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BootJacker: The Amazing AVR Bootloader Hack!
#define SPIFbit 7
#define SPR (1<<0)
#define kSpmCsr 0x37
#define kSpmCsrMem (kSpmCsr+0x20)
#define IOAddrInsMask(aPort) (((aPort&0x30)<<5)|(aPort&7))
#define kBootloaderStart 0x7800
#define kMicroBootStart 0x7f80
#define kBootloaderEnd 0x8000
#define kStsIns 0x9200
#define kStsRegMask 0x01f0
#define kOutSpmCsrIns (0xb800+IOAddrInsMask(kSpmCsr))
#define kOutSpmCsrRegMask 0x01f0
#define kSpmIns 0x95e8
typedef enum {
} kSpmType;
extern byte _etext;
#define kFlashPageSize (1<<kFlashPageSizeBits)
#define kFlashPageSizeInWords (1<<(kFlashPageSizeBits-1))
#define kFlashSpmEnMask (1<<0)
#define kFlashSpmEraseMask (1<<1)
#define kFlashSpmWritePageMask (1<<2)
#define kFlashSpmBlbSetMask (1<<3)
#define kFlashSpmRwwsReMask (1<<4)
#define kFlashSpmRwwsBusyMask (1<<6)
#define kFlashSpmEn kFlashSpmEnMask
#define kFlashSpmErase (kFlashSpmEraseMask|kFlashSpmEnMask)
#define kFlashSpmWritePage (kFlashSpmWritePageMask|kFlashSpmEnMask)
#define kFlashSpmBlbSet (kFlashSpmBlbSetMask|kFlashSpmEnMask)
#define kFlashSpmRwws (kFlashSpmRwwsReMask|kFlashSpmEnMask)
#define kFlashSpmRwwsBusy (kFlashSpmRwwsBusyMask)
ushort gSpmSequenceAddr;
ushort FlashLpmData(ushort addr, byte spmCmd)
ushort val;
asm volatile("push r0\n"
"push r1\n"
"push r16\n"
"push r30\n"
"push r31\n"
"movw r30,%1\n" // set the addr to be written.
"1: in r16,%3\n" //
"sbrc r16,0\n" //wait for operation complete.
"rjmp 1b\n"
"out %3,%2\n"
"lpm %0,Z\n" // now we start the load/erase/write.
"pop r31\n"
"pop r30\n"
"pop r16\n"
"pop r1\n"
"pop r0\n" : "=r" (val): "r" (addr), "r" (spmCmd), "I" (kSpmCsr));
return val;
void CheckBootLock(void)
byte k;
ushort bootLockBits;
bootLockBits=FlashLpmData(1, kFlashSpmBlbSet);
if((bootLockBits&0x3f)!=0x3f) {
byte FindSpm(void)
byte spmType=kSpmTypeNone;
ushort ix;
for(ix=kBootloaderStart;ix<kBootloaderEnd && ((spmType&1)==1);ix+=2) {
if( (GetPgmWord(*(ushort*)ix)&~kStsRegMask)==kStsIns &&
GetPgmWord(*(ushort*)(ix+2))==kSpmCsrMem &&
GetPgmWord(*(ushort*)(ix+4))==kSpmIns) {
if( (GetPgmWord(*(ushort*)ix)&~kOutSpmCsrRegMask)==kOutSpmCsrIns &&
GetPgmWord(*(ushort*)(ix+2))==kSpmIns) {
return spmType;
void SetupTimer0B(byte cycles)
// clear PCINT2.
PCICR&=~(1<<PCIE2); // disable PCINT2 interrupts.
PCIFR|=(1<<PCIE2); // clear any pending PCINT2 interrupts.
TCCR0B=0; // stop the timer.
TCCR0A=0; // mode 0, no OCR outputs.
TCNT0=0; // reset the timer
TIFR0=(1<<OCF0B)|(1<<OCF0A)|(1<<TOV0); // clear all pending timer0 interrupts.
OCR0B=cycles; // 40 clocks from now (40 in test, 31 for real).
TIMSK0=(1<<OCIE0B); // OCR0B interrupt enabled.
#define kTCCR0B 0x25
#define kTCNT0 0x26
#define kTIFR0 0x15
void SpmLeapCmd(ushort addr, byte spmCmd, ushort optValue)
byte cmdReg,tmp=0;
asm volatile(
"push r0\n"
"push r1\n" // needed for opt command.
"push %9\n"
"push r30\n"
"push r31\n"
"SpmLeapCmdWaitSpm: in %9,%8\n" //
"sbrc %9,0\n" //wait for spm operation complete.
"rjmp SpmLeapCmdWaitSpm\n"
"ldi %9,1\n" // timer 0 start at fClk
"out %2,%9\n" // set TCCR0B so off we go. This is time 0c.
"movw r0,%5\n" // set the value to be written.
"mov r30,%3\n" // get the register used by the sequence's spm command.
"ldi r31,0\n" // z^reg to save.
"ld %9,Z\n" // get the reg
"push %9\n" // saved it, now we can overwrite with spm command.
"ldi r30,lo8(pm(SpmLeapCmdRet))\n"
"ldi r31,hi8(pm(SpmLeapCmdRet))\n"
"push r30\n"
"push r31\n" // return address must be pushed big-endian.
"lds r30,%7\n" // lo byte of Spm sequence address
"lds r31,%7+1\n" // hi byte of Spm sequence address. z^sequence in code.
"lsr r31\n"
"ror r30\n" // div 2 to get correct Spm program address.
"push r30\n"
"push r31\n" // Spm sequence program address must be pushed big-endian.
"push %A6\n" // before we overwrite reg used by sequence's spm command
// we must first save the spm target address
"push %B6\n" // in case it would get overwritten by the st Z.
"mov r30,%3\n" // get the register used by the sequence's spm command.
"ldi r31,0\n" // z^reg to save.
"st Z,%4\n" // store the command in the reg.
"pop r31\n"
"pop r30\n" // restore the spm target address into Z.
"ret\n" // return to bootloader.
// sts (2c)
// spm (1c). 42c in total, timer should be set to 40.
"SpmLeapCmdRet:pop %9\n" // restore command Reg.
"mov r30,%3\n"
"ldi r31,0\n" // z^reg to save.
"st Z,%9\n" // pop the reg
"pop r31\n"
"pop r30\n"
"pop %9\n"
"pop r1\n"
"pop r0\n" : "=d" (tmp), "=r" (addr) : "I" (kTCCR0B), "r" (cmdReg), "r" (spmCmd),
"r" (optValue), "0" (addr), "g" (gSpmSequenceAddr), "I" (kSpmCsr), "d" (tmp) );
* The timer interrupt interrupted bootloader execution
* just after the spm instruction.
* if we ret then we'll get back to the bootloader.
* we need to pop the return address and then ret, which
* should take us back to the SpmLeapCommand.
ISR(__vector_15, ISR_NAKED) // OCR0B
asm volatile(
"ldi r30,0\n"
"out %0,r30\n" // stop timer 0
"out %1,r30\n" // reset timer 0.
"ldi r30,7\n"
"out %2,r30\n" // clear interrupts on timer 0.
"pop r31\n" // don't care about overwiting Z because SpmLeap doesn't need it.
"pop r30\n"
"reti\n" : : "I" (kTCCR0B), "I" (kTCNT0), "I" (kTIFR0));
const byte gBootloaderJmpVector[] PROGMEM =
{ 0x0c, 0x94, 0xc0, 0x3f, // A vector to the 128b mini Bootloader.
0x57, 0xbf, 0xe8, 0x95, // An out, spm command.
0x00, 0x00 // A nop instruction.
void ProgPage(byte *src, ushort dst)
byte ix;
ushort data;
for(ix=0;ix<128;ix+=2) { // 64 words.
src+=2; // advance to next word
ShowProgContents(gMigrateSpmErased, (byte*)dst, 128);
ShowProgContents(gMigrateSpmWritten, (byte*)dst, 128);
extern void _Upgrader(void);
extern byte _UpgradeSpmLeap;
void BootJacker(void)
byte spmType=FindSpm();
#ifndef __DebugVideoOn
// We need to disable video on FIGnition.
TIMSK1=0; // disable all video interrupts.
TIFR1=0x17; // stop all video interrupts.
TIMSK2=0; // disable all timer 2 interrupts.
TIFR2=7; // clear all timer 2 interrupts.
EIMSK=0; // INT1 and INT0 turned off.
EIFR=3; // clear any pending INT1/INT0 interrupts.
PCICR=0; // all Pin Change interrupts off (Tape uses them).
PCIFR=7; // pending pin change interrupts cleared.
PORTC&=~(1<<4); // clear LED to begin with.
if(spmType==kSpmTypeStsSecondary || spmType==kSpmTypeStsIdeal)
SetupTimer0B(kTestTimerWait); // sts timing.
SetupTimer0B(kTestTimerWait-1); // out timing is one cycle less.
if(spmType==kSpmTypeStsIdeal || spmType==kSpmTypeOutIdeal) {
ProgPage((byte*)&_etext, kMicroBootStart); // program the micro boot.
OCR0B=kTestTimerWait-1; // it's an out command now.
ProgPage((byte*)gBootloaderJmpVector, kBootloaderStart); // program the jump vector.
// using the microboot spm.
else {
ProgPage((byte*)gBootloaderJmpVector, kBootloaderStart); // program the jump vector.
OCR0B=kTestTimerWait-1; // it's an out command now.
gSpmSequenceAddr=kBootloaderStart+4; // it's just after the boot vector.
ProgPage((byte*)&_etext, kMicroBootStart); // program the micro boot using the jump
// vector spm.
asm volatile("ldi r30,0\n"
"ldi r31,0\n"
"ldi r16,(1<<3) | (1<<5) | (1<<1) | (1<<2)\n"
"out %0,r16\n" // PORTB.0 and B.4 inputs, B.1, B.2, B.3, B.5 outputs."
"ldi r16,(1<<3) | (1<<5) | (1<<1) | (1<<2)\n"// ;Select Flash, not SRAM."
"out %1,r16\n"
"sbi %2,7\n" // PORTD.7 output"
"cbi %3,7\n" // outputting 0. Ready to read"
"jmp _Upgrader\n" : : "I" (kDDRB), "I" (kPORTB), "I" (kDDRD), "I" (kPORTD) );
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Hello snial,
If i have to run this program on Atmega328P, what changes I have to do.
Thanks in advance

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