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Important note

Use Replit or write code in a local JS file to complete these challenges. JS Bin doesn't handle callbacks well (it throws SyntaxError: Unexpected token { even though the code works elsewhere), and Code Pen has a finnicky console:

For a version of these questions with hints, use this gist:

Conditionals and operators

  1. Write a function getIsWordOdd that takes in a string and returns true if the word contains an odd number of characters or false if the word contains an even number of characters.

Sample calls:

SnoopSqueak / bacon_data.rb
Created March 18, 2019 20:27
Use this code to test your Graph's `find_kevin_bacon` method
graph =
kevin_bacon ='Kevin Bacon')
james_mcavoy ='James McAvoy')
michael_fassbender ='Michael Fassbender')
jennifer_lawrence ='Jennifer Lawrence')
steve_carell ='Steve Carell')
ryan_gosling ='Ryan Gosling')
emma_stone ='Emma Stone')
morgan_freeman ='Morgan Freeman')
SnoopSqueak / react-boilerplate.js
Created February 19, 2019 19:21
React implementation of Hello World
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>My First React app</title>
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>
SnoopSqueak / Employee Schema and Data
Created August 30, 2018 20:34
For PostgreSQL 9.6
CREATE TABLE employees(
"name" VARCHAR(32),
"date" VARCHAR(16),
SnoopSqueak / Library Schema and Data
Last active August 30, 2018 20:34
For PostgreSQL 9.6
"isbn" VARCHAR(16),
"title" VARCHAR(64),
"author" VARCHAR(32),
PRIMARY KEY ("isbn")
CREATE TABLE patrons (


Why Serialize?

API's either receive data-modifying requests (post, put, delete) or data-accessing requests (get), and in either case, their response can involve retreiving data, serializing that data into JSON, and returning it.

In Rails, this serialization could be done manually, by, say, creating a serializer method:

# User.rb
def serialize
 hash = {}

Stripe Integration

Stripe's popularity is due largely to its developer-friendliness. Stripe removes much of the messiness from the payment integration process. It verifies credit card information for you, shielding you from the actual data so that your users are secure. It charges the cards for you, and routes the money wherever you want (with some restrictions). But payment gateways are complicated by nature, and even with Stripe, stringing together a payment system for your app can be difficult to conceptualize.

So let's take a look at a basic Stripe integration. There are countless ways to integrate Stripe into your app; we'll cover a simpler method here.

Getting Started

As with many Rails common problems, gems are a great place to start. The Stripe Gem greatly simplifies working with the Stripe API. Add the gem to your Gemfile:


Selecting the Firebase app:

In my case, I would click Bloc Chat Angular, since that's the database I set up specifically for this Bloc Chat app.

Finding the database:

For each problem, copy the code to a JS Bin. The only tabs needed are Javascript and Console. Try to complete the entire program before hitting "run" to check your work.


// Write a function above these comments called
//  "processReplies" which takes in an array of
//  comments (strings). For each comment, if it
//  is longer than 10 characters, log "Approved"
//  to the console. Otherwise, log "Rejected".

1. Explain what a variable is and why we use them.

2. What is the DOM?