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Created March 12, 2014 01:42
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Issue with sampling uniform for mvslice
def mvslice(pdf, x0, widths, sampleSize=1000, dims=2, burnin=0, thin=0):
:param pdf: function we're trying to sample
:param x0: inital point
:param widths: prior for widths of our hyperrectangle
:param sampleSize: number of samples to generate
:param dims: dimension of our multivariate space
:param burnin: number of samples to get rid of at beginning
:param thin: number of samples to keep
y0 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=pdf(x0))
samples = []
# get hyperrectangle
rectUnifs = np.random.uniform(size=dims)
rectLefts = x0 - widths*rectUnifs
rectRights = rectLefts + widths
# Get our samples
for i in range(sampleSize):
while (True):
# new proposal
xstarUnifs = np.random.uniform(size=dims)
xstar = rectLefts + xstarUnifs*(rectRights - rectLefts)
if y0 < pdf(xstar):
# update rectangle
for j in range(dims):
if xstar[j] < x0[j]:
rectLefts[j] = xstar[j]
rectRights[j] = xstar[j]
# save our sample
# Our last sample x0 is now our proposal
x0 = xstar
# Get our new y0 for next step
y0 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=pdf(x0))
# reset our rectangle
rectLefts = x0 - widths*rectUnifs
rectRights = rectLefts + widths
return samples
pdf = lambda x: np.e**(-(x[0]**2)/2 - ((-x[1])**2)/2)
X = mvslice(pdf,[0,0], [10,10], sampleSize=10000)
Xs = [a[1] for a in X]
Ys = [a[0] for a in X]
def mvslice(pdf, x0, widths, sampleSize=1000, dims=2, burnin=0, thin=0):
:param pdf: function we're trying to sample
:param x0: inital point
:param widths: prior for widths of our hyperrectangle
:param sampleSize: number of samples to generate
:param dims: dimension of our multivariate space
:param burnin: number of samples to get rid of at beginning
:param thin: number of samples to keep
y0 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=pdf(x0))
samples = []
# get hyperrectangle
rectUnifs = np.random.uniform(size=dims)
rectLefts = x0 - widths*rectUnifs
rectRights = rectLefts + widths
# Get our samples
for i in range(sampleSize):
while (True):
# new proposal
xstarUnifs = np.random.uniform(size=dims)
xstar = rectLefts + xstarUnifs*(rectRights - rectLefts)
if y0 < pdf(xstar):
# update rectangle
for j in range(dims):
if xstar[j] < x0[j]:
rectLefts[j] = xstar[j]
rectRights[j] = xstar[j]
# save our sample
# Our last sample x0 is now our proposal
x0 = xstar
# Get our new y0 for next step
y0 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=pdf(x0))
# reset our rectangle
### rect unifs should be sampled again
rectUnifs = np.random.uniform(size=dims)
rectLefts = x0 - widths*rectUnifs
rectRights = rectLefts + widths
return samples
pdf = lambda x: np.e**(-(x[0]**2)/2 - ((-x[1])**2)/2)
X = mvslice(pdf,[0,0], [10,10], sampleSize=10000)
Xs = [a[1] for a in X]
Ys = [a[0] for a in X]
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