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Last active March 16, 2019 22:54
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i did this for some guy's neural network thingy so it's not exactly like what it is in the game sorry
It's sticky, huh, Kris...
It says "Friendship!"
Um... D-do I look cute...?
*jingle jangle* Haha!
Chu! Healing power UP!
I'm a good devil, OK?
Oh, look, Kris!
Another puzzle!
Oh no.
Let's read the instructions!
H... Huh!?
The instructions are vandalized...!
It says... "Thoust fools, thou will NEVER figure it out now!"
Ruining instructions... That's definitely against the rules!
Then it, um, says, "PS - I make my own Rules. - RK"
Well, that explains that.
Umm, because then we'd get impaled and die...?
Umm, try your best, Kris!
Great job, Kris!
I think you're onto something!
Umm, Kris, I don't think that's...
Kris, you can't solve it by stepping on the switch.
You aren't a box, haha.
... um, JUST a box?
Wa-ho, you did it, Kris!
Great job!
Good job, Kris...!
Hey, what are you doing...!?
What is it this time!?
Ummm, Susie...?
Not to downplay your contributions, but...
You... didn't actually help at all.
You only made everything WORSE by attacking it.
If you had just acted nice to it in the first place...
We could have avoided that entire battle.
And, earlier, you terrorized those troops...
And before that, you ate an innocent person's cake...
Susie... Whether you like it or not... You're a hero.
One with the power to bring peace to the future.
Could you please start... acting like one?
Susie, you can't just -
Perhaps I shouldn't have been so hard on her.
But, I just worry that if Susie is too eager to fight...
Well, let's just be kind to her, OK, Kris?
I'm sure Susie'll come around soon!
That's it, Kris! If we can get its crown off...
It should turn back into a little guy...!
Susie! Help us bow at it!
Susie? You want to ACT? Aww, what's your idea?
That's fine, Susie! I'll help!
You want to apologize to it for earlier, right?
Huh!? That hardly did anything!
How can we push off that CROWN...?
It's still hardly working!
Whatever can we do, Kris...?
Sometimes persistence is key, Kris!!
It'll be hard, but we can do it!!
Welcome, heroes...!
Do not be alarmed...
I am not your enemy.
Please come forward,
both of you...
Kris, Susie...
Thank you for listening to my long tale.
I deeply believe you two are the HEROES of the LEGEND.
That despite whatever enemies you may face... You two have the COURAGE to SAVE THE WORLD.
Please, won't you accept your destiny...?
W... what?
B-but Susie, without you, the... The world will...
Susie... Wait!
Umm... I could help explain it...!
No! I'll protect the heroes with my life!
Um, allow me to introduce myself more properly, I am...
Hello everyone.
I'm Ralsei.
Kris, Susie... It's ever so wonderful to meet you!
I'm certain we're going to become great friends, and...
Yes! That's where we'll...
I suppose it's just the two of us, then...
Kris, I'm a PRINCE, but...
I, um, currently don't have any subjects.
I've been waiting alone here... Um... My whole life for you two to arrive.
I'm really happy to meet you.
I hope we can be good friends, Kris.
Let's try to find Susie.
She must be to the southeast.
You can lead the way, Kris!
Th-that's OK, Kris!
I can always...
I'll just make a better one next time!
Hey, Kris.
What are you doing...?
Oh no!
Is that the manual?
Looks like you accidentallly dropped it...
Here you go, Kris!
You don't wanna lose that!
See that HEART, Kris?
That's your SOUL, the culmination of your being!
Within, it holds your WILL... your COMPASSION... and the FATE of the world.
If it gets hit, you and your friends will lose HP.
If everyone's HP reaches 0, we'll lose the battle.
So, please take care to avoid the enemy's attack.
Let's try dodging!
That's DEFENDING, Kris.
You'll recover TP and take less damage.
You should learn to ATTACK first, though.
Gee, Kris!
You sure are good at defending!
I'm not attacking, you, though, so...
No need to defend!
There are no bullets, and you can't use TP...
So, umm, maybe you could stop defending?
Ouch, it's OK, Kris! You're still learning!
Great job, Kris!
You're a natural!
Anyhow, after the enemy attacks, it's our turn, Kris!
First, I'll teach you how to FIGHT.
Though FIGHTing is unnecessary in this world...
There's no harm in a thorough lesson!
Let's try FIGHTing!
W-wow, Kris!
That was an amazing attack!
Have you done this before or something...?
Good job, Kris!
By the way, you'll do more damage...
Pressing [Z] when the cursor enters the box on the left!
You did it!!!
(I was really just about at my limit...)
OK, next let's try DEFENDING.
Simply DEFEND, and the enemy's attack will hurt you less...
Not only that, but you'll also gather TP!
(Watch the orange big bar on the left! I'll explain it next!)
Let's try FIGHTing!
Let's try DEFENDing!
Great job, Kris!
Now that you've gathered TP -
How about spending that TP on one of my SPELLs?
Because you hit the enemy enough, it got TIRED.
Now, if I use my PACIFY spell on it...
It'll fall asleep, and we'll win peacefully!
Let's try SPELLs!
If you had, um, hit the enemy, it'd be TIRED now.
In that case, we use my PACIFY spell on it...
Oh, Kris, you found an ITEM?
I figured ITEMs are self-explanatory, so...
Let's skip over them for now, OK?
You really want to learn about ITEMS, Kris...?
OK, I'll teach you!
You use them, and something happens.
... is that sufficient?
Yes, haha, that ITEM is very pretty, isn't it?
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Kris...!
Kris, we can find lots more ITEMs on our journey!
Which, will continue... after this tutorial.
Kris, please ask me to do a spell.
Kris, wouldn't you rather learn about SPELLs?
Kris, do you... know what a SPELL is?
Can humans not even ASK people to use them...?
Kris, what if you just give me a hand sign?
Ummm, if this is too difficult...
Let's move to the next lesson, OK?
Great, Kris! A healing spell works too!
Remember when you HUGGED the dummy by ACTing on it?
Because of that, its name turned YELLOW!
Now by using the SPARE command, you can win!
Great, Kris! If it was TIRED we would have won!
Great, Kris! We would have won the battle by now!
Now I have just a little more to teach you!
ACTing! Through this, even the most violent enemies...
Can be defeated through various ACTs of kindness!
Kris, though it's just a dummy, why not give it a HUG?
Let's ACT!
Er, sorry, it kind of looks like me...
I've been alone, so I didn't have anyone to model it after...
Kris, since it's me, please be kind to it, OK?
You hug the DUMMY.
Aww, that's great, Kris!
Each enemy has different ACTs that satisfy them.
When an enemy is satisfied, its name turns YELLOW.
When that happens, you can defeat it by SPARING it!
If we SPARE all the enemies we meet, we'll never have to FIGHT!
How caring, Kris!
That's great, Kris!
Just one hug is enough, though!
Kris, you don't need to hug it anymore.
Huh...? Kris, you'd rather hug it out than fight?
You know what, that's fine! We don't need to fight!
OK, next let's try DEFENDING.
Simply DEFEND, and the enemy's attack will hurt you less...
Not only that, but you'll also gather TP!
(Watch the orange big bar on the left! I'll explain it next!)
K... Kris!?
Ummm, I don't think, um...
This is what you're supposed to be doing.
... but...
Are you trying, to, um...
Ask me to give you a tutorial on hugging...?
Ummm, I've never hugged anyone before...
(Besides the dummy, to test it out,)
So I don't know anything about it, sorry...
I suppose you're the one teaching me, haha!
Let's SPARE!
Remember when you HUGGED the dummy by ing on it?
Because of that, its name turned YELLOW!
Now by using the SPARE command, you can win!
Ah, Kris, don't worry about that command yet!
You're really merciful, aren't you, Kris?
Kris, you are aware it's just a dummy, right...?
Kris, since you SPARED an enemy after ACTING,
You would have won in a real battle, but, um...
Don't you want to learn other things, first?
I see... Then, perhaps we can just end here.
You know how to win peacefully, so...
That's good enough for me!
Kris, if you didn't notice, when you DEFENDED before -
The big orange TP bar on the left filled up a bit!
How about spending that TP on one of my SPELLs?
Because you hit the enemy enough, it got TIRED.
Now, if I use my PACIFY spell on it...
It'll fall asleep, and we'll win peacefully!
Ummm... Kris?
You don't need to hit it anymore.
I already know you're great at attacking!
U-umm, Kris... H-How do I put this...?
Kris, seeing you, um, attack an effigy of myself...
... Kris, are you trying to say something?
Ah, Kris... I... um, I think I understand.
W-well, if... during our adventure,
... if you want to hit me, that's OK, too!
Oh, sorry, Kris!
I forgot to mention!
When you're ATTACKing...
Press [Z] again when the cursor goes in the box!
It's OK, Kris!
You'll get it!
Try again!
Press [Z] when the white rectangle's in the blue box!
Ummm... you can press [Z] a lot, if it helps!
Kris... Please try to press [Z].
Ummm, Kris?
Can you see the white rectangle?
You know rectangles?
They're like messed-up squares?
Umm, perhaps we should try something else?
Kris, if you didn't notice, when you DEFENDED before -
The big orange TP bar on the left filled up a bit!
How about spending that TP on one of my SPELLs?
Because you hit the enemy enough, it got TIRED.
Now, if I use my PACIFY spell on it...
It'll fall asleep, and we'll win peacefully!
Great job, Kris!
That'd be the end in a real battle!
I'm really happy I had the chance to teach you, Kris!
Kris, I think I've, um, perhaps...
Reached the limits of what I can teach you today.
Let's go find Susie.
Kris, I don't mean to interrupt, but...
You're going to break the dummy at this rate.
I suppose we'll have to stop here for now.
*looks on expectedly*
Kris, if you didn't notice, when you DEFENDED before - the big orange TP bar on the left filled up a bit!
How about spending that TP on one of my SPELLs?
Because you hit the enemy enough, it got TIRED.
Now, if I use my PACIFY spell on it...
It'll fall asleep, and we'll win peacefully!
Alright, this lift should take us out of here.
Now, it might take a while, so...
Get comfy, everyone!
... hurt him?
Susie!? You mean want to try ACTing...?
Susie... We'd be happy if you ACTed with us!
And don't worry, we'll be there to help you!
You won't have to figure it out by yourself.
Well, will you stop making fun of me?
Then I'll bake you as many as you like, alright?
Well, this is our stop!
Hey, aren't you guys gonna even say hi!?
Err, well, he wasn't going the right way, so...
Sorry Susie... We didn't mean to make you worry about him.
(Seems she doesn't know the right way either, Kris...)
Susie! We were ever so worried about you!
... um, how'd you get past those spikes before?
Aww, don't worry, Susie!
It'll open after we solve the puzzle over there!
Uh, Susie. We need YOU to finish it.
Sometimes, proceeding will take all 3 of us.
Furthermore, only Kris can seal the DARK FOUNTAIN...
So if you don't accompany us, you won't make it home!
Yahoo! Susie's back on the team! Cue the fanfare!
(Oh, Kris! I just realized Susie missed the tutorial!)
(Oh, Kris! Susie never got a tutorial either!)
(Next battle, we should show her how to ACT!)
(I think she might really enjoy that!)
Kris, um, you didn't forget, did you...?
That you can run by holding [X]?
Ummm, Kris, I think we might be missing something.
Maybe we should try going to the next room?
Hey Kris, if you need help with a puzzle...
Feel free to ask me anytime, OK?
Susie! K-Kris is doing their best to use [X] to RUN!
K... Kris?
You're giving it to me...?
Does it look pretty...?
... Do I look pretty, Susie?
You didn't answer the question~
You made a team purely of SUPPORT ENEMIES.
Their bullet patterns aren't balanced at all.
It's like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk.
Great job, Kris! We earned 0 EXP and 4 D$!
You... lost, Lancer. You don't get any.
Aww, Susie, it's OK if you don't know how!
... Are you sure?
I suppose if it can't be helped...!
Hathy, your beauty is just... transcendent.
Your hair is like a waterfall of...
... wait, um, do you have hair, or...
Oh, oh dear! Wait!!
Out of anyone, I'm glad we randomly encountered all of you.
I'm making tea later... Umm, would you like any?
We don't need EXP. Just encountering your smile is reward enough.
(Umm, Kris, maybe Susie shouldn't ACT anymore...)
(Wow, that was close, Kris...)
(Maybe Susie shouldn't ACT anymore...)
Yummy!!! Marshmallows!!
(You weren't dead)
Ah, I'm refreshed!
Mmm, seconds!
I'm dizzy.
Mmm, thank you!
Cooked to perfection!
A bit burnt...?
Let's be healthy!
(It's cut evenly...)
Aah, sticky...
Aww, thanks, Kris!
K-Kris!? I...
Yum, is this spaghetti?
So what are we playing, exactly...?
You might not realize it, but...
This is a world where you don't have to fight.
I know if we try, we can all find another way...
It's nice to meet you!
D-don't listen to him Susie, he'll... he'll...
(Come now, Susie!)
I'm glad you're starting to realize, Mr. King...
None of us really want to fight.
If you can just tell us about your worries...
I'm sure we can all be friends, Mr. King!
Oh, don't say another word!
There, you should be all healed up!
How do you feel...?
Kris, Susie... I'm... I'm sorry.
Because I healed the KING, we almost... we almost...
Susie, you were right. I...
I was foolish to think we could act so soft to everyone...
This isn't a world where kindness always wins, is it?
Aww, Susie...
You're beginning to sound like a real hero...!
Then, I...
I suppose you and Kris should return home now.
Th... That was close, Susie!
I'm surprised you remembered my Pacify spell...
Kris, Susie...
It seems that you must hurry to the Fountain.
... No time for goodbyes, huh...
Susie, Kris... Are you going to leave...?
Susie... Kris...?
If we must say goodbye, then...
Umm, I...
I just wanted to say... I...
I... I really enjoyed meeting you two, and...
(Kris let's just buy one.)
You two, if we don't stop fighting, then... Someone might get hurt!
(Kris, maybe we should have taken it easier...)
You two look like a really great team! I'm proud!
You two, if we stop fighting, then I could, um...
I could braid your hair!
In summary, I like you two, and...
I think we should all just get along!
... so are your guys gonna attack us, or...
Oh, Kris, we should come up with a name!
Once upon a time, a LEGEND was whispered among shadows.
It was a LEGEND of HOPE.
It was a LEGEND of DREAMS.
It was a LEGEND of LIGHT.
It was a LEGEND of DARK.
This is the legend of DELTA RUNE.
For millenia, LIGHT and DARK have lived in balance, bringing peace to the WORLD.
But if this harmony were to shatter...
A terrible calamity would occur.
The sky will run black with terror...
And the land will crack with fear.
Then, her heart pounding...
The EARTH will draw her final breath.
Only then, shining with hope, three HEROES appear at WORLDS' edge.
Only they can seal the fountains, and banish the ANGEL'S HEAVEN.
Only then will balance be restored, and the WORLD saved from destruction.
Today, the FOUNTAIN OF DARKNESS - the geyser that gives this land form - stands tall at the center of the kingdom.
But recently, another fountain has appeared on the horizon...
And with it, the balance of LIGHT and DARK begins to shift...
Lancer! Where's Susie?
What did you do?
That's a bit anticlimatic...
So, are you just going to stand there?
I thought you would at least run to the right...
Oh, you came back.
If we say hi, will your troops NOT thrash us?
What relationship!?
It should be simple, Kris!
It's "shouldn't have."
Well? Has everybody had enough?
Kris, if you, stay on my side...
I can... um, hem some floral patterns into your ascot.
Hey! Watch your language!
If I may ask, how does a donut fit into your plan?
Hey, how about we just, uh, split it in half?
We... were following you.
(... Kris, let's just go wherever Lancer... DOESN'T go???)
I'm... not certain what that means, but OK.
(Kris, let's NOT follow Lancer, OK?)
(Kris, let's just go where Susie and Lancer DON'T go...)
(We can figure out how to help them after we get through!)
(Kris, let's NOT follow Lancer and Susie, OK?)
Kris, this might seem like a bad situation, but...
I know you can figure something out!
Kris, why don't you look around some more?
So, Kris, what did you find...!?
... what's all that green stuff around your mouth?
... 2 minutes in jail and you've already resorted to eating moss.
Umm, you're a real... go-getter, Kris!
Oh... Kris... You, um...
... you managed to put on shackles.
They... They look really nice on you!
Um, very, prisoner-for-life! Haha!
... what's all that green stuff around your mouth?
... 2 minutes in jail and you've already started eating moss.
You even put on prison shackles, so, um...
You look like a prisoner for life! Haha!
Kris...? Susie...? You came back...?
Ummm, well...
Kris just wanted to say bye, y'know...
Oh!!! Actually...
... Everyone here wanted to say goodbye, too.
Please let me know when you leave, alright?
Kris... Susie...? Are you leaving?
Um, Susie, I suppose you missed what I said earlier...
As heroes, we have the power to make a peaceful future.
So, from now on, let's try to avoid FIGHTing, OK?
Umm, what if you just took it easy on them...?
If you weaken an enemy, I can use my PACIFY spell.
Which, can put exhausted people to sleep!
Well, um, just think about it!
(We might have to WARN enemies about her, Kris...)
O-oh... Kris, we need to stop Susie, quick...!
I thought you were running away.
How's the thrash machine we designed going?
The machine...? We had a whole sequence about it...?
You two should REALLY start working on it earlier...
Kris, if you're jealous, you can be a bad guy, too...
Kris isn't jealous of your evildoing lifestyle...!
(But um, if you are, I can find a nice leaf and fan you...)
So, er... ready to be a good guy again, Susie?
You can follow behind us, you know.
... I noticed you aren't doing that.
... beast? What beast?
I'm sorry, we don't have any room for that.
What about me?
In a good way?
We're sorry about hurting you earlier...
We promise we won't do it anymore!
What about the part where you tried to kill us?
... what evidence?
Let's not take any more, Kris. Unripe candy is sour.
Well, that's accepting of you...
... Wait, "meaty?" What kind of candy is meaty?
That's not candy...
Well this is a fine how-do-you-do, isn't it, Kris?
Imprisoned for eternity...
... That sounds like it might take a while.
... and Susie! Where's Susie!?
We have to find her, Kris... Before she gets hurt!
... or, um, hurts someone else...
Maybe there's something we can escape with in here...?
... So you couldn't find anything...
Well, Kris! Let's not give up hope just yet!
But, um, if we don't make it for some reason...
Then I just wanted to say, um...
I... I'm glad I was able to meet...
S-Susie!? Where are you!?
Susie!? Really!? How?
Okay! Solve it, Susie!
... why don't Kris and I just help you solve the puzzle?
(Kris, tell Susie what to do.)
Kris, are you sure you know what you're doing...?
... uhh, nice first move, Kris.
Great!! Now come and free us!
... so that's why, OK, Kris?
Susie! You came to save us...!
I knew you had the heart of a hero, Susie..!
... wait a sec.
Those boxes...! I get it!
Wait a second, Kris!
See that HEART, Kris?
That's a SOUL, the culmination of a HUMAN's being!
Not only does it represent one's WILL and COMPASSION...
But it also has the power to DETERMINE FATE.
When enemies attack, BULLETS appear.
Please avoid them and protect your team's FATE!
Ready, Kris?
Let's try dodging!
That's DEFENDING, Kris.
You'll recover TP and take less damage.
It's not part of this lesson, though.
Gee, Kris!
You sure are good at defending!
I'm not attacking, you, though, so...
No need to defend!
There are no bullets, and you can't use TP...
So, umm, maybe you could stop defending?
You've got an item!
That's, um, great, Kris...
W-wow, Kris!
That was an amazing attack!
Have you done this before or something...?
Good job, Kris!
By the way, you'll do more damage...
Pressing Z when the cursor is RIGHT IN the box on the left!
You did it!!!
(I was really just about at my limit...)
Umm, anyway, let's move onto my favorite: ACTING!
Selecting the ACT ICON will let you do all sorts of things.
We'll even be able to get through battles without ATTACKing!
Select the ACT ICON and HUG the Dummy!
Ummm... Kris?
You don't need to hit it anymore.
I already know you're great at attacking!
Hey, Kris?
I know you like attacking, but...
Did you know you can win without having to?
Kris, could you, um, stop...?
Oh, sorry, Kris!
I forgot to mention!
When you're ATTACKing...
Press Z again when the cursor goes in the box!
It's OK, Kris!
You'll get it!
Try again!
Press Z when the white rectangle's in the blue box!
Ummm... you can press Z a lot, if it helps!
Please try to press Z.
Ummm, Kris?
Can you see the white rectangle?
You know rectangles?
They're like messed-up squares?
Umm, why don't we try something else?
Select the ACT ICON and HUG the Dummy!
Hey, Kris, I think I've, um...
Reached the limits of what I can teach you today.
Let's go find Susie.
Kris, it's um...
Really hard for me to teach when you're hitting me.
Let's take a break and go find Susie, OK?
Y-you must have missed...
H... Haha...
W-wait, aren't you supposed to be ACTing!?
A-anyway, now that you know how to attack...
Let's try learning how to ACT, OK?
Select the ACT ICON and HUG the Dummy!
D-did you miss again!?
Though, I mean, if you wanted to hit me, that's ok, too...
Ralsei looks on expectedly.
You did it, Kris!
Was that too many?
Here, let's try just one!
You did it, Kris!
L-look, Kris!
You dodged one!
Now, let's talk about SELECTING COMMANDS.
Using it lets you, um...
Hurt people...
... w-well, I guess we have to defend ourselves sometimes, right?
Select the SWORD ICON to ATTACK the Dummy!
K... Kris!?
K... Kris!?
Ummm, I don't think, um...
This is what you're supposed to be doing.
(But I don't really want to tell you to stop...)
Umm, if that's what you r-really want...
Then that's a victory in my book!
Aww, Susie, did you solve this puzzle all by yourself?
You must really have wanted to save us...
Well, I'm proud of you, Susie.
Aww, Susie... if you're stuck, why not try...
... saying something you wish someone'd say to you?
What do you spend your money on?
(Kris, let's try CONVINCING them again...)
It's the enemy from earlier...!
But its CROWN looks different!
Oh no!!!
It looks like it's in pain!!
But you -
Can... Can we see it?
Umm, so we don't accidentally hurt it...?
B-but Susie, what if the enemy might be, um, nice?
Aww, look, Susie!
It seems harmless!
If you act nice, we might win without hurting it!
(Umm, Kris, maybe I should talk to her...)
(Wow, that was close, Kris...)
(M-maybe I should talk to her...)
How's the scheming coming along, you two?
Sorry! Sorry.
... I notice there is a puzzle here.
Would you two... like to... do it...?
Just do the puzzle, Kris.
K... Kris! Isn't that the machine we designed...!?
Alright! This will be tough, but let's try our best!
That's... not good, actually.
... is that what I think it is?
... yes. It was.
Why did you build another one just to blow it up?
Well, in any case, you defeated us...
I suppose we can become bad guys now!
You're going to thrash us AGAIN!?
... how many of these do they have?
Ah. I see.
... So... now what's your plan going to be?
But Susie, you need us to return home.
Doesn't crushing us seem a little counterproductive?
Please just let us be bad guys.
Fine!!! We don't want to be bad guys!!!
That's completely unnecessary.
Kris, we're getting close to the Fountain...
Let's not turn back now.
H... Huh!?
... Okay, sure!
Susie...! Lancer...!
Um... So what's your, um, evil plan?
Oh, um, sorry...
We're, um, looking forward to the rest!
I am the Prince of this Kingdom...
Kris, Susie...
There is a LEGEND in this land.
A LEGEND that one day, two HEROES of LIGHT will arrive,
And fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space.
Please, Heroes... Listen to my tale...
Very well then...
Umm, r-really?
Are you sure?
It's fairly important.
And... um, in my opinion, it's a really nice PROPHECY!
I think you'd quite like it!
Um, very well then...
... really?
You've heard it already?
Oh... Perhaps I shouldn't have rehearsed it so much...
Ummm, the easiest way would be to seal the Eastern FOUNTAIN.
THE fountain.
That which gives the DARK WORLD form.
... umm, are you sure you actually know the legend?
Let me at least tell you how to...
Oh, Kris!
It's the training dummy I made!
Now seems like a great chance to prepare for the enemy.
Would you like me to teach you how to fight?
Get ready, Kris!
Right, you already fought Lancer, didn't you...?
I was so excited to teach you, I absolutely blanked!
... B-but, um...
Just in case you forgot anything...
I made a Manual for you and Susie!
Press [C] to open the menu and use it in your ITEMS.
(You got the Manual.)
Er, Kris, you know you can hold [X] to run...?
You'll move faster by holding [X]!
And I'll be right behind you, so don't worry!
... Unless you want to get away, in which case, sorry.
And yet you choose not to...?
Right, who knows how long these leisurely days will last...
There's nothing wrong with taking your time, Kris.
Umm, Kris, did you know...
... You can skip text by pressing [C]?
... Really?
So you've just been...
Listening to me talk, because you wanted to?
I'll try to make it worth your while, Kris!
Right! In the case you read very quickly.
Or you're tired of what's being said.
... No need to skip my text, right, Kris?
Oh my!
The Great Door is opened?!
No wonder Lancer was able to come through...
Kris, once we pass through this door...
Our adventure will really begin.
A journey foretold exactly by the prophecy...
But, Kris, I believe YOUR choices are important, too.
This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris.
In the end, how we treat them makes all the difference.
So let's try our best to get by without FIGHTing.
If we can manage to do that...
I believe this tale may have a happy ending.
Otherwise, I fear that...
... you may not... find the result favorable.
... Oh, I'm sorry! Is that too much to ask?
Kris, I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you.
Let's try our best, alright?
O-oh, I'm sorry!
Kris, in the end, what you choose is up to you.
As long as you're happy with it, I'm happy too.
So just try your best, and don't worry!
You rhymed "bullets" with "bullets."
You rhymed "bullets" with "bullets"...?
... no, it stands for Tension Points.
But leftover TP turns into extra money at the end of battle...
What? It safely removes a "TIRED" enemy from combat.
Hey, that's not true!
You don't need money to get me to do that!
Because you won't have to use up an ITEM?
Unless you wanted not to hurt -
Er, could we PERHAPS consider a DIFFERENT name?
OK, fine!
We can keep the name!
I just won't say it.
"The Legendary Heroes: The Herald of Fun and Friendship"
Oh, oh!
That's mine!
See, I think it's the perfect name...
Because we're all friends: That like to have a lot of fun.
... like what?
How's the evil scheming going?
... I see.
Sorry. What are you two having, exactly...?
And that is...?
Kris, do you want to, um, try it?
Oh, there's a... Honeypot? Inside?
... It's full of salsa.
C'mon, you're just pretending to eat it!
... there's a jar of... Blood...? In here.
Thanks, that's actually more gross somehow.
Hey, what's in this?
(Let's just buy one, Kris.)
... thanks for helping her, Kris. She appreciates it.
Are you worried about Susie?
Well, regardless of how you feel...
I don't think it would hurt to take a moment...
Close your eyes, and think about what she's doing now...
Nice to meet you! I'm Ralsei, this is Kris, and...
Huh? Free? But you're clearly the one behind bars...
We're sorry, we made a mistake earlier.
We promise we won't do it again!
I'm sorry, but we don't have any room...
This is the CASTLE TOWN, where my subjects reside...
Err, well, they would if I had any...
Oh, don't worry about me, Kris!
I'm certain I'll find a subject someday...
H... Huh!?
Why, Kris, you don't have to do that...
... but, if you insist...
Kris, as your Prince and authority, I order you to...!
Please let me know what to do!
Oh, thank you, Kris! I will!
Hey, it's alright, Lancer. It was a nice effort.
Don't you have a legion of... various guys?
... I WAS thinking of baking a cake later.
... I WAS thinking of making Darkberry Teacakes later.
... you have to stop making fun of me, for one.
... all you did was put your hands on the ground.
Does your dad seem happy?
... happy?
Look, everyone! We can see the castle!
That's the FOUNTAIN, Susie! If we can get there...
You and Kris will finally be able to go home!
Kris, Lancer, let's go!
Lancer...? Is everything alright...?
Why does a sweet little boy have a mustache.
... so what kind of help do you need?
... and why does a "sweet boy" need an evil plan?
(Kris, if it's for friendship...)
Well then, we'll gladly help. What shall we do?
Err, no, I suppose we just have a knack for it.
(It's OK to express yourself, Kris.)
Am I at fault in any way?
That ribbon is ARMOR, Kris! It increases defense.
Why don't you try wearing it in the EQUIPMENT menu?
I think it'd look great on you!
Please don't eat those, Kris...
Um, please don't eat those, Susie...
Oh, that was fun!
You're a wonderful student, Kris!
... and, er, in case you ever need a refresher, I...
I wrote a Manual for you and Susie!
Press [C] to open the menu and use it in your ITEMS.
(You got the Manual.)
Sorry, Kris. I'll try to be a better teacher next time.
... Actually, umm, if you prefer to read, instead...
It's a bit too heavy...
I'll protect everyone!
That's yours, Kris...
Ummm... it's a bit big.
Comfy! Touch it, Kris!
A perfect fit!
Oh, it's too scary!
It's too, um, evil.
Not my shade of green...
Feels prickly... Nice!
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