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Created October 7, 2020 01:41
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Scriptable - Daring Fireball Feed Widget
Created by: Smalls
Date Created: 2020-10-05
Last Updated: 2020-10-06
async function getDfJsonFeed() {
//Get data from the DF JSON feed using 'Request'.
let dfJsonFeed = "";
let httpRequest = new Request(dfJsonFeed);
httpRequest.method = "GET";
let jsonData = httpRequest.loadJSON()
r => {
return r;
return jsonData;
//Start the main execution of the script
//Get the data from the DF JSON feed
let feedData = await getDfJsonFeed()
.then(feed => feed.items);
//Create the widget itself
let widget = new ListWidget();
//Load a bookmarked image from iCloud files for the Daring Fireball logo
//This won't load unless you have the image downloaded and have a bookmark of it in Scriptable called 'df-logo'.
//Might want to make this error-handle and show 'Daring Fireball' as text if the logo doesn't exist.
let logoImage = Image.fromFile(FileManager.iCloud().bookmarkedPath("df-logo"));
Whenever the widget is added to the homescreen, you can supply a parameter to it. This will:
1. Reduce the size of the image to fit onto the widget.
2. Reduce the total amount of items to show on the widget.
At the moment there isn't a way to determine which size of the widget is being used unless it is explicity told so, so either supply:
- small
- For the small widget.
- large
- For the large widget.
- medium (or no paramter passed)
- For the medium widget.
I originally created this with the medium widget in mind.
let widgetLogoSize, widgetMaxItems;
switch (args.widgetParameter) {
case "small":
widgetLogoSize = new Size((logoImage.size.width / 6), (logoImage.size.height / 6));
widgetMaxItems = 2;
case "large":
widgetLogoSize = new Size((logoImage.size.width / 4), (logoImage.size.height / 4));
widgetMaxItems = 4;
widgetLogoSize = new Size((logoImage.size.width / 4), (logoImage.size.height / 4));
widgetMaxItems = 3;
//Create a simple gradient for the widget to look similar to DF's design.
let widgetGradient = new LinearGradient();
widgetGradient.colors = [
new Color("#858585"),
new Color("#737070")
widgetGradient.locations = [ 0, 1 ];
widget.backgroundGradient = widgetGradient; //Apply the gradient to the widget.
//Add the DF logo to the widget.
let widgetLogo = widget.addImage(logoImage);
widgetLogo.imageSize = widgetLogoSize;
widgetLogo.url = "";
//Loop through the items in the feed and create a WidgetStack for each item to be added.
let i = 0;
while (i <= (widgetMaxItems - 1)) {
let widgetStack = widget.addStack();
widgetStack.url = feedData[i].id; //Add the URL for the post to allow for direct click-through to the article.
let widgetItem = widgetStack.addText(`* ${feedData[i].title}`); //Add the title of the article.
widgetItem.font = Font.systemFont(14);
widgetItem.textColor = new Color("#FFF");
widgetItem.minimumScaleFactor = .8; //This may cause some issues with the text looking cramped.
let widgetItemDate = widgetStack.addDate(new Date(feedData[i].date_published)); //Add the date of the article.
widgetItemDate.applyOffsetStyle(); //Set the date to render as an offset of when it was posted (ex. +1 hour ago, +1 day ago, etc)
widgetItemDate.font = Font.systemFont(10);
widgetItemDate.textColor = new Color("#aebbd1");
widgetItemDate.minimumScaleFactor = .8; //This may cause some issues with the text looking cramped.
i++; //Increment the while loop.
//Add the completed widget to the script.
//Tell Scriptable the script has completed running.
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