10
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Save Smalls1652/53a77a6637cbbe51c3e845b1fae61b50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install Azure Virtual Desktop agents onto an Azure VM.
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
Notes about this script:
**This script is meant to be passed to a Windows 10/Server VM in Azure with the 'Invoke-AzVMRunCommand' cmdlet.**
It will take advantage of PowerShell 7. The 'RunPowerShellScript' extension of the Azure VM agent will default to Windows PowerShell 5.1.
I personally write all of my scripts to work with PowerShell 7 because of the features it brings that PS 5.1 can't do.
The script will be ran through the PS 5.1 process, but will launch multiple PS 7 processes to execute the primary portions of this script.
This is easily achievable because 'pwsh.exe' will take a script block in the '-Command' argument.
Since the PS 5.1 process recognizes the 'ScriptBlock' type, we can pass the core logic to it without having to backport to PS 5.1.
For more information, see this section in the help docs:
To also make it so that a registration token isn't hardcoded into the script...
This script will dynamically update the script block with the supplied registration token.
# Install the 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' module.
pwsh.exe -Command { Install-Module -Name "PSDesiredStateConfiguration" -MaximumVersion "2.99" -Scope "AllUsers" -Force -Verbose }
# Install the 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' module in the global modules directory for PowerShell 7.
pwsh.exe -Command { Install-Module -Name "xPSDesiredStateConfiguration" -Scope "AllUsers" -Force -Verbose }
# Enable the ability for PowerShell 7 to utilize the 'Invoke-DscResource' cmdlet.
pwsh.exe -Command { Enable-ExperimentalFeature -Name "PSDesiredStateConfiguration.InvokeDscResource" -Scope "AllUsers" }
# This script block is the actual script to run.
$agentInstallScriptBlock = {
# 'Invoke-AvdAgentInstall' downloads and installs both the AVD Agent and Agent Bootloader.
function Invoke-AvdAgentInstall {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
.CLASS AvdAgentFile
Houses information about the agent install file.
.PROPERTY DisplayName
A friendly name for the file.
The URI for downloading the file.
.PROPERTY DownloadedFileInfo
The file info of the downloaded file.
class AvdAgentFile {
AvdAgentFile() {
AvdAgentFile([string]$name, [string]$uri) {
$this.DisplayName = $name
$this.FileUri = $uri
AvdAgentFile([string]$name, [string]$uri, [string]$fileNameOut) {
$this.DisplayName = $name
$this.FileUri = $uri
$this.FileName = $fileNameOut
Download a file from the internet.
A simple file downloader that downloads a file to a directory without manually specifying the file's ouput name.
The URI of the resource to download.
The output directory for the file to be downloaded to.
function Invoke-WebDownload {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory)]
# Resolve the path supplied in '-OutDir' and ensure that it's a directory.
$resolvedOutDir = (Resolve-Path -Path $OutDir -ErrorAction "Stop").Path
$outDirObj = Get-Item -Path $resolvedOutDir
if ($outDirObj.Attributes -ne [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) {
[System.Exception]::new("Output directory path is not a directory."),
# Run 'Invoke-WebRequest' to download the file.
# The '$ProgressPreference' variable is set to 'SilentlyContinue' temporarily to prevent the performance drawbacks of it.
Write-Verbose "Downloading file from '$($Uri)'."
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$downloadData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri
$ProgressPreference = "Continue"
# Generate the output path.
$outputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $resolvedOutDir -ChildPath $OutFileName
Write-Verbose "Output path will be '$($outputFilePath)'."
# If the file already exists, remove it.
if (Test-Path -Path $outputFilePath) {
Write-Verbose "File aready exists. Removing the current file."
Remove-Item -Path $outputFilePath -Force
# Write the file to the output path.
Write-Verbose "Writing contents to file."
$writtenFileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($outputFilePath)
# Return the 'System.IO.FileInfo' object of the downloaded file.
$downloadedItem = Get-Item -Path $outputFilePath
return $downloadedItem
Get the MSI product code of a MSI installer.
Get the MSI product code of a MSI installer without utilizing Orca or any other manual retrieval method.
The path to the MSI installer.
function Get-MsiProductCode {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
# Resolve the path provided in '-FilePath'.
$filePathResolved = (Resolve-Path -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction "Stop").Path
# Create a list to store all of the COM objects into.
# This will help with disposing them at the end of execution.
$comObjectList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]::new()
# Assign the COM object for 'WindowsInstaller.Installer' to a variable and open the database of the provided MSI installer.
$comObjectList.Add(($msiComObj = New-Object -ComObject "WindowsInstaller.Installer"))
$comObjectList.Add(($msiObj = $msiComObj.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenDatabase", "InvokeMethod", $null, $msiComObj, @($filePathResolved, 0))))
# Run a query on the MSI installer to get the product code.
$comObjectList.Add(($msiView = $msiObj.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenView", "InvokeMethod", $null, $msiObj, "SELECT Value FROM Property WHERE Property = 'ProductCode'")))
$msiView.GetType().InvokeMember("Execute", "InvokeMethod", $null, $msiView, $null)
# Get the product code and return it as a string.
$comObjectList.Add(($msiRecord = $msiView.GetType().InvokeMember("Fetch", "InvokeMethod", $null, $msiView, $null)))
$msiProductCode = $msiRecord.GetType().InvokeMember("StringData", "GetProperty", $null, $msiRecord, 1)
# Release all of the COM objects created during execution.
foreach ($comObj in $comObjectList) {
$null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($comObj)
return [string]($msiProductCode)
Import-Module -Name "PSDesiredStateConfiguration"
Import-Module -Name "xPSDesiredStateConfiguration"
# Initialize an array of the AVD agents to get.
$avdAgentFilesToGet = @(
[AvdAgentFile]::new("AVD Desktop Agent", "", "avd-agent.msi"),
[AvdAgentFile]::new("AVD Desktop Agent Bootloader", "", "avd-bootloader.msi")
# Create a temporary directory at the root of the system drive (Typically C:\) to store the agent installers.
$tmpDirPath = Join-Path -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\" -ChildPath "AvdAgentInstall"
Remove-Item -Path $tmpDirPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
$tmpDir = New-Item -Path $tmpDirPath -ItemType "Directory"
# Download each AVD agent installer.
foreach ($avdAgent in $avdAgentFilesToGet) {
Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($avdAgent.DisplayName)''."
$downloadFileSplat = @{
"Uri" = $avdAgent.FileUri;
"OutDir" = $tmpDir.FullName;
"OutFileName" = $avdAgent.FileName;
$downloadedFile = Invoke-WebDownload @downloadFileSplat
# Set the 'DownloadedFileInfo' property of the item to the downloaded file's 'System.IO.FileInfo' object.
$avdAgent.DownloadedFileInfo = $downloadedFile
# Initialize a generic splat to use with 'Invoke-DscResource'.
$msiDscMainSplat = @{
"ModuleName" = "xPSDesiredStateConfiguration";
"Name" = "xMsiPackage";
# AVD agent
Write-Verbose "Ensuring that the desktop agent is installed."
$productCodeForAgent = Get-MsiProductCode -FilePath $avdAgentFilesToGet[0].DownloadedFileInfo.FullName
$msiInstallAgentDsc = @{
"Path" = $avdAgentFilesToGet[0].DownloadedFileInfo.FullName;
"Ensure" = "Present";
"ProductId" = "$($productCodeForAgent)";
"Arguments" = "REGISTRATIONTOKEN=$($RegistrationToken)";
"IgnoreReboot" = $true;
# Test if the AVD agent is already installed.
# If not, install the AVD agent.
$agentTest = Invoke-DscResource @msiDscMainSplat -Method "Test" -Property $msiInstallAgentDsc
if ($agentTest.InDesiredState -eq $false) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($avdAgentFilesToGet[0].DisplayName)", "Install")) {
Invoke-DscResource @msiDscMainSplat -Method "Set" -Property $msiInstallAgentDsc
# AVD bootloader agent
Write-Verbose "Ensuring that the desktop agent bootloader is installed."
$productCodeForAgentBootloader = Get-MsiProductCode -FilePath $avdAgentFilesToGet[1].DownloadedFileInfo.FullName
$msiInstallAgentBootloaderDsc = @{
"Path" = $avdAgentFilesToGet[1].DownloadedFileInfo.FullName;
"Ensure" = "Present";
"ProductId" = "$($productCodeForAgentBootloader)";
"IgnoreReboot" = $true;
# Test if the AVD bootloader agent is already installed.
# If not, install the AVD bootloader agent.
$agentBootloaderTest = Invoke-DscResource @msiDscMainSplat -Method "Test" -Property $msiInstallAgentBootloaderDsc
if ($agentBootloaderTest.InDesiredState -eq $false) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($avdAgentFilesToGet[1].DisplayName)", "Install")) {
Invoke-DscResource @msiDscMainSplat -Method "Set" -Property $msiInstallAgentBootloaderDsc
# Remove the temporary directory.
Remove-Item -Path $tmpDirPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
# Run the 'Invoke-AvdAgentInstall' function.
Invoke-AvdAgentInstall -RegistrationToken "{{REG_TOKEN_REPLACE}}" -Verbose
# Convert the script block into a string and replace "{{REG_TOKEN_REPLACE}}" inside of it with the value provided by '-RegistrationToken'.
$agentInstallScriptBlockString = $agentInstallScriptBlock.ToString()
$agentInstallScriptBlockString = $agentInstallScriptBlockString.Replace("{{REG_TOKEN_REPLACE}}", $RegistrationToken)
# Create a new script block with the updated data.
$updatedAgentInstallScriptBlock = [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create($agentInstallScriptBlockString)
# Run the script block with PowerShell 7.
pwsh.exe -NoProfile -Command $updatedAgentInstallScriptBlock
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ul55144 commented Oct 28, 2021

Any chance you can explain to the layman how to run and use this script - its seems like it does a lot? I just need to simply install the WVD agent and BootLoader - with the option of inserting the registration token.

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@ul55144 Hey! I'm so sorry! I'm just now seeing your comment. Don't know how I wasn't notified about it. It does do quite a lot and, when I made it, I jokingly said to a coworker that I did some weird voodoo magic to get this working without having to login into the VM itself. I probably should have added a README to this to explain how to run it, so that's on me!

So the gist of it is like this:


  • The VM should have PowerShell 7 or higher installed on it.
    • I use it for the Invoke-DscResource cmdlet that allows me to do Desired State Configuration (DSC) tasks without having to rely on compiled DSC configurations.

Sample deployment run

# Generate a registration token for the host pool.
# In this example, I've set the expiration time to 6 hours.
$regToken = New-AzWvdRegistrationInfo -ResourceGroupName "avd-rscgrp" -HostPoolName "avd-hostpool" -ExpirationTime ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours(6).ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ'))

# Get the VM you want to run the script on and store it into a variable.
$avdVm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "avd-rscgrp" -Name "avd-vm-01"

# Run the 'Invoke-AvdAgentInstall.ps1' script on the VM.
$avdVm | Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath ".\path\to\script\Invoke-AvdAgentInstall.ps1" -Parameter @{ "RegistrationToken" = $regToken.Token }

It'll download the latest versions of the AVD Agent and the AVD Agent Bootloader, get the ProductCode property from their MSI database, install them with the registration token, and verify that they have been installed.

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