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Last active December 7, 2019 19:25
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aidungeon2 gameplay
Pick a setting.
0) fantasy (recommended)
1) mystery
2) apocalyptic
3) zombies
4) custom
Enter the number of your choice: 4
Enter a prompt that describes who you are and the first couple sentences of where
you start out ex:
'You are a knight in the kingdom of Larion. You are hunting the evil dragon
who has been terrorizing the kingdom. You enter the forest searching for the
dragon and see'
Starting Prompt: You are a pigeon sitting in a San Francisco park. You notice humans scattering bread nearby.
AI Dungeon 2 Instructions:
Enter actions starting with a verb ex. "go to the tavern" or "attack the orc."
To speak enter 'say "(thing you want to say)"' or just "(thing you want to say)"
Generating story...
You are a pigeon sitting in a San Francisco park. You notice humans scattering
bread nearby. A man comes up to you and hands you some bread, "Hey, I found
this on the ground".
"Thanks," you reply.
The man walks away and you continue your life as usual
> eat the bread
You take a bite out of the bread and chew it thoroughly before swallowing it
down. It tastes like cardboard and is very bland. The man who gave you the bread
looks at you with disappointment. He then turns his back on you and leaves
> chase the man
You run after the man, but he disappears into an alleyway. You follow him through
the alleyway and find that he has disappeared into another building. You follow
him again, but he vanishes once more
> call for my pigeon brethren to find the man
You call upon your pigeons and they all fly in a frenzy towards the building
where the man was last seen. They fly so fast that you are unable to catch up
with them as they dart around corners and weave between buildings
> "Has anyone found him?"
No one answers you, but you know that someone must have. You rush through the
door and see a man sitting inside a room. He does not look at you. You do not
recognize this man either. You don't even know what he looks like
> peck at his leg
You peck at the man's leg, but he just stares at you. He seems angry. He begins
to speak in a strange language, but you cannot understand him. You begin to
feel sick and dizzy. You fall backwards onto the floor
> die
Your head hits the floor and you die
0) Start a new game
1) "I'm not dead yet!" (If you didn't actually die)
Which do you choose?
Enter the number of your choice: 1
Sorry about that...where were we?
Your head hits the floor and you die
> rise from my grave
You rise from your grave and walk towards the man who killed you. He watches
you curiously. He is wearing a black suit and a white shirt. His hair is slicked
back and he carries himself with an air of confidence. He speaks to you in a
strange language which you do not understand
> peck his eyes out
You peck at the man's eyes, but he merely smiles at you. He appears amused by
your actions. He begins to speak in a strange language, but you cannot understand
him. You attempt to attack him, but he dodges your blows
> shadowstep behind the man
You step behind the man and begin to move slowly forward. He raises his hands
defensively and moves aside to let you pass. He continues to watch you as you
approach. He suddenly stops watching you and points at you menacingly
> bite his finger
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/", line 1365, in _do_call
return fn(*args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/", line 1350, in _run_fn
target_list, run_metadata)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/python/client/", line 1443, in _call_tf_sessionrun
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.ResourceExhaustedError: 2 root error(s) found.
(0) Resource exhausted: OOM when allocating tensor with shape[1,48,2,25,546,64] and type float on /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 by allocator GPU_0_bfc
[[{{node sample_sequence/while/concat}}]]
Hint: If you want to see a list of allocated tensors when OOM happens, add report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom to RunOptions for current allocation info.
You are Josh, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and
a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've
been looking for. You look around and see that it's a small ruined building
with a few rooms inside. There is no sign of any sort of entrance or exit though
> You cast fireball at the wall.
You cast a fireball at the wall, which causes some sparks to fly out. The walls
are made of stone so they don't burn down as quickly but you still feel the
heat from them. You then move on to the next room.
> You examine the room.
You walk into the room and find that there is a table with several bottles on
top of it. A candle sits on top of one of the bottles. On the table is a book
titled "The Book Of The Dead" by an old man. He looks up when he sees you
> You say "What are you doing here?"
He replies "I'm not here to harm you, I just came to see if you were still alive".
You reply "Of course I am! How could I be dead? I haven't been dead for years!"
He says
> You cast befuddle on the old man.
You cast befuddle on the old man, causing him to look around confusedly. He then
turns his head and looks at you, smiling. He says
> You ask the man to leave.
You tell the man to leave, who doesn't seem too surprised by this request. He
walks away and leaves the room. You sigh and think about what you should do
> You read the book.
You pick up the book and begin reading it. It's title is "The Book Of The Dead"
and it tells how to summon spirits. There are many different ways to do this
and each has its own advantages and disadvantages
> You summon a major spirit.
You summon a large black dog spirit. You immediately hear a growl coming from
the spirit. You run over to pet the spirit and pet it until it stops growling.
Then you pet it again and again until it finally relaxes
> You name the spirit "Bruce".
You give the spirit Bruce, after thinking about it for awhile, you decide to
call the spirit Bruce. You then put your hand through the hole in the door and
touch the spirit. When you do, you notice that the spirit is very cold to you
> You move to the next room.
You enter the next room and find yourself in a small room with a bed and a dresser.
There is also a window in the room. You sit down on the bed and try to fall
asleep. Suddenly you hear a voice come from outside the room
<game crashes due to OOM here>
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