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Last active February 25, 2020 04:51
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Run CNTK Faster R-CNN on Your Own Images with Ubuntu 16.04 and CUDA 8.0

We will be referring to the tutorial at Microsoft CNTK Docs.

📹 Download the cntk-setup video or view a slightly lower quality version here.


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • CNTK 2.2 (GPU) docker image - This image will be ~9 GB, so make sure you have at least that, plus space for your images. - in progress
  • Standard NC6 (6 vcpus, 56 GB memory) gpu on Azure (or CPU)
  • Docker
  • Nvidia-Docker
  • CUDA 8.0
  • CuDNN 6.0
  • Python 3.6

Build and Run the Container with nvidia-docker

nvidia-docker build -t <path> .
nvidia-docker run -it <container id> bash
nvidia-docker start <container id>

To see if CNTK is installed:

python -c "import cntk; print(cntk.__version__)"

Verify GPU works in container by running:


If you see No running processes found (

sudo nvidia-persistenced --persistence-mode

Check what version of CUDA you have installed:

nvcc -V

If this command is not found then you can refer to this github resource:

sudo apt-get nvidia-375 nvidia-modprobe

Get Ready to Run FastRCNN on a Custom Dataset

  • Make sure you have set up all the requirements above
  • Follow the FasterRCNN guide to run CNTK with your own images or look at the summary below:

Summary of the FasterRCNN guide

  • Prepare your image data by annotating it with bounding boxes (I would recommend the VOTT tagging tool)
  • Store your custom images in Examples/Image/DataSets/<custom images directory>
  • Download the AlexNet model from Examples/Image/Detection/FastRCNN
  • Edit CNTK/Examples/Image/Detection/utils/annotations/

Change from the default Grocery Image Data Set

data_set_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "../../../DataSets/Grocery")

To Your Custom Image Data Set

data_set_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "../../../DataSets/<custom images directory>")
  • Run Examples/Image/Detection/utils/annotations/
  • Create a configuration file for your own dataset in Examples/Image/Detection/utils/configs called <custom image dataset name>

Edit these parameters:





Example Data Set Config:

# data set config
__C.DATA.DATASET = <custom image dataset name>
__C.DATA.MAP_FILE_PATH = "/cntk/Examples/Image/DataSets/<Custom image data folder>"
__C.DATA.CLASS_MAP_FILE = "class_map.txt"
__C.DATA.TRAIN_MAP_FILE = "train_img_file.txt"
__C.DATA.TRAIN_ROI_FILE = "train_roi_file.txt"
__C.DATA.TEST_MAP_FILE = "test_img_file.txt"
__C.DATA.TEST_ROI_FILE = "test_roi_file.txt"
__C.DATA.NUM_TRAIN_IMAGES = <number of images to train>
__C.DATA.NUM_TEST_IMAGES = <number of images to test>
  • Change the dataset_cfg in get_configuration() method of CNTK/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/ to
from utils.configs.<custom image dataset name>_config import cfg as dataset_cfg
  • Edit CNTK/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/ (More details here)
__C.USE_GPU_NMS = True

Train and Test with FastRCNN

  • Make sure to have followed all steps in Get Ready to Run FastRCNN on a Custom Dataset
  • Make sure that MAKE_MODE is False in CNTK/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/

Test with FastRCNN and a Pretrained Model

  • Make sure you obtained a trained model by following the steps in Train and Test with FastRCNN
  • Edit CNTK/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/ to skip testing. If MAKE_MODE is set to True, training will be skipped if a trained model already exists.
  • Edit Examples/Image/Detection/utils/configs/<custom image dataset name> to point to your trained model path. In this case, the trained model is faster_rcnn_eval_AlexNet_e2e.model.

Common Issues Faced when Running CNTK

sudo apt-get nvidia-375 nvidia-modprobe 
sudo nvidia-docker-plugin

Use python 3.4. The versions that are currently contained in the repository are Python 3.5 for Windows and only Python 3.4 for Linux, all 64 bit. If you need a different version you can compile it following the steps described at Linux:

There are CNTK docker images for Python 3.5+, but those images only work unless you use Python 3.4. If you don't use Python 3.4, you will get tons of errors with the .so files -- Supposedly they added the cython dependencies for linux python 3.5 and 3.6, but we still get errors when running other versions of python other than 3.4. We were using the latest CNTK docker image 2.1-gpu-python3.5-cuda8.0-cudnn6.0

apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui qt4-dev-tools

This error comes from missing NVIDIA libraries in your docker container. Use nvidia-docker to run the container, and verify GPU works in container by running nvidia-smi first.

pip install image
 File "/cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/../utils/", line 145, in plot_test_set_results
    img_path = img_file_names[i]
IndexError: list index out of range

Make sure the number of test images in your config files are correct! Namely, /cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/utils/configs we had created a custom - verify that the value of __C.DATA.NUM_TEST_IMAGES matches the test_img_file.txt in /cntk/Examples/Image/DataSets/Reverb/labelled-guitars (labelled-guitars is in the folder structure specified by CNTK with positive, negative, etc.) which was generated by the script.

conda install pyqt
pip uninstall -y matplotlib && pip install -U matplotlib

FasterRCNN CNTK 2.1 Issues to Propose to CNTK Team

  • CNTK examples in 2.1 does not match the CNTK guide, which only covers CNTK 2.1
  • CNTK FasterRCNN config file should be cleaned up on CNTK 2.1
  • CNTK 2.2 uses a certain format for annotated source images, CNTK 2.1 does NOT use annotated images, so we have no way of knowing how to set up our images to get CNTK running on 2.1
  • No makefile in CNTK 2.1

FasterRCNN CNTK 2.2 Issues to Propose to CNTK Team

  • Dockerfiles updates to support Python 3.5+ on linux - the binaries for cython_modules only come prepackaged for windows builds not linux builds.
  • Dockerfiles updates to include all the required pip packages -- we had to manually install pip packages
  • Cleanup CNTK libs so loading your own data is taken from the environment: Change the folder in that script to your data folder after storing your images in the described folder structure and annotating them please run python Examples/Image/Detection/utils/annotations/
  • Cleanup CNTK libs so loading your own data is taken from the environment: Change the dataset_cfg in the get_configuration() method of to from utils.configs.MyDataSet_config import cfg as dataset_cfg
  • CNTK forces you to have at least one image saved in the training data folders (negative and positive), even though you may only want to test on images given a pre-trained model. - If you have no images in training, it will fail and not include the correct class labels in class_map.txt necessary to run
  • Remove the specification of the number of training images and the number of test images config file. CNTK should handle any number of training/test images you provide.
  • Update Readme for CNTK 2.2. It should mention that an Output folder is created after training and what we should expect to see after training (explain more about what new files are generated after training)
  • Printed progress status stays at 0.0% even though it is training images
  • Output descriptive error messages. When I tried to run CNTK with different test images:
Evaluating Faster R-CNN model for 3 images.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 34, in <module>
    eval_results = compute_test_set_aps(trained_model, cfg)
  File "/cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/", line 86, in compute_test_set_aps
    mb_data = minibatch_source.next_minibatch(1, input_map=input_map)
  File "/cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/../utils/", line 70, in next_minibatch
    img_data, roi_data, img_dims, proposals, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = self.od_reader.get_next_input()
  File "/cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/../utils/", line 57, in get_next_input
    index = self._get_next_image_index()
  File "/cntk/Examples/Image/Detection/FasterRCNN/../utils/", line 206, in _get_next_image_index
    next_image_index = self._reading_order[self._reading_index]
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
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