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Smoukus/log Secret

Created April 11, 2023 14:00
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[main] Injecting "qwebchannel.js"
[main] Injecting "userscript.js"
[userstyles] Looking for userstyles in /home/smokus/.config/discord-screenaudio
[main] NodeJS found, starting arRPC located at /tmp/discord-screenaudio.KbLjrL
[main] Injecting "arrpc_bridge_mod.js"
[discord] [FAST CONNECT] connecting to: wss://
[userscript] Loading userstyles...
[userscript] Finished loading userstyles
[arRPC] arRPC v3.1.0
[arRPC > ipc] checking /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0
[arRPC > bridge] listening on 1337
[arRPC > ipc] checked if socket is available: true
[arRPC > ipc] listening at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0
[arRPC > websocket] trying port 6463
[arRPC > websocket] listening on 6463
[arRPC > process] started
[discord] [default] [BUILD INFO] Release Channel: stable, Build Number: 187836, Version Hash: a31c7e6397f776718d3ef3e7a7c07a13181925fa
[discord] AppCrashedFatalReport: getLastCrash not supported.
[discord] [FAST CONNECT] connected in 845ms
[userscript] Cannot locate Mute/Deafen/Settings button container, please report this on GitHub
[discord] Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot find module './notosans-400-normalitalic.woff2'
[discord] Deprecation warning: value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.
[discord] Arguments:
[discord] [0] _isAMomentObject: true, _isUTC: false, _useUTC: false, _l: undefined, _i: 5/13/2022 10:00 -0800, _f: undefined, _strict: undefined, _locale: [object Object]
[discord] Error
[discord] at Function.createFromInputFallback (
[discord] at Bn (
[discord] at Wn (
[discord] at Zn (
[discord] at Yn (
[discord] at Kn (
[discord] at zn (
[discord] at i (
[discord] at Object.408481 (
[discord] at l (
[discord] at Object.558820 (
[discord] at l (
[discord] at Object.308739 (
[discord] at l (
[discord] at Object.173242 (
[discord] at l (
[discord] at Module.113190 (
[discord] at Function.l (
[discord] [DEPRECATED] Please use `subscribeWithSelector` middleware
[discord] [GatewaySocket] .connect() called, new state is WILL_RECONNECT
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Setting connection state to WILL_RECONNECT
[userscript] Cannot locate Mute/Deafen/Settings button container, please report this on GitHub
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Setting connection state to CONNECTING
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [CONNECT] wss://, encoding: json, version: 9, compression: zlib-stream
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [FAST CONNECT] successfully took over websocket, state: [object Object]
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [CONNECTED] wss:// in 1 ms
[discord] [ConnectionStore] handleIdentify called [object Object]
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Setting connection state to IDENTIFYING
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [IDENTIFY]
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [HELLO] via
[discord] gateway-prd-us-east1-d-sqd0: 0, heartbeat interval: 41250, took 6 ms
[userscript] Cannot locate Mute/Deafen/Settings button container, please report this on GitHub
[discord] 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead.
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [READY] took 529ms, as ec99f1fe97b36ed3475482e3c5cf036a via
[discord] gateway-prd-us-east1-d-sqd0: 222.376
[discord] | id_created: 1.554
[discord] | session_lookup_time: 4.075
[discord] | session_lookup_finished: 0.022
[discord] | discord-sessions-blue-prd-2-75: 204.259
[discord] | | start_session: 156.285
[discord] | | | discord-api-789558bbb6-tkjv8: 139.525
[discord] | | | | get_user: 15.992
[discord] | | | | get_guilds: 77.648
[discord] | | | | user_settings_proto: 0.202
[discord] | | | | relationships: 23.707
[discord] | | | | friend_suggestion: 0.072
[discord] | | | | connections: 0.207
[discord] | | | | serialized_read_states: 0.006
[discord] | | | | pending_payments: 0.002
[discord] | | | | send_scheduled_deletion_message: 0.001
[discord] | | | | sanitize_premium_perks: 0.001
[discord] | | | | guild_join_requests: 0.001
[discord] | | | | user_guild_settings: 0.001
[discord] | | | | serialized_private_channels: 0.001
[discord] | | | | user_segments: 0.001
[discord] | | | | experiments: 12.683
[discord] | | | | affine_user_ids: 0.012
[discord] | | | | required_action: 0.002
[discord] | | | | authorized_ip_coro: 0.002
[discord] | | starting_guild_connect: 0.089
[discord] | | presence_started: 0.26
[discord] | | guilds_started: 0.974
[discord] | | guilds_connect: 43.703
[discord] | | presence_connect: 0.001
[discord] | | connect_finished: 43.729
[discord] | | build_ready: 1.405
[discord] | | clean_ready: 0.001
[discord] | | optimize_ready: 1.464
[discord] | | split_ready: 0.049
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Setting connection state to SESSION_ESTABLISHED
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Updating resume url to wss://
[discord] [GatewaySocket] [READY_SUPPLEMENTAL] took 537ms
[discord] [GatewaySocket] Setting connection state to SESSION_ESTABLISHED
[userscript] Cannot locate Mute/Deafen/Settings button container, please report this on GitHub
[discord] [AuthenticationStore] handleConnectionOpen called [object Object]
[discord] [Spotify] WS Connecting
[discord] [Spotify] Added account: 31syg7a7k6igvaz6nahpvm3k2tfe
[discord] [MessageActionCreators] Fetching messages for 813094679478272027 between undefined and undefined. jump={"jumpType":"ANIMATED"}
[discord] [MessageActionCreators] Fetched 0 messages from local database (channel_id: 813094679478272027, remote_fetch_completed: false)
[discord] [MessageActionCreators] Fetched 50 messages for 813094679478272027 isBefore:false isAfter:false
[discord] [Spotify] WS Connected
[discord] [Flux] Slow dispatch on GAMES_DATABASE_UPDATE: 108.69999999999891ms
[discord] [Spotify] Profile updated for 31syg7a7k6igvaz6nahpvm3k2tfe: isPremium = true
[discord] [Spotify] Devices updated for 31syg7a7k6igvaz6nahpvm3k2tfe:
[discord] Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
[discord] Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request has been terminated
[discord] Possible causes: the network is offline, Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, the page is being unloaded, etc.
[discord] [Routing/Utils] transitionTo - Transitioning to /channels/813094678874030111/813094679478272027
[arRPC > bridge] web connected
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[discord] [ComponentDispatchUtils] ComponentDispatch.subscribe: Attempting to add a duplicate listener POPOUT_CLOSE
[default] Data set on unsupported clipboard mode. QMimeData object will be deleted.
[discord] [ChannelMessagePreviewStore] Persisting store
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