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Last active December 22, 2020 18:10
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  • Save Snehal1112/40699211738c8faaa6576d4f58b12920 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generate self signed certificates
echo "***********************"
echo "* Install step cli *"
echo "***********************"
apt update -y && apt install -f wget
cd /data/
dpkg -i step-cli_*_amd64.deb
echo "**************************"
echo "* Create self sign Cert *"
echo "**************************"
mkdir -p /srv/tls && cd /srv/tls
step certificate create root-ca root-ca.crt root-ca.key --profile root-ca
step certificate install root-ca.crt
step certificate create $(hostname -f) server.crt server.key --san $(hostname -f) --san $(hostname -s) --profile leaf --ca ./root-ca.crt --ca-key ./root-ca.key --no-password --insecure --not-after "$(date --date "next year" -Iseconds)"
step certificate bundle server.crt root-ca.crt bundle.crt
chmod 644 bundle.crt
chmod 640 server.key
chown .www-data server.key
sed -i "s;SSLCertificateKeyFile.*;SSLCertificateKeyFile /srv/tls/server.key;" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf
sed -i "s;SSLCertificateFile.*;SSLCertificateFile /srv/tls/server.crt;" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf
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