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Last active June 6, 2024 20:30
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ModMail's YAGPDB Regex Responses

Regex: (?:just )?added (?:modmail|bot) to my server|[Hh]ow do i setup (?:(?:the )?bot|modmail)|modmail setup|setup modmail|bot setup|setup bot

Options: modmail added modmail invite modmail joined modmail setup setup modmail setup bot setup bot setup bot added added modmail invite modmail

Regex: only accepting d(?:irect message|m)s from friends|message (?:could not be deliver|not deliver|block)ed|don't share a server|no (?:shared|mutual) server|^clyde(?:[ \x2D]bot)?

Options: only accepting direct messages from friends only accepting dms from friends message could not be delivered message not delivered message blocked don't share a server no shared server no mutual server clyde clyde bot clyde-bot

Regex: c(?:hange bot(?:s (?:avatar |pfp)| (?:status|pfp))|ustom (?:instance|bot))|private (?:instance|bot)

Options: bots user bot user bot's user bots name bot name bot's name bots profile bot profile bot's profile bots banner bot banner bot's banner bots icon bot icon bot's icon bots avatar bot avatar bot's avatar bots pfp bot pfp bot's pfp bots status bot status bot's status custom instance custom bot private instance private bot no verification bypass verification no verify bypass verify

Regex: wh(?:en someone makes a ticket everyone can see it|en someone makes a ticket everyone can see|y can everyone see (?:t(?:he (?:m(?:(?:odm)?ail m)?|ticket m)essage|icket)s|my (?:m(?:odm)?ail|tickets))|y can everyone see (?:my )?ticket)|everyone can see(?: ticket)?

Options: when someone makes a ticket everyone can see it when someone makes a ticket everyone can see why can everyone see the mail message why can everyone see the ticket message why can everyone see tickets why can everyone see my mail why can everyone see my odm mail why can everyone see my tickets why can everyone see my ticket why can everyone see ticket everyone can see everyone can see ticket

Regex: why won't anyone help me|i need (?:support|help)|support me|help me

Options: why won't anyone help me i need support i need help support me help me

Regex:(?:doesn't seem to be|isn't) working|(?:modmail (?:(?:is )?no|isn')|bot (?:(?:is )?no|isn'))t responding|doesn't (?:seem to work|respond)|no(?:t responding| respond)

Options: doesn't seem to work isn't working isn't respond isnt working isnt respond no respond no response doesn't respond doesn't work

Regex: i(?: got banned from r(?:acefactory|oblox)|'m banned|m banned)|i got banned from bloxburg|how do i get unbanned|how to appeal ban|why am i banned|appeal a ban|racefactory|b(?:an(?:ned(?: from)?| appeal)|loxburg)|appeal ban|unban me|appeal

Options: i got banned from racefactory i got banned from roblox i'm banned i m banned i got banned from bloxburg how do i get unbanned how to appeal ban why am i banned appeal a ban racefactory ban banned banned from ban appeal bloxburg appeal ban unban me appeal

Regex: how (?:do (?:i (?:send a m(?:essage|sg) to|m(?:essage|sg)) a server|I open a ticket)|to (?:create a|open) ticket)|How do i create a ticket|custom commands|(?:create|open) ticket

Options: message a server msg a server message server msg server custom commands create ticket open ticket create a ticket open a ticket

Regex: p(?:atre?on|remium)|donate

Options: patreon paeon premium donate

Regex: where can i find (?:modamil|bots?) source(?: code)?|how do i (?:(?:self ?)?host modmail|(?:self ?)?host bot)|where do i (?:host modmail|self ?host)|modmail (?:source(?: code)?|repo)|how do i self ?host|bot(?: (?:source(?: code)?|repo)|s source)|self host|github

Options: where can i find modmail source where can i find modmail source code where can i find bot source where can i find bot source code where can i find bots source where can i find bots source code how do i host modmail how do i self host modmail how do i selfhost modmail how do i host bot how do i self host bot how do i selfhost bot where do i host modmail where do i self host where do i selfhost modmail source modmail source code modmail repo how do i self host how do i selfhost bot source bot source code bot repo bots source self host github

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