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Pan-Cyrillic keyboard layout based on the Russian keyboard layout
To add a new layout to your system, an example is how I added the pan-Cyrillic keyboard layout – I appended /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ru by it, and as I wanted to use capslock as a fifth-level-modifier, which strangely nobody had defined until then, I included the given definition for the capslock key as fifth-level modifier in the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/level5 file.
For registering the pan-Cyrillic keyboard layout, I had to include the listed XML data for the files /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.extras.xml and /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.extras.xml as a variant under the “ru” layout, that is to say nested in its <variantList> element.
Currently there is no way to add keyboard layouts without manipulating package-controlled system files, so you have to repeat these steps after each reinstallation of the X keyboard configuration files (written by the package xkeyboard-config on Arch Linux and derivates).
For this specific keyboard layout presented here this is not necessary since I contributed the layout to XKeyboardConfig, but I keep the notes to share my experience.
Sometimes desktop environments avoid showing the most refined keyboard layouts, whereunder GNOME, Cinnamon and MATE are culpable by default. For forestallment of this behavior, they offer toggles not accessible via the GUI.
Changing the respective settings comprises the following commands:
For GNOME and Cinnamon:
gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.desktop load-extra-items true
gsettings set org.mate.desktop.peripherals.keyboard.general load-extra-items true
It is likewise possible to use the dconf-editor to toggle these settings.
Thereafter the keyboard layout can be set via the GUI. Independently of this, the keyboard layout can also be set via gsettings or dconf-editor. The following examples set default German, polyglot reactionary Cyrillic layout, and default Arabic:
For GNOME and Cinnamon:
gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts "['de\tdeadtilde', 'ru\tprxn', 'ara']"
gsettings set org.mate.desktop.peripherals.keyboard.kbd layouts "['de\tdeadtilde', 'ru\tprxn', 'ara']"
The following commands give an example configuration of keyboard layouts, setting the key combinations for switching the layout as left shift with left alt as is habitual for Windows users (Unix does not have any custom therefor) and terminating the X server with the conventional combination of Control, Alt, and Backspace, and assigning full and half non-breaking spaces to the 3rd and 4th levels of the space key respectively.
For GNOME and Cinnamon:
gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard options "['terminate\tterminate:ctrl_alt_bksp', 'grp\tgrp:lalt_lshift_toggle', 'Compose key\tcompose:rctrl', 'nbsp\tnbsp:level3n', 'lv5\tlv5:rwin_switch_lock', 'caps\tcaps:none', 'shift\tshift:both_capslock']"
gsettings set org.mate.desktop.peripherals.keyboard.kbd options "['terminate\tterminate:ctrl_alt_bksp', 'grp\tgrp:lalt_lshift_toggle', 'Compose key\tcompose:rctrl', 'nbsp\tnbsp:level3n', 'lv5\tlv5:rwin_switch_lock', 'caps\tcaps:none', 'shift\tshift:both_capslock']"
For KDE, edit ~/.config/kxkbrc to include a line like this:
Ignoring all desktop environment settings, it is possible to set the aforementioned by an xorg.conf, typically residing in the folder /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "keyboard-all"
Driver "evdev"
Option "XkbLayout" "de,ru,ara"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,grp:lalt_lshift_toggle,compose:rctrl,nbsp:level3n,lv5:rwin_switch_lock,caps:none,shift:both_capslock"
Option "XkbVariant" "deadtilde,prxn,"
MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
Note that the evdev driver has to be installed according to this configuration, the package xf86-input-evdev on Arch Linux. However these xorg.conf settings are system-wide and possibly ignored by desktop environments and distributions giving preference to user configurations in them.
Another possibility for using the keyboard layout is using an Input Method Environment which loads the XKB layouts, whereof the IME Fcitx is capable; still however requiring the setup of a fifth-level modifier. See for finding out how to set it up.
// The CapsLock key (while pressed) chooses the fifth shift level.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "caps_switch" {
key <CAPS> {
symbols[Group1] = [ ISO_Level5_Shift ]
include "level5(modifier_mapping)"
// eng: Russian-based polyglot and reactionary keyboard layout
// This keyboard layout covers Russian in Petrine 1708 and Bolshevik 1918 variant spelling, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Serbian in its modern and Slavenoserbian variants, and Bulgarian and Slavomacedonian in pre-1945 and post-1945 spelling,
// in short all in any dominion prevailing Cyrillic orthographies of modern secular Slavic literary languages, even with dictionary accentuation marks,
// but also the most-widespread Church Slavonic spellings, that is all Church-Slavonic in so far as variants can be replaced without loss of meaning – not to speak of Interslavic.
// Furthermore, it suffices Romanian Cyrillic, Moldovan Cyrillic, Abkhazian excluding the more clumsy obsoleted forms unlikely to find devotees, Tajik, all Turkic and Mongolic Cyrillic alphabets
// and virtually all overlooked languages in Cyrillic reigns at least by combining characters, taking advantage of eight key levels.
// This is withal a pan-Cyrillic keyboard layout, or a comprehensive Cyrillic keyboard layout, an universal Cyrillic keyboard layout, a generic Cyrillic keyboard layout.
// rus: Многоязыковая и реакціонная клавіатурная разкладка основана на русскихъ
// Сія разкладка покрываетъ русскій въ петровскомъ правописаніи 1708-го года и большевицкомъ 1918-го, украинскій, бѣлорусскій въ современномъ и славяносербскомъ видѣ, и булгарскій и славомацедонскій въ писаніи до и послѣ 1945-го года,
// короче всѣ въ какомъ-либо державствѣ преобладающія правописанія, то есть весь церкославянскій, поскольку какъ разные виды буквъ можно возмѣщать безъ потери значенія — не говоря о междуславянскомъ.
// Свѣрхъ этого, она подходитъ къ румынской кириллицѣ, къ молдавской кириллицѣ, къ абхазскому за изключеніемъ неуклюжихъ устарѣлыхъ образовъ, у которыхъ невѣроятно что они вообще найдутъ поклонниковъ, къ таджикскому, къ всѣмъ тюрксимъ и монголскимъ кириллицамъ,
// и по сути дѣла всѣмъ упущеннымъ языкамъ въ кириллическихъ правленіяхъ хотя бы соединящими сѵмволами, извлѣкая выгоду изъ восьми уровней клавишъ.
// Тѣмъ всѣмъ сё всекириллическая клавіатурная разкладка, или всеобъемлющая кириллическая разкладка, или универсальная кириллическая разкладка клавіатуры.
// srp: Многојезиков и реакционаран распоред тастера основан на рускима
// Овај распоред покрива руски у петровском правопису 1708-е године и бољшевичком 1918-е године, украјински, белоруски, српски у сувременом и славеносрпском виду, те бугарски и славомакедонски у писању до и после 1945-е године,
// укратко све у некој држави преовлађујуће правописе, то је читав црквенословенски, пошто је могуће разне видове слова замењивати без губитка значења — не говорећи о меџусловенском.
// Поврх овог, он одговара к румунској ћирилици, к молдавској ћирилици, к абхаскоме с изузетком гломазних застарелих ликова, уз које није вероватно да они најђу поклонике, к таџичкоме, к свим туркијским и монголским ћирилицима,
// те у спровођењу свим испуштеним језицима у ћириличким господарствима бар са спајајућим симболима, искориштавајући осам ступњева тастера.
// Тиме свим ово је свећирилички тастатуран распоред, или свеобухватан ћирилички распоред тастера, или свеопшти ћирилички тастатуран распоред.
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "prxn" {
name[Group1]= "Russian (Polyglot and Reactionary)";
key <TLDE> { [ U2019, apostrophe, U0301, U0300, U2053, U2015, U02BC, asciitilde ] }; // Typographic Apostrophe, Apostrophe, Combining Acute, Combining Grave, Swung Dash, Quotation Dash, Modifier Letter Apostrophe, Tilde
key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam, U0304, U0306, U0308, U0311, U0307, U0313 ] }; // 1, !, Combining Macron, Combining Breve, Combining Diaresis, Combining Inverted Breve, Combining Dot Above, Combining Comma Above
key <AE02> { [ 2,quotedbl,numerosign, U20BF, U20B8, U20AE, U00A3, U20B9 ] }; // 2 " № ₿ ₸ ₮ £ ₹
key <AE03> { [ 3, U00A7, U20B4, currency, U20BD, U20AA, U20BC, U20BE ] }; // 3 § ₴ ¤ ₽ ₪ ₼ ₾
key <AE04> { [ 4, semicolon, dollar, EuroSign, U0482, U20DD, U0488, U0489 ] }; // 4 ; $ € Thousands Sign, Combining Enclosing Circle, Combining Hundred Thousands, Combining Millions
key <AE05> { [ 5, percent, degree, U2030, UA670, UA671, UA672, UA66F ] }; // 5, %, °, ‰, Combinining Ten Millions, Combining Hundred Millions, Combining Thousand Millions, Combining Vzmet
key <AE06> { [ 6, colon, U0335, U0336, U0483, U0487, UFE2E, UFE2F ] }; // 6, :, Combining Short Stroke Overlay, Combining Long Stroke Overlay, Combining Titlo, Combining Pokrytie, Combining Titlo Left Half, Combining Titlo Right Half
key <AE07> { [ 7, question, U030B, U030F, U030C, U0303, U032C, U0360 ] }; // 7, ?, Combining Double Acute, Combining Double Grave, Combining Caron/Háček, Combining Tilde, Combining Caron/Háček Below, Combining Double Tilde
key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk, U0331, U0332, U0333, U032F, U032D, U032E ] }; // 8, *, Combining Macron Below, Combining Low Line, Combining Double Low Line, Combining Inverted Breve Below, Combining Circumflex Accent, Combining Breve Below
key <AE09> { [ 9,parenleft, bracketleft, braceleft, U035F, U035D, U035E, U035C ] }; // 9 ( [ { Combining Double Macron Below, Combining Double Breve, Combining Double Macron, Combining Double Breve Below
key <AE10> { [ 0,parenright,bracketright, braceright, U27E8, U27E9, U04A7, U04A6 ] }; // 0 ) ] } ⟨⟩ ҧ Ҧ
key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, emdash, endash, U2011, U00AD, U2010, U2212 ] }; // Hyphen-Minus, Underscore, Em Dash, En Dash, Non-Breaking-Hyphen, Soft Hyphen, Hyphen, Minus Sign
key <AE12> { [ equal, plus,notequal, U2248, U04FF, U04FE, U050D, U050C ] }; // = + ≠ ≈ ӿ Ӿ ԍ Ԍ
key <AD01> { [ Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI, Cyrillic_je, Cyrillic_JE, U04CF, U04C0, U030A, U0325 ] }; // й Й ј Ј ӏ Ӏ, Combining Ring Above and Below
key <AD02> { [ Cyrillic_tse, Cyrillic_TSE, U04B5, U04B4, Cyrillic_u_straight, Cyrillic_U_straight, U051B, U051A ] }; // ц Ц ҵ Ҵ ү Ү ԛ Ԛ
key <AD03> { [ Cyrillic_u, Cyrillic_U, Byelorussian_shortu, Byelorussian_SHORTU, Cyrillic_u_straight_bar,Cyrillic_U_straight_bar, Byelorussian_shortu, Byelorussian_SHORTU ] }; // у У ў Ў ұ Ұ ў Ў
key <AD04> { [ Cyrillic_ka, Cyrillic_KA, Cyrillic_ka_descender,Cyrillic_KA_descender, U049F, U049E, U046F, U046E ] }; // к К Қ қ ҟ Ҟ ѯ Ѯ
key <AD05> { [ Cyrillic_ie, Cyrillic_IE, Cyrillic_io, Cyrillic_IO, U0463, U0462, UA653, UA652 ] }; // е Е ё Ё ѣ Ѣ ꙓ Ꙓ
key <AD06> { [ Cyrillic_en, Cyrillic_EN, Cyrillic_nje, Cyrillic_NJE, Cyrillic_en_descender, Cyrillic_EN_descender, U04C8, U04C7 ] }; // н Н њ Њ ң Ң ӈ Ӈ
key <AD07> { [ Cyrillic_ghe, Cyrillic_GHE, Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn,Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN, Cyrillic_ghe_bar, Cyrillic_GHE_bar, U04F7, U04F6 ] }; // г Г Ґ ґ ғ Ғ ӷ Ӷ
key <AD08> { [ Cyrillic_sha, Cyrillic_SHA, U04A1, U04A0, U04AB, U04AA, UA67D, UA67F ] }; // ш Ш ҡ Ҡ ҫ Ҫ Combining Payerok Payerok
key <AD09> { [ Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA, U0505, U0504, UA68D, UA68C, U050F, U050E ] }; // щ Щ ԅ Ԅ ꚍ Ꚍ ԏ Ԏ
key <AD10> { [ Cyrillic_ze, Cyrillic_ZE, U04E1, U04E0, U0499, U0498, U0507, U0506 ] }; // з З ӡ Ӡ ҙ Ҙ ԇ Ԇ
key <AD11> { [ Cyrillic_ha, Cyrillic_HA, Cyrillic_shha, Cyrillic_SHHA, Cyrillic_ha_descender, Cyrillic_HA_descender, U04FD, U04FC ] }; // х Х һ Һ ҳ Ҳ ӽ Ӽ
key <AD12> { [Cyrillic_hardsign,Cyrillic_HARDSIGN, Ukrainian_yi, Ukrainian_YI, Macedonia_dse, Macedonia_DSE, U033E, U2E2F ] }; // ъ Ъ ї Ї ѕ Ѕ, Combining Yerok, Yerok
key <AC01> { [ Cyrillic_ef, Cyrillic_EF, U0473, U0472, U04C4, U04C3, U04FB, U04FA ] }; // ф Ф ѳ Ѳ ӄ Ӄ ӻ Ӻ
key <AC02> { [ Cyrillic_yeru, Cyrillic_YERU, Ukrainian_i, Ukrainian_I, U04D5, U04D4, U04A9, U04A8 ] }; // ы Ы і І ӕ Ӕ ҩ Ҩ
key <AC03> { [ Cyrillic_ve, Cyrillic_VE, U051D, U051C, U0529, U0528, U0527, U0526 ] }; // в В ԝ Ԝ ԩ Ԩ ԧ Ԧ
key <AC04> { [ Cyrillic_a, Cyrillic_A, U04D9, U04D8, UA657, UA656, UA655, UA654 ] }; // а А ә Ә ꙗ Ꙗ ꙕ Ꙕ
key <AC05> { [ Cyrillic_pe, Cyrillic_PE, U0525, U0524, U0471, U0470, UA65F, UA65E ] }; // п П ԥ Ԥ ѱ Ѱ ꙟ Ꙟ
key <AC06> { [ Cyrillic_er, Cyrillic_ER, U0481, U0480, U048F, U048E, U0521, U0520 ] }; // р Р ҁ Ҁ ҏ Ҏ ԡ Ԡ
key <AC07> { [ Cyrillic_o, Cyrillic_O, Cyrillic_o_bar, Cyrillic_O_bar, U047B, U047A, U0461, U0460 ] }; // о О ө Ө ѻ Ѻ ѡ Ѡ
key <AC08> { [ Cyrillic_el, Cyrillic_EL, Cyrillic_lje, Cyrillic_LJE, U04C6, U04C5, U052F, U052E ] }; // л Л љ Љ ӆ Ӆ ԯ Ԯ
key <AC09> { [ Cyrillic_de, Cyrillic_DE, Cyrillic_dzhe, Cyrillic_DZHE, U04BD, U04BC, U04BF, U04BE ] }; // д Д џ Џ ҽ Ҽ ҿ Ҿ
key <AC10> { [ Cyrillic_zhe, Cyrillic_ZHE, Serbian_dje, Serbian_DJE, Cyrillic_zhe_descender, Cyrillic_ZHE_descender, U04C2, U04C1 ] }; // ж Ж ђ Ђ Җ җ ӂ Ӂ
key <AC11> { [ Cyrillic_e, Cyrillic_E, Ukrainian_ie, Ukrainian_IE, U0465, U0464, U04CA, U04C9 ] }; // э Э є Є ѥ Ѥ ӊ Ӊ
key <BKSL> { [ slash, bar, backslash, U260E, UA65B, UA65A, U0513, U0512 ] }; // / | \ ☎ ꙛ Ꙛ ԓ Ԓ
key <LSGT> { [ U0495, U0494, U0501, U0500, U0503, U0502, U0509, U0508 ] }; // ҕ Ҕ ԁ Ԁ ԃ Ԃ ԉ Ԉ
key <AB01> { [ Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA, U0469, U0468, U0467, U0466, UA657, UA656 ] }; // я Я ѩ Ѩ ѧ Ѧ ꙗ Ꙗ
key <AB02> { [ Cyrillic_che, Cyrillic_CHE, Serbian_tshe, Serbian_TSHE, U04B7, U04B6, U2016, U00A6 ] }; // ч Ч ћ Ћ ҷ Ҷ ‖ ¦
key <AB03> { [ Cyrillic_es, Cyrillic_ES, U046D, U046C, U046B, U046A, U04F7, U04F6 ] }; // с С ѭ Ѭ ѫ Ѫ ӷ Ӷ
key <AB04> { [ Cyrillic_em, Cyrillic_EM, multiply, U00F7, U22C5, U2219, U04CE, U04CD ] }; // м М × ÷ ⋅ ∙ ӎ Ӎ
key <AB05> { [ Cyrillic_i, Cyrillic_I, U0475, U0474, U048B, U048A, periodcentered, U261B ] }; // и И ѵ Ѵ ҋ Ҋ · ☛
key <AB06> { [ Cyrillic_te, Cyrillic_TE, U04AD, U04AC, U051F, U051E, Cyrillic_che_vertstroke,Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke]}; // т Т ҭ Ҭ ԟ Ԟ ҹ Ҹ
key <AB07> { [Cyrillic_softsign,Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN, U04A5, U04A4, UA64F, UA64E, U048D, U048C ] }; // ь Ь ҥ Ҥ ꙏ Ꙏ ҍ Ҍ
key <AB08> { [ Cyrillic_be, Cyrillic_BE, guillemotleft, doublelowquotemark, singlelowquotemark, U2039, U0523, U0522 ] }; // б Б « „ ‚ ‹ ԣ Ԣ
key <AB09> { [ Cyrillic_yu, Cyrillic_YU, guillemotright, leftdoublequotemark, leftsinglequotemark, U203A, rightdoublequotemark, rightsinglequotemark]}; // ю Ю » “ ‘ › ” ’
key <AB10> { [ period, comma, ellipsis, enfilledcircbullet, U04CC, U04CB, UA649, UA648 ] }; // . , … • ӌ Ӌ ꙉ Ꙉ
// eng: Maps Right Alt for reaching the third level
// rus: Составляетъ правую Alt для достиженія третьяго уровня
// srp: Саставља десни Alt за достизање трећег ступња
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
// eng: Maps <CAPS> for reaching the fifth level
// rus: Составляетъ <CAPS> для достиженія пятаго уровня
// srp: Саставља <CAPS> за достизање петег ступња
include "level5(caps_switch)"
// eng: Offers pressing both shift keys for capslock
// rus: Предоставляетъ нажатие обѣихъ клавишъ Shift для защелкиванія прописности буквъ
// srp: Ставља на располагање притискивање обију тастера Shift за учвршћивање верзала
include "shift(both_shiftlock)"
// eng: Makes <KPDL> return comma instead of dot, as the comma is decimal separator in Cyrillic written languages
// rus: Дѣлаетъ что <KPDL> отдаетъ запятую вмѣсто точки, такъ какъ запятая десятичный раздѣлитель въ языкахъ пишемыхъ кириллицей
// srp: Ради да <KPDL> враћа зарез уместо точке, будући да зарез је десетни разделитељ у језицима који се пишу ћирилицом
include "kpdl(comma)"
// eng: Bug notice: One has to set lv5:rwin_switch_lock or one of the other level 5 locks for the caps switch to work!
// rus: Приходится ставить lv5:rwin_switch_lock либо одинъ изъ другихъ затворовъ пятаго уровня, чтобы работалъ переключатель Caps!
// srp: Потребно да се ставља lv5:rwin_switch_lock или једна из других брава петег ступња, да би шљакао пребацивач Caps!
<description>Russian (Polyglot and Reactionary)</description>
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