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Created December 19, 2013 21:38
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Save Snugglepantz/8046657 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
angular.module('autoFields', ['ui.bootstrap'])
.directive('autoFields', ['$compile', function ($compile, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
priority: 1,
replace: true,
compile: function () {
return function ($scope, $element, $attr) {
var schemaStr = $attr.fields || $attr.autoFields,
optionsStr = $attr.options,
dataStr = $,
formStr = $attr.form,
container = null,
errorPreffix = '';
var options = {
classes: {
formGroup: 'control-group',
input: 'form-control',
col: 'col-sm-'
container: '<div class="autoFields" ng-form name="' + formStr +'"></div>',
defaultOption: 'Select One',
dateSettings: {
showWeeks: false
textareaRows: 3,
fixUrl: true
$scope.dateSettings = options.dateSettings;
if ($scope.tabIndex == null) $scope.tabIndex = 1;
var getField = function (field, index) {
var fieldEl = '<div class="' + options.classes.formGroup + ' ' + field.type + '" ' +
'ng-class="{error:' + errorPreffix +'.$invalid && '+ errorPreffix + '.$dirty, ' +
'success:' + errorPreffix +'.$valid && '+ errorPreffix + '.$dirty}'+
switch (field.type) {
case 'checkbox':
fieldEl += checkbox(field, index);
case 'multiple':
fieldEl += row(field, index);
case 'date':
fieldEl += label(field);
fieldEl += date(field, index);
case 'select':
fieldEl += label(field);
fieldEl += select(field, index);
case 'textarea':
fieldEl += label(field);
fieldEl += textarea(field, index);
fieldEl += label(field);
fieldEl += textInput(field, index);
fieldEl += validation(field, index);
fieldEl += '</div>';
return fieldEl;
var labelText = function (field) {
return (field.label || CamelToTitle(;
var label = function (field) {
return '<label for="' + + '" class="control-label" >' + labelText(field) + '</label>';
var row = function (field, index) {
var row = '<div class="row">';
var cells = [];
var normalSchemaStr = angular.copy(schemaStr);
schemaStr += '[' + index + '].fields';
angular.forEach(field.fields, function (cell, cellIndex) {
var cellHtml = '<div class="' + options.classes.col + (cell.columns || field.columns) + '">';
cellHtml += getField(cell, cellIndex)
cellHtml += '</div>';
schemaStr = normalSchemaStr;
row += cells.join(' ') + '</div>';
return row;
var checkbox = function (field, index) {
var checkbox = '<label> <input type="checkbox"' + commonAttributes(field, index) + attributes(field.attr) + '/> ' + labelText(field) + '</label>';
return checkbox;
var date = function (field, index) {
return '<input type="text" show-weeks="dateSettings.showWeeks" datepicker-popup="MMMM dd, yyyy"' + commonAttributes(field, index) + attributes(field, index) + ' />';
var commonAttributes = function (field, index) {
var attr = ' id="' + + '" tabindex="' + $scope.tabIndex + '" name="' + + '" ng-model="' + (field.value ? 'autoForm' + schemaStr.replace(/(\[|\])/g, "_") + index + '.model' : dataStr + "['" + + "']") + '" placeholder="' + (field.placeholder ? field.placeholder : labelText(field)) + '" ';
if (field.value != null) attr += 'value-function="' + schemaStr + '[' + index + '].value"';
if (field.type != 'checkbox') attr += 'class="' + options.classes.input + ' ' + field.type + '" ';
return attr;
var select = function (field, index) {
var select = '<select ng-options="' + field.list + '"';
select += commonAttributes(field, index);
if (field.attr != null) select += attributes(field.attr);
select += '>';
select += '<option value="">' + (field.defaultOption ? field.defaultOption : options.defaultOption) + '</option>';
select += '</select>';
return select;
var textarea = function (field, index) {
var textarea = '<textarea rows="' + (field.rows ? field.rows : options.textareaRows) + '"';
textarea += commonAttributes(field, index);
if (field.attr != null) textarea += attributes(field.attr);
textarea += '></textarea>';
return textarea;
var textInput = function (field, index) {
var input = '<input type="' + field.type + '"';
input += commonAttributes(field, index);
if (field.attr != null) input += attributes(field.attr);
if (field.type == 'url' && (field.fixUrl == true || options.fixUrl == true)) input += 'fix-url';
input += '></input>';
return input;
var validation = function(field, index) {
var input = '';
input += '<div class="controls error" ng-show="';
input += errorPreffix + '.$dirty && ' + errorPreffix + '.$invalid"> ';
input += '<span class="help-inline error" ng-show="';
input += errorPreffix + '.$error.required">';
input += firstToUpper( + ' - Required.</span>';
if(field.errorMsg != null) {
input += '<span class="help-inline error" ng-show="';
input += errorPreffix + '.$invalid && !' + errorPreffix + '$error.required">';
input += firstToUpper( + ' - ' + field.errorMsg;
input += '</span>';
input += '</div>';
return input;
var attributes = function (attributes, index) {
var htmlAttr = [];
angular.forEach(attributes, function (value, name) {
var attr = CamelToDash(name) + '="' + value + '"';
return htmlAttr.join(' ');
var formScope = null
$scope.$watch(schemaStr, function (schema) {
//rebuild form
angular.forEach(schema, function (field, index) {
errorPreffix = formStr;
errorPreffix +='.' +;
container.append(getField(field, index));
if (formScope != null) formScope.$destroy();
formScope = $scope.$new(); = $scope[dataStr];
formScope.fields = schema;
}, true);
$scope.$watch(optionsStr, function (newOptions) {
angular.copy(options, newOptions);
}, true);
container = angular.element(options.container)
//Helper Functions
var CamelToTitle = function (str) {
return str
.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')
.replace(/^./, function (str) { return str.toUpperCase(); });
var CamelToDash = function (str) {
return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
var firstToUpper = function (str) {
return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
.directive('fixUrl', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
var urlRegex = /^(https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w\.\-\?\=\&]*)$/i;
//Render formatters on blur...
var render = function () {
var viewValue = ngModel.$modelValue;
if (viewValue == null) return;
for (var i in ngModel.$formatters) {
viewValue = ngModel.$formatters[i](viewValue);
ngModel.$viewValue = viewValue;
element.bind('blur', render);
var formatUrl = function (value) {
var test = urlRegex.test(value);
if (test) {
var matches = value.match(urlRegex);
var reformatted = (matches[1] != null && matches[1] != '') ? matches[1] : 'http://';
reformatted += matches[2] + '.' + matches[3];
if (typeof matches[4] != "undefined") reformatted += matches[4]
value = reformatted;
return value;
.directive('valueFunction', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
var valueFn = scope.$eval(attr.valueFunction);
scope.$watch(attr.valueFunction + '()', function (value) { //ToUser
if (value != null) {
scope.$eval(attr.ngModel + '=' + attr.valueFunction + '()');
var updateFunction = function (dontApply) {
if (dontApply !== true) { scope.$apply(); }
//Update on change
scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function () {
if (updateFunction != null) { updateFunction(true); }
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