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Created September 22, 2017 22:29
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`npm run help` in epoxy
$ npm run help

> epoxy@0.41.2 help /home/vagrant/polymer/epoxy
> npm run & gulp help

Lifecycle scripts included in epoxy:
    jspm install
    gulp watch

available via `npm run-script`:
    npm install && npm run build
    cd elmer && npm install --production && npm run build && cd .. && gulp --max_old_space_size=2048 build
    gulp test:eslint
    gulp test:eslint-fix
    npm run & gulp help
Usage: npm run gulp -- <gulpTask(s)> [options]
Usage: npm start -- [options]

  --help             Show help                                         [boolean]
  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]
  --env.development  Spoof the environment to development, altering build
                     results. May be useful on qa instances.           [boolean]           Spoof the environment to qa, altering build results.
  --env.production   Spoof the environment to production, altering build
                     results.                                          [boolean]
  --env.lint         When watching, lint target watched files.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --env.templates    When watching, include html templates in the watch.
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]

  $ npm start -- --env.lint=true        When watching, lint target watched
  $ npm start -- --env.templates=false  Exclude templates from the watch so that
                                        they do not trigger a page reload
  $ npm run build -- --env.production   Spoof the environment to production,
                                        altering build results.

[22:28:46] environment: development
[22:28:46] Using gulpfile ~/polymer/epoxy/gulpfile.js
(node:30465) DeprecationWarning: 'root' is deprecated, use 'global'
(node:30465) DeprecationWarning: 'GLOBAL' is deprecated, use 'global'
[22:28:46] Starting 'help'...

  gulp [TASK] [OPTIONS...]

Available tasks
  build                        compiles js and sass source to dist; everything needed to run the app 
   --env.development           Spoof the environment to development, altering build results. May be useful on qa instances. 
   --env.production            Spoof the environment to production, altering build results.                    Spoof the environment to qa, altering build results.
  build:clean                  cleans the dist dir
  build:css                    compiles core styles as well as print styles [build:css:core, build:css:print]
  build:css:core               builds the core app css [build:css:core:remove]
  build:css:core:remove        removes the core app css from dist
  build:css:print              builds the print css [build:css:print:remove]
  build:css:print:remove       removes the print css from dist
  build:index                  uses revved files and compiles index template
  build:js:app                 builds app.module to build file [build:js:app:remove]
  build:js:app:remove          removes app build file from dist
  build:js:config              builds config file to be used in the app
  build:js:deps                create deps bundle
  build:js:modules             seeks out all module files and builds a jspm bundle from them [build:js:modules:remove]
  build:js:modules:remove      removes view module bundles from dist
  build:js:move                does the default processing of javascript files and copies them to dist
  build:rev                    revs dist files
  build:templates              copies templates to dist (only useful in prodLike environments) [build:templates:remove]
  build:templates:remove       removes compiled templates from dist
  help                         Display this help text.
  test:eslint                  lints all js files
  test:eslint-fix              automatically fixes any linting errors found
  watch                        watch all html, scss, and js and livereload changes; may optionally lint (see options) [build:css] 
   --env.lint                  When watching, lint target watched files. 
   --env.templates             When watching, include html templates in the watch.

[22:28:46] Finished 'help' after 7.77 ms
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