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Last active September 22, 2016 16:04
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Javascript helpers for hexlet courses
const dump = (vars, label) => console.log(label ? label : 'dump', ':', vars);
// Or stringify
const dump = (vars, label = 'dump', prettyPrint = false) => {
if (prettyPrint) {
console.log(`${label}:`, JSON.stringify(vars, null, 3));
} else {
console.log(`${label}:`, vars);
// OR for lists
const dump = function(vars, type, label) {
label = label ? label : 'dump';
if (type == 'h') {
console.log(label, 'html:', toString(vars));
} else if (type == 'l') {
console.log(label, 'list:', listToString(vars)); // добавить import { toString as listToString } from 'hexlet-pairs-data';
} else if (type == 'n') {
console.log(label, 'name:', name(vars));
} else if (type == 'v') {
console.log(label, 'value:', value(vars));
} else {
console.log(label, ':', vars.toString());
// dump for Tree
print() {
const iter = (tree, acc) => {
if (!tree) {
return acc;
let childsAcc = tree.getChildren().reduce((childAcc, child) => {
childAcc.push(iter(child, {}));
return childAcc;
}, []);
acc[tree.getKey()] = childsAcc;
return acc;
let res = iter(this.tree, {});
dump(res, 'Tree', true);
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