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Created August 10, 2021 17:28
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Intune Proactive Remediation scripts for disabling 'USB selective suspend' on a device's current active power scheme.

Intune Proactive Remediation

Disable 'USB selective suspend' power settings

The scripts for this proactive remediation test if the settings for USB selective suspend are set to enabled and, if needed, remediate the settings so that they are set to disabled. The scripts will log all necessary information to log files in the temp directories when they are executed.

⚠ Note: _The temp directory where the log files are output to are dependent on what the executing context is. If the script is ran manually by a user, in an elevated PowerShell console, then it will be in the user's temp directory (C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp\); however, if it is ran through the system context, then the temp directory will be in system temp directory (C:\Windows\Temp\).

Intune Proactive Remediation Settings

  • Detection script:
    • Detect_UsbSelectiveSuspendSetting.ps1
  • Remediation script:
    • Remediate_UsbSelectiveSuspendSetting.ps1
  • Run this script using the logged-on credentials:
    • No
  • Enforce script signature check:
    • Dependent on your security requirements and if you sign the scripts with an internal code-signing certificate; otherwise, No
  • Run script in 64-bit PowerShell:
    • Yes
Function name: New-LogFile
Creates a new log file for script execution.
function New-LogFile {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)]
#Resolve the path provided by `-LogPath`. Throw a terminating error if it fails to resolve the path.
$logPathResolved = (Resolve-Path -Path $LogPath -ErrorAction "Stop").Path
#Test if the path provided by `-LogPath` is not a directory and throw a terminating error if it is.
if ((Get-Item -Path $logPathResolved).Attributes -ne [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) {
[System.IO.IOException]::new("$'($logPathResolved)'' is not a directory."),
#Get the current date and time and form the name of the log file.
$currentDateTimeString = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")
$logFileName = "$($LogName)_$($currentDateTimeString).log"
#Create the log file.
$fullLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogPath -ChildPath $logFileName
$logFileItem = New-Item -Path $fullLogFilePath -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction "Stop" -WhatIf:$false
return $logFileItem
Function name: New-LogMessage
Creates a new entry in the log file created by `New-LogFile` and also outputs to the proper console output.
function New-LogMessage {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string]$MessageType = "Standard",
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory)]
#Get the current date and time.
$currentDateTimeString = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzzz")
#Write the log message to the console's stream determined by the `-MessageType` parameter.
switch ($MessageType) {
"Error" {
Write-Error -Message $Message
"Warning" {
Write-Warning -Message $Message
Default {
Write-Verbose -Message $Message
#Create the start of the log file's message.
$logFileMessageStartString = $null
switch ($MessageType) {
"Standard" {
#If `-MessageType` is set to 'Standard', generate a basic start of the log entry.
$logFileMessageStartString = "[$($currentDateTimeString)] -"
Default {
#If `-MessageType` is set to anything but 'Standard', generate the start of the log entry with the provided log message type.
$logFileMessageStartString = "[$($currentDateTimeString)] - $($MessageType.ToUpper()) -"
#Merge the start of the entry with the message provided and append it to the log file.
$logFileMessageString = "$($logFileMessageStartString) $($Message)"
$logFileMessageString | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile.FullName -Append
Function name: Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput
A wrapper for the `Start-Process` cmdlet that automatically redirects the standard output of the process to a temporary file and then returns that data as a string.
function Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
#Create a temporary file to redirect the process output to.
$tmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
#Create a splat of the parameters we're going to pass to the `Start-Process` cmdlet.
$startProcSplat = @{
"FilePath" = $FilePath;
"NoNewWindow" = $true;
"Wait" = $true;
"RedirectStandardOutput" = $tmpFile.FullName;
#If `-ArgumentList` is not null, then add the value to the splat.
if ($null -ne $ArgumentList) {
$startProcSplat.Add("ArgumentList", $ArgumentList)
#Start the process.
$null = Start-Process @startProcSplat
#Get the contents of the output from the temp file and remove the temp file.
$standardOutputContents = Get-Content -Path $tmpFile.FullName -Raw
Remove-Item -Path $tmpFile.FullName -Force
#Return the output data.
return $standardOutputContents
Class name: PowerSettingConfig
Custom class defined for parsing `powercfg.exe` output related to a power setting query.
class PowerSettingConfig {
PowerSettingConfig([string]$powerCfgOutput, [string]$powerSettingGuid) {
#Parse the string from the `powercfg.exe` output.
$powerCfgSettingCommandRegex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("Power Setting GUID:\s(?'powerSettingGuid'$($powerSettingGuid))\s+\((?'powerSetting'.+)\)(?:\r|\n).+Current AC Power Setting Index: (?'acSettingVal'[a-z0-9]+)(?:\r|\n).+Current DC Power Setting Index: (?'dcSettingVal'[a-z0-9]+)", @([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Singleline))
$powerCfgSettingsMatch = $powerCfgSettingCommandRegex.Match($powerCfgOutput)
#Set the class properties to the data parsed from the `powercfg.exe` output.
$this.DisplayName = $powerCfgSettingsMatch.Groups['powerSetting'].Value
$this.SettingGuid = $powerCfgSettingsMatch.Groups['powerSettingGuid'].Value
$this.CurrentACSetting = [int]($powerCfgSettingsMatch.Groups['acSettingVal'].Value)
$this.CurrentDCSetting = [int]($powerCfgSettingsMatch.Groups['dcSettingVal'].Value)
#Create a new log file.
$logFile = New-LogFile -LogPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -LogName "Remediate-USBSelectiveSuspend-Settings"
$logMessageSplat = @{
"LogFile" = $logFile;
Write-Warning "Log will be located at: $($logFile.FullName)"
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Starting script execution."
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Testing if the USB Selective Suspend setting is enabled."
#Define the USB setting group and the 'USB selective suspend' setting GUIDs.
$powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid = "2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3"
$powerUsbSelectiveSuspendSettingGuid = "48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226"
#Parse the output of `powercfg.exe /GetActiveScheme` to get the currently active power scheme.
$activeSchemeRegex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("^Power Scheme GUID:\s(?'powerSchemeGuid'[a-z0-9-]*)\s+\(.+\)$")
$powercfgActiveSchemeOut = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/GetActiveScheme")
$currentlyActiveScheme = $activeSchemeRegex.Match($powercfgActiveSchemeOut).Groups['powerSchemeGuid'].Value
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Currently active power scheme:`n$($powercfgActiveSchemeOut)"
#Get the currently active scheme's settings for the USB settings group and transform it into the `PowerSettingConfig` class.
$powerCfgQueryOutput = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/Query", $currentlyActiveScheme, $powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid)
$currentUsbSelectiveSuspendSettings = [PowerSettingConfig]::new($powerCfgQueryOutput, $powerUsbSelectiveSuspendSettingGuid)
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Current settings:`n$($powerCfgQueryOutput)"
if (($currentUsbSelectiveSuspendSettings.CurrentACSetting -eq 1) -or ($currentUsbSelectiveSuspendSettings.CurrentDCSetting -eq 1)) {
#If the current AC or DC settings are set to `1`, then the desired settings are not set. Return a failure, with `exit 1`, so Intune can run the remediation script.
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Settings are not in a desired state." -MessageType Warning
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Script execution completed."
exit 1
else {
#If the current AC and DC settings are set to `0`, then the desired settings are correct. Return a success, with `exit 0`, so Intune knows not to remediate.
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Settings are in a desired state."
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Script execution completed."
exit 0
Function name: New-LogFile
Creates a new log file for script execution.
function New-LogFile {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)]
#Resolve the path provided by `-LogPath`. Throw a terminating error if it fails to resolve the path.
$logPathResolved = (Resolve-Path -Path $LogPath -ErrorAction "Stop").Path
#Test if the path provided by `-LogPath` is not a directory and throw a terminating error if it is.
if ((Get-Item -Path $logPathResolved).Attributes -ne [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) {
[System.IO.IOException]::new("$'($logPathResolved)'' is not a directory."),
#Get the current date and time and form the name of the log file.
$currentDateTimeString = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")
$logFileName = "$($LogName)_$($currentDateTimeString).log"
#Create the log file.
$fullLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogPath -ChildPath $logFileName
$logFileItem = New-Item -Path $fullLogFilePath -ItemType "File" -ErrorAction "Stop" -WhatIf:$false
return $logFileItem
Function name: New-LogMessage
Creates a new entry in the log file created by `New-LogFile` and also outputs to the proper console output.
function New-LogMessage {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string]$MessageType = "Standard",
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory)]
#Get the current date and time.
$currentDateTimeString = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzzz")
#Write the log message to the console's stream determined by the `-MessageType` parameter.
switch ($MessageType) {
"Error" {
Write-Error -Message $Message
"Warning" {
Write-Warning -Message $Message
Default {
Write-Verbose -Message $Message
#Create the start of the log file's message.
$logFileMessageStartString = $null
switch ($MessageType) {
"Standard" {
#If `-MessageType` is set to 'Standard', generate a basic start of the log entry.
$logFileMessageStartString = "[$($currentDateTimeString)] -"
Default {
#If `-MessageType` is set to anything but 'Standard', generate the start of the log entry with the provided log message type.
$logFileMessageStartString = "[$($currentDateTimeString)] - $($MessageType.ToUpper()) -"
#Merge the start of the entry with the message provided and append it to the log file.
$logFileMessageString = "$($logFileMessageStartString) $($Message)"
$logFileMessageString | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile.FullName -Append
Function name: Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput
A wrapper for the `Start-Process` cmdlet that automatically redirects the standard output of the process to a temporary file and then returns that data as a string.
function Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
#Create a temporary file to redirect the process output to.
$tmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
#Create a splat of the parameters we're going to pass to the `Start-Process` cmdlet.
$startProcSplat = @{
"FilePath" = $FilePath;
"NoNewWindow" = $true;
"Wait" = $true;
"RedirectStandardOutput" = $tmpFile.FullName;
#If `-ArgumentList` is not null, then add the value to the splat.
if ($null -ne $ArgumentList) {
$startProcSplat.Add("ArgumentList", $ArgumentList)
#Start the process.
$null = Start-Process @startProcSplat
#Get the contents of the output from the temp file and remove the temp file.
$standardOutputContents = Get-Content -Path $tmpFile.FullName -Raw
Remove-Item -Path $tmpFile.FullName -Force
#Return the output data.
return $standardOutputContents
#Create a new log file.
$logFile = New-LogFile -LogPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -LogName "GetState-USBSelectiveSuspend"
$logMessageSplat = @{
"LogFile" = $logFile;
Write-Warning "Log will be located at: $($logFile.FullName)"
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Starting script execution."
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Remediating the USB Selective Suspend setting."
#Define the USB setting group and the 'USB selective suspend' setting GUIDs.
$powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid = "2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3"
$powerUsbSelectiveSuspendSettingGuid = "48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226"
#Parse the output of `powercfg.exe /GetActiveScheme` to get the currently active power scheme.
$activeSchemeRegex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("^Power Scheme GUID:\s(?'powerSchemeGuid'[a-z0-9-]*)\s+\(.+\)$")
$powercfgActiveSchemeOut = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/GetActiveScheme")
$currentlyActiveScheme = $activeSchemeRegex.Match($powercfgActiveSchemeOut).Groups['powerSchemeGuid'].Value
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Currently active power scheme:`n$($powercfgActiveSchemeOut)"
#Set the AC value to disabled (0).
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Setting the AC value to disabled (0)."
$null = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/SetACValueIndex", $currentlyActiveScheme, $powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid, $powerUsbSelectiveSuspendSettingGuid, 0)
#Set the DC value to disabled (0).
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Setting the DC value to disabled (0)."
$null = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/SetDCValueIndex", $currentlyActiveScheme, $powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid, $powerUsbSelectiveSuspendSettingGuid, 0)
#Get the changed power settings and write it to the log file.
$powerCfgQueryOutput = Start-ProcessRedirectedOutput -FilePath "powercfg.exe" -ArgumentList @("/Query", $currentlyActiveScheme, $powerUsbSettingSubGroupGuid)
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Settings after remediation:`n$($powerCfgQueryOutput)"
New-LogMessage @logMessageSplat -Message "Script execution completed."
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Thx a lot. But would it be possible to change the $activeSchemeRegex in 199 on detect and 173 on remediate? cause it only works if the os language is english. if it's in an other language, it won't work, cause it can't match (Power Scheme GUID Eng vs. GUID des Energieschemas Ger). $powercfgActiveSchemeOut gives the right one, so we can change it ourself, but it would be good if it wouldn't matter or you could just give a warning of it in the comment, maybe. but still, thx a lot.

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