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Created January 16, 2020 14:47
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using UnityEngine;
namespace absurdjoy
public class SmoothDampTransform : MonoBehaviour, IAssignableTransform
[Tooltip("What transform should we try to follow? (Optional)")]
public Transform targetTransform;
// TODO: Hide this section in editor if not tracking.
[Header("Translation")] public bool trackPosition = true;
[Tooltip("Overwritten if targetTransform is not null")] [ReadOnly]
public Vector3 targetPosition;
[Tooltip("How far should we offset the transform position?")]
public Vector3 positionOffset =;
[Tooltip("How much time should pass before you arrive at the target? (higher is more damped)")] [Range(0, 1)]
public float translateSmoothTime = 0.3f;
// TODO: Hide this section in editor if not tracking.
[Header("Rotation")] public bool trackRotation = true;
[Tooltip("Overwritten if targetTransform is not null")] [ReadOnly]
public Quaternion targetRotation;
[Tooltip("How far should we offset the transform rotation?")]
public Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
[Tooltip("What amount of slerping sould we do on the rotation? (lower is more damped)")] [Range(0, 1), UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("rotateSlerpAmount")]
public float rotationSmoothTime = 0.3f;
// Storing last values:
protected Vector3 prevPosition =;
protected Quaternion prevRotation = Quaternion.identity;
// Velocity values used by smoothdamp:
protected Vector3 moveVel =;
protected Vector3 rotDirectionVel =;
protected float rotRollVel = 0;
protected virtual void OnEnable()
prevPosition = transform.position;
prevRotation = transform.rotation;
protected virtual void Update()
if (targetTransform == null)
// If the targetTransform is null, either:
// (a) we are manually setting the destination in code elsewhere, or
// (b) the chased object was destroyed and we're drifting to it's last spot.
// this is fine.
targetPosition = targetTransform.position;
targetRotation = targetTransform.rotation;
if (trackRotation)
Quaternion offsetRotTarget = targetRotation * rotationOffset;
float angleDiff = Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, offsetRotTarget);
float maxDegrees = angleDiff - Mathf.SmoothDamp(angleDiff, 0, ref rotRollVel, rotationSmoothTime);
prevRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, offsetRotTarget, maxDegrees);
this.transform.rotation = prevRotation;
if (trackPosition)
Vector3 offsetPosTarget = targetPosition + (targetRotation * positionOffset);
prevPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(prevPosition, offsetPosTarget, ref moveVel, translateSmoothTime);
transform.position = prevPosition;
#region IAssignableTransform
// For IAssignableTransform:
public bool AssignTransform(Transform newTransform)
targetTransform = newTransform;
return true;
public bool RemoveAssignedTransform(Transform toRemove)
targetTransform = null;
return true;
public Transform GetAssignedTransform()
return targetTransform;
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