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Created November 1, 2012 16:58
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Suggested edits to Bit Stadium HockeySDK-Mac

This document describes how to integrate the HockeySDK-Mac into your app. The SDK has one main feature:

Collect crash reports: If your app crashes, a crash log with the same format as from the Apple Crash Reporter is written to the device's storage. If the user starts the app again, he is asked to submit the crash report to HockeyApp.

Release Notes

Version 1.0.2:

  • Include new PLCrashReporter version, which fixes a crash that can happen when the App/System is unloading images from a process

Version 1.0.1:

  • Fixed a App Store rejection cause (only happened if you don't submit with sandbox enabled!): settings data was written into ~/Library/net.hockeyapp.sdk.mac/, and is now written into ~/Library/Caches//net.hockeyapp.sdk.mac/ next to the queued crash reports
  • Fixed an issue writing the queued crashes into the wrong key in the settings file
  • Fixed reading the wrong meta data (application log data) for queued crash reports
  • Delete crash reports if they can not be processed (only might happen if there is an unknown PLCrashReporter issue)
  • Send unique UUID for the crash report to the server (so HockeyApp can identify duplicates in a future version)
  • Initialize PLCrashReporter as early as possible instead of waiting until the startManager call
  • Added new property didCrashInLastSession
  • Minor code cleanup

Version 1.0:

Version 0.9.6 (RC 6):

  • IMPORTANT: Initialization methods and class names changed! Please check the Setup section in the README. Sorry for that.
  • Optimize sending of crash reports. Crash reports will be send synchronously if the app crashes within a customizable time interval (default 5s)
  • Added option to ask the user for name and email in the UI
  • Removed the delegates to get userid and contact, replaced with username and useremail properties
  • Validate app identifier and disable the SDK if it is obviously invalid
  • Use proper sandbox safe directories for crash caches and sdk settings
  • Fixed symlink error of the framework
  • Adjust namespace from CNS (Codenauts) to BIT (Bit Stadium).
  • Updated bundle identifiers
  • Update copyright information to use Bit Stadium GmbH
  • Some internal optimizations

Version 0.9.5 (RC 5):

  • Add multiple localizations (Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish. Thanks Markus!)
  • UI now automatically resizes the buttons to fit the localized strings
  • Move CNSCrashReporterManagerDelegate to public headers of the framework

Version 0.9.4 (RC 4):

  • Update SDK initializer to be less error prone
  • Add german localization (Beware, button sizes are not automatically adjusted if you add other languages!)

Version 0.9.3 (RC 3):

  • Fixed double PLCrashReporter in HockeySDK-Mac framework

Version 0.9.2 (RC 2):

  • Cleaned up protocols, initialization slightly changed, please check the readme file!
  • Fixed company name not appearing in the user interface
  • Moved PLCrashReporter framework into the HockeySDK-Mac frameworks folder

Version 0.9.0 (RC 1):

  • Fixed memory leak
  • Added option to intercept exceptions thrown within the main NSRunLoop before they reach Apple's exception handler
  • Send crash report synchronously, so crashes that appear on startup are also safely submitted
  • Make sure crash reports are anonymous and don't contain user's home directory name
  • Send app binaries UUIDs to the server for server side symbolication improvements

Version 0.6.0:

  • System calls in Last Exception Backtrace are now symbolicated
  • Fixed invalid stacktrace and some cases
  • Fixed 0x0 appearances in stack traces
  • Fixed memory leak

Version 0.5.1:

  • Added Mac Sandbox support:
    • Supports 32 and 64 bit Intel X86 architecture
    • Uses brand new PLCrashReporter version instead of crash logs from Libary directories
  • Fixed sending crash reports to the HockeyApp servers


  1. Before you integrate HockeySDK-Mac into your own app, you should add the app to HockeyApp if you haven't already. Read this how-to on how to do it.

  2. We also assume that you already have a project in Xcode and that this project is opened in Xcode 4.


We suggest to handle beta and release versions in two separate apps on HockeyApp with their own bundle identifier (e.g. by adding "beta" to the bundle identifier), so

  • both apps can run on the same device or computer at the same time without interfering,

  • release versions do not appear on the beta download pages, and

  • easier analysis of crash reports and user feedback.

We propose the following method to set version numbers in your beta versions:

  • Use both "Bundle Version" and "Bundle Version String, short" in your Info.plist.

  • "Bundle Version" should contain a sequential build number, e.g. 1, 2, 3.

  • "Bundle Version String, short" should contain the target official version number, e.g. 1.0.

Integrate using the framework binary

  1. Download the latest framework.

  2. Unzip the file. A HockeySDK.framework package is extracted

  3. Link the HockeySDK-Mac framework to your target:

    • Drag HockeySDK.framework into the Frameworks folder of your Xcode project.
    • Be sure to check the “copy items into the destination group’s folder” box in the sheet that appears.
    • Make sure the box is checked for your app’s target in the sheet’s Add to targets list.
  4. Now we’ll make sure the framework is copied into your app bundle:

    • Click on your project in the Project Navigator.
    • Click your target in the project editor.
    • Click on the Build Phases tab.
    • Click the Add Build Phase button at the bottom and choose Add Copy Files.
    • Click the disclosure triangle next to the new build phase.
    • Choose Frameworks from the Destination list.
    • Drag HockeySDK-Mac from the Project Navigator left sidebar to the list in the new Copy Files phase.
  5. Continue with the chapter "Setup HockeySDK-Mac framework".

Setup HockeySDK-Mac

  1. Open your AppDelegate.h file.

  2. Add the following line at the top of the file below your own #import statements:

    #import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>

  3. Add the following protocol to your AppDelegate: BITCrashReportManagerDelegate:

    @interface AppDelegate() <BITCrashReportManagerDelegate> {}

  4. Switch to your AppDelegate.m file and add the following line at the top of the file below your own #import statements:

    #import <HockeySDK/BITHockeyManager.h>

  5. Search for the method applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification, or find where your application normally presents and activates its main/first window. (Note: If you are using NIBs, make sure to change the main window to NOT automatically show when the NIB is loaded!)

    Replace whatever usually opens the main window with the following lines:

     [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] configureWithIdentifier:@"<APP_IDENTIFIER>" companyName:@"My company" crashReportManagerDelegate:self];
     [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] startManager];

    In case of document based apps, invoke startManager at the end of applicationDidFinishLaunching, since otherwise you may lose the Apple events to restore, open untitled document etc.

    If any crash report has been saved from the last time your application ran, startManager will present a dialog to allow the user to submit it. Once done, or if there are no crash logs, it will then call back to your appDelegate with showMainApplicationWindow (see step 7 below) to continue the process of getting your main window displayed.

    This allows the SDK to present a crash dialog on the next startup before your main window gets initialized and possibly crashes right away again.

  6. Replace APP_IDENTIFIER in configureWithIdentifier: with the app identifier of your app. If you don't know what the app identifier is or how to find it, please read this how-to.

  7. Your appDelegate is now a BITCrashReportManagerDelegate, so you must implement the required showMainApplicationWindow method like this:

     // this delegate method is required
     - (void) showMainApplicationWindow
         // launch the main app window
         [myWindow makeFirstResponder: nil];
         [myWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];

    In case of NSDocument-based applications, leave the implementation empty.

  8. Set additional options and/or implement optional delegate methods as mentioned below if you want to add custom data to the crash reports.

  9. Done.

Additional Options

  • If you want the SDK to intercept exceptions thrown within the main NSRunLoop before they reach Apple's exception handler, add the following line before startManager:

      [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] setExceptionInterceptionEnabled:YES];

    They will be treated with the default behavior given to uncaught exceptions. Use with caution if the client overrides -[NSApplication sendEvent:]!

    Alternatively you can also subclass NSWindow or NSApplication to catch the exceptions like this:

      @implementation MyWindow
      - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
          // Catch all exceptions and forward them to the crash reporter
          @try {
              [super sendEvent: theEvent];
          @catch (NSException *exception) {
  • Crash reports are normally sent to our server asynchronously. If your application is crashing near startup, BITHockeyManager will send crash reports synchronously to make sure they are being received. For adjusting the default 5 seconds maximum time interval between app start and crash being considered to send crashes synchronously, use the following line:

      [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] setMaxTimeIntervalOfCrashForReturnMainApplicationDelay:<NewTimeInterval>];
  • In case you want to check some integrated logging data (this should probably be used only for debugging purposes), add the following line before startManager:

      [[BITHockeyManager sharedHockeyManager] setLoggingEnabled:YES];

Optional Delegate Methods

Besides the crash log, HockeyApp can show you fields with information about the user and an optional description. You can fill out these fields by implementing the following methods:

  • crashReportUserID should be a user ID or email, e.g. if your app requires to sign in into your server, you could specify the login here. The string should be no longer than 255 chars.

  • crashReportContact should be the user's name or similar. The string should be no longer than 255 chars.

  • crashReportApplicationLog can be as long as you want it to be and contain additional information about the crash. For example, you can return a custom log or the last XML or JSON response from your server here.

If you implement these delegate methods and keep them in your live app too, please consider the privacy implications.

Upload the .dSYM File

Once you have your app ready for beta testing or even to submit it to the App Store, you need to upload the .dSYM bundle to HockeyApp to enable symbolication. If you have built your app with Xcode4, menu Product > Archive, you can find the .dSYM as follows:

  1. Chose Window > Organizer in Xcode.

  2. Select the tab Archives.

  3. Select your app in the left sidebar.

  4. Right-click on the latest archive and select Show in Finder.

  5. Right-click the .xcarchive in Finder and select Show Package Contents.

  6. You should see a folder named dSYMs which contains your dSYM bundle. If you use Safari, just drag this file from Finder and drop it on to the corresponding drop zone in HockeyApp. If you use another browser, copy the file to a different location, then right-click it and choose Compress "YourApp.dSYM". The file will be compressed as a .zip file. Drag & drop this file to HockeyApp.

As an easier alternative for step 5 and 6, you can use our HockeyMac app to upload the complete archive in one step.

Checklist if Crashes Do Not Appear in HockeyApp

  1. Check if the APP_IDENTIFIER matches the App ID in HockeyApp.

  2. Check if CFBundleIdentifier in your Info.plist matches the Bundle Identifier of the app in HockeyApp. HockeyApp accepts crashes only if both the App ID and the Bundle Identifier equal their corresponding values in your plist and source code.

  3. If it still does not work, please contact us.

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