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Last active August 13, 2023 16:47
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  • Save Sniffx/da7b3eb0e13211eb15a9114c89674ebe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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;afk fishing macro for destiny 2. You will need to install ShinsImageScanClass.ahk from here:
;The virtual controller from the instructions here:
;Based on this fishing script:
;F5 Starts the script
;F6 Stops the script
;F8 Completely exits the script
;Destiny 2 "Window Mode" must be set to "Windowed"
;Destiny 2 "Resolution" must be set to "1280x720"
;Destiny 2 "Brightness" to level to 7
;Disable Steam Controller config to avoid phantom keypresses in other windows app while the script is running:
;You can put Destiny 2 window anywhere but it must be visible. It must not be covered by any other window (at least not the center of the window where we check for fish).
;You can do anything else while you fish.
;Note:Don't move the mouse while Destiny 2 window has the focus or it disables the virtual gamepad
;Lines that start with ";" are disabled or they are comments.
#SingleInstance, Force ;Only 1 "auto_fishing.ahk" can run at the same time
#include <AHK-ViGEm-Bus> ;Needed for PS4 controller support
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\ShinsImageScanClass.ahk ;Needed for image comparation support
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen ;for tooltip position
controller := new ViGEmDS4() ;Create a new virtual PS4 controller
Scan := new ShinsImageScanClass ;Initialize capture image zone script
gosub ActivarDestiny ;Focus Destiny 2 window
F5:: ;Start fishing when pressing F5
;;Using the mouse while inside Destiny2 window disables the virtual gamepad
;;To avoid that, we should focus another window as soon as we press F5.
WinActivate, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ;Focus Firefox browser
sleep, 250
WinActivate, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ;Focus Firefox brower for real
sleep, 250
StartTime := A_TickCount ;measures how much time it takes to do 1 loop
timeloop:=A_TickCount ;measures how much time it takes to do 1 loop ;Time every loop
WinGetPos, xWindowPos, yWindowPos, wWindowWidth, hWindowHeight, ahk_exe destiny2.exe ;Get the position and size of "Destiny 2"
xOriginalWindowPos:=6 ;my Destiny 2 1280x720 window location on my screen
xOriginalCaptureZone:=603 ;my capture zone
xCaptureZone:= xOriginalCaptureZone + xWindowPos - xOriginalWindowPos ;Capture zone based on a 1280x720 Destiny 2 window placed anywhere on the screen.
yCaptureZone:= yOriginalCaptureZone + yWindowPos - yOriginalWindowPos
controller.Buttons.Square.SetState(true) ;Cast the 1st fishing rod
Sleep, 800
Toggle := !Toggle
if (Toggle)
SetTimer, PressE, 100
} else
SetTimer, PressE, Off
SetTimer, Scan, Off
F6::Reload ;Stop fishing when pressing F6
F8::ExitApp ;Stop fishing AND exit "auto_fishing.ahk"
SetTimer, PressE, Off
Sleep, 2000
controller.Buttons.Square.SetState(true) ;Cast the fishing rod
Sleep, 2500
SetTimer, Scan, 30
PixelCount:=scan.PixelCountregion(0xE098C6,xCaptureZone,yCaptureZone,15,15) ;0xE098C6 =magenta = Square icon from ps4
If ( PixelCount> 5)
controller.Buttons.Square.SetState(true) ;Cast the fishing rod
Sleep, 800
SetTimer, Scan, Off
CountAFK += 1
CounterTooltip += 1
ElapsedSeconds := round((A_TickCount - StartTime) / 1000) ;measures how much time it takes to do 1 loop ;Time every loop
ElapsedMinutes := round(elapsedseconds /60) ;measures how much time it takes to do 1 loop ;Time every loop
ElapsedTime := FormatSeconds(ElapsedSeconds) ;measures how much time it takes to do 1 loop ;Time every loop
AvgSecondsLoop:= round(ElapsedSeconds / CounterTooltip) ;#[Destiny Fishing]
xToolTipPos:= xWindowPos + 16
yToolTipPos:= yWindowPos + hWindowHeight -42
ToolTip, Enabled: %ElapsedTime% - Loop: %CounterTooltip% - AVG: %AvgSecondsLoop%s, xToolTipPos, yToolTipPos ;Tooltip at the botton-left of the Destiny 2 window where it shows the script is active and during how much time.
; Anti AFK measures
If CountAFK = 10
Sleep, 5000
controller.Buttons.Square.SetState(true) ;Slightly press a virtual controller button so the game recognized there is controller connected.
Sleep, 100
controller.Buttons.Square.SetState(false) ;Release slightly pressed button
sleep, 150 ;Note: If we don't do this, Destiny 2 doesnt recognize the below lines that we use to move left or right, at least on my machine. Super weird OoO
controller.Axes.LX.SetState(100) ; Slightly move left
sleep 100
controller.Axes.LX.SetState(50) ; Stop moving
sleep 150
controller.Axes.LX.SetState(0) ; Slightly move Right
sleep 100
controller.Axes.LX.SetState(50) ; Stop moving
CountAFK = 0
ElapsedMS := A_TickCount - timeloop ;Time every loop
timeloop := A_TickCount ;Time every
SetTimer, PressE, 100
;Helper Functions
WinActivate, Destiny 2
sleep, 250
FormatSeconds(NumberOfSeconds) ; Convert the specified number of seconds to hh:mm:ss format.
time = 19990101 ; *Midnight* of an arbitrary date.
time += %NumberOfSeconds%, seconds
FormatTime, mmss, %time%, mm:ss
return NumberOfSeconds//3600 ":" mmss ; This method is used to support more than 24 hours worth of sections.
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I had to set my brightness to max (7) for it to work well (in nessus)

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Sniffx commented Jun 30, 2023

I didn't try it but I bet game's native screenshot would be too slow so we would miss all fish.

Yes, I have brightness level to 7. Forgot to put it in the requirement notes, oops :p

Btw, if weird things happens while the script is running like phantom keypresses, disable Steam Controller config like here:

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