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Created September 5, 2013 15:26
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Instructions to install the required Python packages for CS109 on Ubuntu using virtualenv
# If you'd like, you can actually run this file
# It likely makes more sense to read it, understand it, and run the instructions yourself
# Create the virtual environment
virtualenv env
# Enter into the virtual environment
source ./env/bin/activate
# Install the most recent version of distribute, necessary for installing numpy later
easy_install -U distribute
# Install a development library required for installing numpy or matplotlib
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
# Install numpy first -- numpy is required for installing other packages
pip-2.7 install -r pre-requirements.txt
pip-2.7 install -r requirements.txt
# Ensure all the packages are installed and usable
#IPython is what you are using now to run the notebook
import IPython
print "IPython version: %6.6s (need at least 1.0)" % IPython.__version__
# Numpy is a library for working with Arrays
import numpy as np
print "Numpy version: %6.6s (need at least 1.7.1)" % np.__version__
# SciPy implements many different numerical algorithms
import scipy as sp
print "SciPy version: %6.6s (need at least 0.12.0)" % sp.__version__
# Pandas makes working with data tables easier
import pandas as pd
print "Pandas version: %6.6s (need at least 0.11.0)" % pd.__version__
# Module for plotting
import matplotlib
print "Mapltolib version: %6.6s (need at least 1.2.1)" % matplotlib.__version__
# SciKit Learn implements several Machine Learning algorithms
import sklearn
print "Scikit-Learn version: %6.6s (need at least 0.13.1)" % sklearn.__version__
# Requests is a library for getting data from the Web
import requests
print "requests version: %6.6s (need at least 1.2.3)" % requests.__version__
# Networkx is a library for working with networks
import networkx as nx
print "NetworkX version: %6.6s (need at least 1.7)" % nx.__version__
#BeautifulSoup is a library to parse HTML and XML documents
import BeautifulSoup
print "BeautifulSoup version:%6.6s (need at least 3.2)" % BeautifulSoup.__version__
#MrJob is a library to run map reduce jobs on Amazon's computers
import mrjob
print "Mr Job version: %6.6s (need at least 0.4)" % mrjob.__version__
#Pattern has lots of tools for working with data from the internet
import pattern
print "Pattern version: %6.6s (need at least 2.6)" % pattern.__version__
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