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Created December 4, 2019 08:05
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#include <iterator>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
template <typename T>
using remove_cvref = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
template <typename T, T... values>
struct Seq {
constexpr const static auto as_array = {values...};
constexpr const static auto size = sizeof...(values);
template <T value>
using push_front = Seq<T, value, values...>;
template <T value>
using push_back = Seq<T, values..., value>;
template <size_t index>
constexpr const static auto get = as_array[index];
namespace seq {
template <auto array, size_t... indices>
using gather = Seq<remove_cvref<decltype(array[0])>, array[indices]...>;
template <auto array, typename Indices>
struct FromArrayImpl;
template <auto array, size_t... indices>
struct FromArrayImpl<array, std::index_sequence<indices...>> {
using type = gather<array, indices...>;
template <auto array>
using from_array = typename FromArrayImpl<array, std::make_index_sequence<std::size(array) - 1>>::type;
template <typename Seq>
struct HeadImpl;
template <typename T, T head, T... values>
struct HeadImpl<Seq<T, head, values...>> {
constexpr const static auto value = head;
template <typename Seq>
constexpr const auto head = HeadImpl<Seq>::value;
template <typename Seq>
struct TailImpl;
template <typename T, T head, T... values>
struct TailImpl<Seq<T, head, values...>> {
using type = Seq<T, values...>;
template <typename Seq>
using tail = typename TailImpl<Seq>::type;
template <char... values>
using Str = Seq<char, values...>;
namespace str {
template <typename Str, char delim>
struct SubstrDelimImpl;
template <char head, char... tail, char delim>
struct SubstrDelimImpl<Str<head, tail...>, delim> {
using type = typename SubstrDelimImpl<Str<tail...>, delim>::type::template push_front<head>;
using remainder = typename SubstrDelimImpl<Str<tail...>, delim>::remainder;
template <char... tail, char delim>
struct SubstrDelimImpl<Str<delim, tail...>, delim> {
using type = Str<>;
using remainder = Str<tail...>;
template <char delim>
struct SubstrDelimImpl<Str<>, delim> {
using type = Str<>;
using remainder = Str<>;
template <typename Str, char delim>
using substr_delim = typename SubstrDelimImpl<Str, delim>::type;
template <typename Str, size_t acc>
struct ParseIntImpl;
template <char head, char... tail, size_t acc>
struct ParseIntImpl<Str<head, tail...>, acc> {
constexpr const static size_t value = ParseIntImpl<Str<tail...>, acc * 10 + head - '0'>::value;
template <size_t acc>
struct ParseIntImpl<Str<>, acc> {
constexpr const static size_t value = acc;
template <typename Str>
constexpr const static size_t parse_int = ParseIntImpl<Str, 0>::value;
template <typename... Ts>
struct List {
constexpr const static size_t size = sizeof...(Ts);
template <typename T>
using push_front = List<T, Ts...>;
template <typename T>
using push_back = List<Ts..., T>;
namespace list {
template <typename Str, char delim>
struct SplitImpl;
template <char... tail, char delim>
struct SplitImpl<Str<tail...>, delim> {
using item = str::SubstrDelimImpl<Str<tail...>, delim>;
using type = typename SplitImpl<typename item::remainder, delim>::type::template push_front<typename item::type>;
template <char delim>
struct SplitImpl<Str<>, delim> {
using type = List<>;
template <char delim>
struct SplitImpl<Str<delim>, delim> {
using type = List<>;
template <typename Str, char delim>
using split = typename SplitImpl<Str, delim>::type;
template <typename List, size_t index>
struct GetImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, size_t index>
struct GetImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, index> {
using type = typename GetImpl<List<Tail...>, index - 1>::type;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct GetImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, 0> {
using type = Head;
template <typename List, size_t index>
using get = typename GetImpl<List, index>::type;
template <typename List>
struct HeadImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct HeadImpl<List<Head, Tail...>> {
using type = Head;
template <typename List>
using head = typename HeadImpl<List>::type;
template <typename List>
struct TailImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TailImpl<List<Head, Tail...>> {
using type = List<Tail...>;
template <typename List>
using tail = typename TailImpl<List>::type;
template <typename List, template <typename> typename F>
struct MapImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, template <typename> typename F>
struct MapImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, F> {
using type = typename MapImpl<List<Tail...>, F>::type::template push_front<F<Head>>;
template <template <typename> typename F>
struct MapImpl<List<>, F> {
using type = List<>;
template <typename List, template <typename> typename F>
using map = typename MapImpl<List, F>::type;
template <typename List, template <typename> typename F>
struct FilterImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, template <typename> typename F>
struct FilterImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, F> {
using rest = typename FilterImpl<List<Tail...>, F>::type;
using rest_with = rest::template push_front<Head>;
using type = std::conditional_t<
template <template <typename> typename F>
struct FilterImpl<List<>, F> {
using type = List<>;
template <typename List, template <typename> typename F>
using filter = typename FilterImpl<List, F>::type;
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct ConcatImpl;
template <typename... Items1, typename... Items2>
struct ConcatImpl<List<Items1...>, List<Items2...>> {
using type = List<Items1..., Items2...>;
template <typename List1, typename List2>
using concat = typename ConcatImpl<List1, List2>::type;
template <int x_component, int y_component>
struct Vec {
constexpr const static auto x = x_component;
constexpr const static auto y = y_component;
template <int amount>
using scale = Vec<x * amount, y * amount>;
template <typename Other>
using add = Vec<x + Other::x, y + Other::y>;
template <typename Other>
using min = Vec<std::min(x, Other::x), std::min(y, Other::y)>;
template <typename Other>
using max = Vec<std::max(x, Other::x), std::max(y, Other::y)>;
constexpr const static auto manhattan = std::abs(x) + std::abs(y);
enum class Direction {
Up, Down, Left, Right
namespace direction {
template <char c>
struct ParseImpl;
template <>
struct ParseImpl<'U'> {
constexpr const static auto value = Direction::Up;
template <>
struct ParseImpl<'D'> {
constexpr const static auto value = Direction::Down;
template <>
struct ParseImpl<'L'> {
constexpr const static auto value = Direction::Left;
template <>
struct ParseImpl<'R'> {
constexpr const static auto value = Direction::Right;
template <char c>
constexpr const auto parse = ParseImpl<c>::value;
template <Direction dir>
using to_offset = list::get<
Vec<0, 1>, // up
Vec<0, -1>, // down
Vec<-1, 0>, // left
Vec<1, 0> // right
template <Direction dir, size_t ln>
struct Segment {
constexpr const static auto direction = dir;
constexpr const static auto length = ln;
namespace {
template <typename Str>
using parse_segment = Segment<
template <typename Str>
using parse_segments = list::map<
list::split<Str, ','>,
template <Direction dir, typename start_pos, int size>
struct Line {
constexpr const static auto direction = dir;
constexpr const static auto length = size;
using a = start_pos;
using b = direction::to_offset<direction>::template scale<length>::template add<start_pos>;
using start = typename a::template min<b>;
using end = typename a::template max<b>;
constexpr const static auto horizontal = direction == Direction::Left || direction == Direction::Right;
namespace line {
template <typename SegmentList, typename Pos>
struct SegmentsToLinesImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, typename Pos>
struct SegmentsToLinesImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, Pos> {
using line = Line<Head::direction, Pos, Head::length>;
using type = SegmentsToLinesImpl<List<Tail...>, typename line::b>::type::template push_front<line>;
template <typename Pos>
struct SegmentsToLinesImpl<List<>, Pos> {
using type = List<>;
template <typename Lines>
using segments_to_lines = typename SegmentsToLinesImpl<Lines, Vec<0, 0>>::type;
template <typename Horizontal, typename Vertical>
constexpr const auto intersects_hv =
(Horizontal::start::x <= Vertical::start::x && Vertical::start::x < Horizontal::end::x) &&
(Vertical::start::y <= Horizontal::start::y && Horizontal::start::y < Vertical::end::y);
template <typename Horizontal, typename Vertical>
using intersection_hv = std::conditional_t<
intersects_hv<Horizontal, Vertical>,
Vec<Vertical::start::x, Horizontal::start::y>,
template <typename Line1, typename Line2>
using intersection = std::conditional_t<
Line1::horizontal == Line2::horizontal,
void, // dont care about the cases where the lines are parallel
intersection_hv<Line1, Line2>,
intersection_hv<Line2, Line1>
template <typename Lines1, typename Lines2>
struct IntersectionsImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail, typename Lines2>
struct IntersectionsImpl<List<Head, Tail...>, Lines2> {
using rest = typename IntersectionsImpl<List<Tail...>, Lines2>::type;
template <typename Line>
using intersection_with_head = intersection<Head, Line>;
using intersections_with_head =
list::map<Lines2, intersection_with_head>,
using type = list::concat<intersections_with_head, rest>;
template <typename Lines2>
struct IntersectionsImpl<List<>, Lines2> {
using type = List<>;
template <typename Lines1, typename Lines2>
using intersections = typename IntersectionsImpl<Lines1, Lines2>::type;
template <typename Intersections>
struct SelectLowestManhattanImpl;
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct SelectLowestManhattanImpl<List<Head, Tail...>> {
using prev = typename SelectLowestManhattanImpl<List<Tail...>>::type;
using type = std::conditional_t<
(Head::manhattan < prev::manhattan),
template <>
struct SelectLowestManhattanImpl<List<>> {
using type = Vec<99999, 99999>;
template <typename Intersections>
using select_lowest_manhattan = typename SelectLowestManhattanImpl<Intersections>::type;
template <size_t N>
constexpr std::array<char, N> to_array(const char (&from)[N]) {
auto to = std::array<char, N>{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
to[i] = from[i];
return to;
constexpr const char input_text[] =
// constexpr const char input_text[] =
// "R8,U5,L5,D3\n"
// "U7,R6,D4,L4";
int main() {
using input = seq::from_array<to_array(input_text)>;
using line_inputs = list::split<input, '\n'>;
using segments = list::map<
using lines1 = line::segments_to_lines<list::head<segments>>;
using lines2 = line::segments_to_lines<list::head<list::tail<segments>>>;
using intersections = line::intersections<lines1, lines2>;
using lowest = select_lowest_manhattan<list::tail<intersections>>;
int a = Seq<int, lowest::manhattan>{};
return 0;
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