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A best way to Setup C++11 debugger with Visual Studio Code on mac

A best setup C++11 debugger with VSCode (mac)


This is a set of files about setting up C++11 debugger with Visual Studio Code

on mac.


This is my workspace environment!

Clang: 9.0.0;

Llvm-gcc: 4.2.1;

Visual Studio Code v1.63.2;

Code Runner v0.11.6 (Author: Jun Han);

CodeLLDB v1.4.5 or v1.5.0 (Author: Vadim Chugunov).


This workspace named HelloWorld, including a directories .vscode and 5 files.

The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:




|     |__c_cpp_properties.json

|     |__launch.json

|     |__settings.json

|     |__tasks.json


helloworld.cpp: This workspace main function.

.vscode: VSCode configuration folder.

tasks.json: This task will invoke the Clang C++ compiler to create an

executable file from the source code.

settings.json: Workspace Settings.

launch.json: configure VS Code to launch the LLDB debugger when you press

F5 to debug the program.

c_cpp_properties.json: allows you to change settings such as the path to

the compiler, include paths.


You only need to modify the Include path setting if your program includes

header files that are not in your workspace or the standard library path.

Especially: "includePath": [ "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/9.0.0/include"].

If your seprated Command-line tools's Clang version is 9.0.0, copy this program


If not, just use this command to checkout the Clang version of your seprated

Command-line tools:

cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/ && ls

That may show like this: 9.0.0 or 9.1.0 or 10.0.0 or X.X.X. As this may show,

The Clang version of your seprated Command-line tools is 9.0.0, or 9.0.1 or

10.0.0 or X.X.X. And just replace my 9.0.0.

If you do not have a seprated Command-line tools, just install a seprated command

line tools for your Mac depencing your macOS System.

I will add the 5 file via adding file.


"configurations": [
"name": "Mac",
"includePath": [
"defines": [],
"macFrameworkPath": [
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
"cStandard": "c11",
"cppStandard": "c++11",
"intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
"version": 4
# Popular open source projects using CMake
# It is always a good practice to read open source projects, which are widely
# used to learn about the best practices.
# OpenCV:
# Caffe2:
# MySql Server:
# Reference:
# Notices: "may see" means "reference".
# 1.CMake Version
# Version Update RoadMap may see:
# GitHub Gist:
# Upper, lower, and mixed case commands are supported by CMake.
# may see:
# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# Specifies the minimum required version of CMake.
# may see:
# The cmake_minimum_required command sets the policies so that the build is
# exactly like it would be on the listed version of CMake, in other words, CMake
# “dumbs itself down” to the version you request for any features that could
# produce a different build. This makes CMake almost perfectly backwards
# compatible.
# OR,
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-2--CMakeLists.txt.------------------------
# cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
# Update the call to require that more recent version.
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-2--CMakeLists.txt.------------------------
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9...3.22)
message("CMake Minimum Required Version: ${VERSION}")
# may see:
# major version 2, minor version 8, and patch version 9. Providing a version
# number allows for future support for your build environment.
# may see:
# This is required in all CMakeLists Selecting a nice minimum version and range
# may see:
# Specify a range of versions, this will cause the policies to be set to the
# highest supported value in that range. As a general rule, set the highest
# version you’ve tested with here.
# Note: "the highest version" means your the version of cmake on your laptop,
# as I see.
# 2.Project Name And Version
# project(theFitBody)
# project(theFitBody VERSION 1.0)
# Defines the project name and the version according to what we provied during
# project creation.
# Project version step p-v-5-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# You need to be working on a project, and it needs at least a name. CMake
# assumes a CXX (that’s C++) and C mixed project if you don’t give any
"A project to test CMake build"
# message("theFitBody Project Version: ${VERSION}; Description: ${DESCRIPTION}; Language: ${LANGUAGES}")
# may see:
# # We can call the project anything we want Listing the language(s) avoids the C
# + CXX default.
# may see:
# Projects can have versions, descriptions, and languages.
# Whitespace doesn’t matter. Be clear/pretty, or use cmake-format.
# Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# Shows the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable be used to control the default behavior
# of add_library(), and allow control over how libraries without an explicit
# type (STATIC, SHARED, MODULE or OBJECT) are built.
# Notice: this three command need to be changed for mac!
# Control where the static and shared libraries are built so that on windows,
# we don't need to tinker with the path to run the executable.
# option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build using shared libraries" ON)
# Uses the option() command as it allows users to optionally select if the
# value should be ON or OFF.
# Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# option(USE_TEST "Use theFitBody provided dynamic library implementation" ON)
# Makes the Dynamic/Static Library optional. Large projects this s a common
# occurrence.
# Optional Library step o-7-1-CMakeLists.txt.
configure_file( thefitbodyConfig.h)
# Configure a header file to pass the version number to the source code.
# Project version step p-v-5-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# 3.CMake CXX Standard
# message("CMake C++ Standard: C++ ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}")
# Sets the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD variable to the value of 11, as we selected
# when creating the project.
# Specify he C++ standard
# Adds CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD declarations above the call to add_executable.
# OR,
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-1-CMakeLists.txt------------------------
# may see:
# Insteading of using CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD,
# Just constructe an INTERFACE target and specifying the required C++ standard
# level of 11:
# may see:
# add_library(theFitBody_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
# target_compile_features(theFitBody_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
# This upcoming section constructing an INTERFACE target and specifying the required C++ standard
# level of 11 will require a change to the cmake_minimum_required() usage in the code.
# The Generator Expression that is about to be used was introduced in 3.15.
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-1-CMakeLists.txt------------------------
# 4.Bring Includes
# include_directories(inc)
# include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/inc)
# Adds the headers either to all the targets or to some specificones.
# The include_directories() function is used to bring the header files into the
# build environment.
# may see:
# 5.Manually Sources
set(SOURCE_FILES thefitbody.cpp)
# message("Source files: ${SOURCE_FILES}")
# As an alternate, you can create a variable named ${SOURCES} as a list to
# include target sources. It can be done in a lot of different ways, depending
# on your methodology.
# Add thefitbody.cpp file of project root directory as source file.
# Can manually add the source file using the set command as follows:
# (Add source files of project root directory as source file)
# may see:
# The set(SOURCES … ) function can be used to set a variable (e.g: SOURCES or
# SOURCE_FILES) that contains the name values of all of the source files (.cpp
# or .cc or .c) in the project. However, because each source file must be added
# manually the next line is used in its place(file(GLOB)), and this line is
# commented out.
# aux_source_directory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src sources_path)
# aux_source_directory(src SOURCES)
# Add all the file in directory.
# file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cc")
# However, the file(GLOB...) allows for wildcard additions.
# may see:
# The file() command is used to add the source files to the project. GLOB (or
# GLOB_RECURSE) is used to create a list of all of the files that meet the
# globbing expression (i.e., “src/*.cpp“ or "src/.cc" or "src/.c" or "common/
# .cc") and add them to a variable SOURCES or SOURCE_FILES.
# Optional Library step o-7-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# if(USE_TEST)
# add_subdirectory(test)
# list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS test)
# # Delete the line "list(APPEND EXTRA_INCLUDES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test")"
# # if use INTERFACE in ~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # INTERFACE usage i-u-3-1-CMakeLists.txt/./test/CMakeLists.txt.
# endif(~USE_TEST)
# add_subdirectory(~test)
# ...
# Optional Library step o-7-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# include_directories(inc/github)
# Add additional headers located n separate directories.
target_include_directories(theFitBody PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")
# Adds that directory to the list of paths to search for include files.
# Project version step p-v-5-3-thefitbody.cpp.
# include_directories will include library headers,
# 6.Add Executable
add_executable(theFitBody ${SOURCE_FILES})
# add_exectable(Bank ${SOURCES})
# # add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${source_path})
# may see:
# The add_executable() function uses the SOURCES or SOURCE_FILES variable,
# rather than an explicit reference to each source file, in order to build the
# theFitBody executable program.
# The first argument to the add_executable() function is the name of the
# executable to be built, and the second argument is the source file from which
# to build the executable.
# We need an executable target.
# may see:
# Adds theFitBody excutable target which will be build from "${SOURCE_FILES}".
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-2-~/theFitBody/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# set_target_properties(theFitBody PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX ${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX})
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-2-~/theFitBody/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# You need at least one library or executable to do anything interesting.
# The “thing” you make here is called a “target”, and the executable/library has
# the same name, by default, and it has to be unique in the project. You use
# add_executable for programs, and add_library for libraries.
# 7.Compiler
# the default editor
# message("C++ Compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}")
# 8.Debugr
# message("Build Type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g2 -ggdb")
# message("Debug Flags: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}")
# Open the message of debug
# OR,
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# add_library(theFitBody_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
# Uses d as the postfix for the debug executable and libraries.
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# Check Build System Environment
# UNIX, WIN32, WINRT, CYGWIN, APPLE are environment variables as flags set by default system
message("This is a ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} system")
message("This is a Windows System")
endif()# or use MATCHES to see if actual system name
# Darwin is Apple's system name
# message("This is a ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} system")
# elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES Windows)
# message("This is a Windows System")
# or use MATCHES to see if actual system name
# Darwin is Apple's system name
# add_definitions(-DCMAKEMACROSAMPLE="Apple MacOS")
# add_definitions(-DCMAKEMACROSAMPLE="Windows PC")
# Build Project's C/C++ compiler and tools (linker etc.)
# Cross Compiling for Linux
# may see:
# eg:
#set(CMAKE_SYSROOT /home/devel/rasp-pi-rootfs)
#set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage)set(tools /home/devel/gcc-4.7-linaro-rpi-gnueabihf)
#set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc)
#set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER)
# 9.C++11 Support
# Compiler/Linker Flags with CMake
# may see user manuals:
# Setting Compiler Flags
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++ -g3 -Wall -O0")
# message("C++ Flags: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
# That make clang++ support C++11
# Append flag, best practice, suggested, don't lose previously defined flags
# eg:
# Suggested way is to keep previous flags in mind and append new ones
# set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x -Wall")
# Alternatively, you can use generator expressions, which are conditional
# expressions. Below says that, if compiper is c++ then set it to c++11
# add_compile_options("$<$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:LINKER_LANGUAGE>,CXX>:-std=c++11>")
# Please see manual:
# -O0, -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, -Oz, -Ofast
# Warning flags, See manual and tree:
# Set Source File Properties
# Change one target’s certain behavior, build main.cpp with C++11 and if you
# building only library, you may want to build it with C++14.
# set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c++11")
# A large set of properties manual:
# Linker Flags
# GNU GCC Linker may see:
# Search the directories defined in environment variables /usr/lib;
# /usr/local/lib , then links standard libraries by default.
# Most common flag is -l to link desired library like, -lzlib, -lboost etc.
# The variables which you can add linker flags:
# CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS: Flags used to by linker during creation of executable
# CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE: Flags used to by linker during creation of release executable
# CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG: Flags used to by linker during creation of debug executable
# CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS: Flags used by linker during the creation of static libraries (.a, .lib)
# CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS: Flags used by linker during the creation of shared libraries (.so, .dylib, .dll)
# CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS: Flags used by linker during the creation of module libraries
# e.g:
# set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address")
# OR, 7. 8. 9.
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-3--CMakeLists.txt.------------------------
# may see:
# set(gcc_like_cxx "$<COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID:CXX,ARMClang,AppleClang,Clang,GNU,LCC>")
# set(msvc_cxx "$<COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID:CXX,MSVC>")
# Uses the COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID generator expression to control which flags to
# apply given a language and a set of compiler ids as seen upstairs.
# target_compile_options(theFitBody_compiler_flags INTERFACE
# "$<${gcc_like_cxx}:$<BUILD_INTERFACE:-Wall;-Wextra;-Wshadow;-Wformat=2;-Wunused>>"
# "$<${msvc_cxx}:$<BUILD_INTERFACE:-W3>>"
# )
# Adds the desired compiler warning flags that we want for our project.
# The warning flags are encapsulated inside a BUILD_INTERFACE condition.
# This is done so that consumers of our installed project will not inherit our
# warning flags.
# Adding Generator Expressions a-g-e-n-3--CMakeLists.txt.------------------------
# To generate binary file inside bin folder with setting
# Same procedure can be done for library paths as well for shared libraries
# (.dll or .so) with following variables.
# Use archive output paths for static libraries (.a or .lib)
# Disable in-source building
# Disable in-source builds to prevent source tree corruption.
# message(FATAL_ERROR "
#FATAL: In-source builds are not allowed.
# You should create a separate directory for build files.
# 10.Target Linked Library
# main source function file, No inlcude, as it is not relevant to a library
# build.
# Build s shared library (Linux: .so / Mac OS X: .dylib / Windows: .dll)-------
# BIG Notice:
# HelloWorld
# |
# |_.vscode
# | |__c_cpp_properties.json
# | |__launch.json
# | |__settings.json
# | |__tasks.json
# |__CMakeLists.txt
# |__build
# |__inc
# | |__helloworld.h
# |__src
# |__helloworld.cpp
# set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
# The set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) function is used to set the build type to
# be a release build.
# include_directories(inc)
# add_library(testStudent SHARED ${SOURCES})
# Generate the shared library from the sources.
# The library is built as a shared library using the SHARED flag (other options
# are: STATIC or MODULE) , and the testStudent name is used as the name of the
# shared library.
# install(TARGETS testStudent DESTINATION /usr/lib)
# Set the location for library installation -- i.e., /usr/lib in this case
# not really necessary in this example. Use "sudo make install" to apply.
# The install() function to define an installation location for the library
# (in this case it is /usr/lib). Deployment is invoked using a call to
# sudo make install in this case.
# The library is built in the build directory, which results in the output.
# Use the ldd command to display the shared library dependencies.
# The CMakeLists.txt file(for shared library) also includes a deployment step,
# which allows you to install the library in a suitable accessible location.
# Shared library locations can be added to the path, or if you wish to make
# them available system wide you can add them to the /usr/lib directory.
# For example, the library can be installed system wide
# using:
# sudo make install
# ls -l /usr/lib|grep libtest*
# This step has to be performed with root access in order to write to the
# /usr/lib directory.
# You will also find a file in the build directory, called install_manifest.txt
# that describes the locations at which the make install command applied
# changes.
# may see:
# Build s shared library (Linux: .so / Mac OS X: .dylib / Windows: .dll)-------
# Build a static library (Linux: .a / Mac OS X: .a / Windows: .lib)------------
# may see;
# A statically-linked library is created at compile time to contain all of the
# code relating the library — essentially it makes copies of any dependency
# code,including that in other libraries.
# This results in a library that is typically larger in size than the
# equivalent shared library, but because all of the dependencies are determined
# at compile time, there are fewer run-time loading costs and the library may
# be more platform independent.
# Unless you are certain that you require a static library, you should use a
# shared library as there will be fewer code duplications and the shared library
# can be updated (e.g., for error correction) without recompilation.
# To build a static library using CMake, the steps are almost exactly the same
# as for building a shared library.
# set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
# include_directories(inc)
# Bring the headers, such as Student.h into the project.
# file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
# However, the file(GLOB...) allows for wildcard additions.
# add_library(testStudent STATIC ${SOURCES})
# OR,
# add_library(test_library STATIC cal.cpp)
# Generate the static library from the sources.
# Adds library target. e.g: create a static library "test_library: from cal.cpp
# source file.
# Library target "test_library" build from libtest_library.a file under the
# cmake-build-debug folder.
# install(TARGETS testStudent DESTINATION /usr/lib)
# Set the location for library installation -- i.e., /usr/lib in this case.
# not really necessary in this example. Use "sudo make install" to apply
# Use the same steps as before to build the static library, and you will see
# the output as follows:
# cd build/
# cmake ..
# make
# ls -l lib*
# You can determine the constituents of a static library using the GNU ar
# (archive) command — for example:
# ar -t libtestStudent.a
# You can also use the GNU nm command to list the symbols in object files and
# binaries. In this case, the command lists the symbols in the student library
# and their types (e.g., T is code, U is undefined, R is read-only data).
# This information can be very useful for debugging any problems that may occur
# with static libraries.
# ~/studentlib_static/build$ nm -C libtestStudent.a
# may see:
# Build a static library (Linux: .a / Mac OS X: .a / Windows: .lib)------------
# Link Shared or Static Library
# CMake can be used to generate the Makefiles in your project in order to
# simplify this process.
# This step provides the source code for a CMakeLists.txt file that can be
# used to build a program that links to a library (either shared or static).
# For the shared library:
# link_directories( ~/exploringBB/extras/cmake/studentlib_shared/build )
# For the static library:
# set ( PROJECT_LINK_LIBS libtestStudent.a )
# link_directories( ~/exploringBB/extras/cmake/studentlib_static/build )
# include_directories(~/exploringBB/extras/cmake/studentlib_shared/include)
# add_executable(libtest libtest.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(libtest ${PROJECT_LINK_LIBS} )
# target_link_libraries will link boost library.
# The project can be built and executed using the following steps:
# tree
# cd build
# cmake ..
# make
# ls -l libtest
# ./libtest
# OR,
# find_library(TEST_LIBRARY test_library lib)
# Provides the full path, or Create a lib directory under the project root
# and copy libtest_library.a from its default location (cmake-build-debug) to
# this folder.
# target_link_libraries(theFitBody LINK_PUBLIC ${TEST_LIBRARY})
# Pass directly via ${TEST_LIBRARY} variable.
# target_link_libraries(theFitBody PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS})
# Optional Library step o-7-3-CMakeLists.txt.
# Make sure o place target_link_libraries after the add_execuable command.
# Link Dynamic Library
# To avoid the root CMakeLists.txt too difficult to maintian as our project
# gets more complicated, and to build a transparent project structure,
# extract the dynamic tests into a subproject
# Transparent project structure just like this:
# theFitBody
# |
# | __.vscode
# | |
# | |__c_cpp_properties.json
# | |__launch.json
# | |__settings.json
# | |__tasks.json
# |
# | __CMakeLists.txt
# |
# | __test
# | |
# | |__CMakeLists.txt
# | |__test.cpp
# | |__test.h
# |
# |__thefitbody.cpp
# Just use Boost.Test framework for example.
# Inserted this code to CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test:
# # CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test ------------------------------------
# # Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-3-MultiCPackConfig.cmake.
# #
# # may see:
# # If you intend to deliver binaries, you should make a Release, which doesn't
# # include debug flags in binary, which would be a way faster and ready to run.
# # However, debug version of executable files include many of other flags which
# # exposes the memory, method names etc for debuggers to help identify the
# # errors.
# # It is not a good practice and not safe to deliver debug version of an
# # application.
# #
# # may see:
# #
# set_property(TARGET test PROPERTY VERSION "1.0.0")
# set_property(TARGET test PROPERTY SOVERSION "1")
# # Sets the VERSION and SOVERSION properties, in test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds version numbering to the test library.
# mkdir debug release
# Create debug and release subbdirectories.
# cd debug
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
# Notice: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (project):
# VERSION not allowed unless CMP0048 is set to NEW
# cmake --build .
# cd ../release
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# Notice: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (project):
# VERSION not allowed unless CMP0048 is set to NEW
# cmake --build .
# Setup debug and release builds, use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to set the
# configuration type.
# OR,
# may see:
# cmake -H. -Bbuild/Debug
# cmake -H. -Bbuild/Release
# Above configuration is not enough to create different binaries.
# Also set build type with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable on the command line.
# (CLion handles this process by itself.)
# $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -H. -Bbuild/Debug
# $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -H. -Bbuild/Release
# CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is accessible inside CMakeLists.txt. You can easily check
# for build type in CMakeLists.txt:
# message("Debug Build")
# elseif(${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES Release)
# message("Release Build")
# endif()
# Can also, set compiler and linker flags separately for build types using the
# config variables shown in the previous section.
# e.g:
# CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE: Flags used to by linker during creation of release executable
# CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG: Flags used to by linker during creation of debug executable
# # Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-3-MultiCPackConfig.cmake.
# add_library(test test.cpp)
# # The test.cpp provides similar functionality to the compiler's dynamic func.
# # Dynamic Library Link step d-4-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-4-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # OR the below |>
# #enable dynamic linking
# find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)
# # search for unit_test_framework
# include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
# add_executable(cmake_testapp_boost tests.cpp)
# # create a cmake_testapp_boost target from test.cpp
# target_include_directories(test
# )
# # Use test Library as INTERFACE.
# # INTERFACE usage i-u-3-2-CMakeLists.txt/./test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-5-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # OR,
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-4-~/theFitBody/
# # may see:
# #
# target_include_directories(test
# )
# # Updates the test target_include_directories() to understand that it needs
# # different INTERFACE locations when being used from within the build
# # directory and from an install / package.
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-4-~/theFitBody/
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-6-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # may see:
# #
# option(USE_TEST "Use theFitBody provided testLIB implementation" ON)
# # # Should we use our own testLIB functions.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-6-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-1--CMakeLists.txt.
# # may see:
# #
# #
# include(CheckSymbolExists)
# check_symbol_exists(log "test.h" HAVE_LOG)
# check_symbol_exists(exp "test.h" HAVE_EXP)
# check_symbol_exists(log "test.h" HAVE_LOG)
# check_symbol_exists(exp "test.h" HAVE_EXP)
# target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE t)
# endif()
# endif()
# # Does this system provide the log and exp functions?
# # Or, has the target platform suppoet the log and exp functions.
# # OR
# include(CheckSymbolExists)
# check_symbol_exists(log "test.h" HAVE_LOG)
# check_symbol_exists(exp "test.h" HAVE_EXP)
# target_compile_definitions(test
# endif()
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-1--CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-2--CMakeLists.txt.
# # may see:
# #
# # Adds #if-#endif on ~/test/test.cpp
# #if defined(HAVE_LOG) && defined(HAVE_EXP)
# type_expression_ variable_tar_ = expression(in-expression_variable_);
# std :: cout << "Computng sqrt of " << in-expression_variable_ << "to be"
# << variable_tar << "Using og and expc" << std :: endl;
# #else
# type_expression_ variable_tar_ = in-expression_variable_;
# #endif
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-2--CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-3-OVER.
# # may see:
# #
# # Needs to add the test-Library to ~/test/test.cpp
# #include <test-Library>
# # Adds system inrospecion s-i-n-3-OVER.
# target_link_libraries(cmake_testapp_boost ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
# # link Boost libraries to the new target
# target_link_libraries(cmake_testapp_boost test_library)
# # link Boost with code library
# # the Upper <|
# # Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# install(TARGETS test DESTINATION lib)
# # Installs the library and header of Dynamic test Library and for the
# # application we want to install the executable nd configured header.
# install(FILES test.h DESTINATION include)
# # This install command CMake add to the end of test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# # CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test ------------------------------------
# Not use paltform log and exp functions.
# Link Dynamic Library
# To avoid the root CMakeLists.txt too difficult to maintian as our project
# gets more complicated, and to build a transparent project structure,
# extract the dynamic tests into a subproject
# Transparent project structure just like this:
# theFitBody
# |
# | __.vscode
# | |
# | |__c_cpp_properties.json
# | |__launch.json
# | |__settings.json
# | |__tasks.json
# |
# | __CMakeLists.txt
# |
# | __test
# | |
# | |__CMakeLists.txt
# | |__MakeTable.cpp
# | |__test.cpp
# | |__test.h
# |
# |__thefitbody.cpp
# Just use Boost.Test framework for example.
# Inserted this code to CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test:
# # CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test ------------------------------------
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-7-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# if(USE_TEST)
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-7-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-1
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-8-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# add_executable(MakeTable MakeTable.cxx)
# # First we add the executable that generates the table.
# # At the top of ~/test/CMakeLists.txt, the executable for MakeTable is added
# # as any other executable would be added.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-8-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-1
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-2
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-9-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# add_custom_command(
# DEPENDS MakeTable
# )
# # Adds the command to generate the source code.
# # Adds a custom command that specifies how to produce Table.h by running
# # MakeTable.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-9-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-2
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-10-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# add_library(testLibrary STATIC
# mytest.cxx
# )
# # Library that just does mytest.
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-10-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-3
# # may see:
# #
# add_library(test
# mytest.cxx
# )
# # Lets CMake know that mytest.cxx depends on the generated file Table.h.
# # This is done by adding the generated Table.h to the list of sources for the
# # library MathFunctions.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-3
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-11-~/test/thefitbody.cpp.
# # may see:
# #
# target_include_directories(testLibrary PRIVATE
# )
# # States that we depend on our binary dir to find Table.h
# target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE testLibrary)
# endif()
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-14-OVER.
# # may see:
# #
# set_target_properties(testLibrary PROPERTIES
# )
# # States that testLibrary need PIC when the default is shared libraries
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-14-OVER.
# target_compile_definitions(test PRIVATE "EXPORTING_TEST")
# # Define the symbol stating we are using the declspec(dllexport) when
# # building on windows, macOS may change!
# set(installable_libs test)
# # OR,
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-1-CMakeLists.txt
# set(installable_libs test theFitBody_compiler_flags)
# # Modify test/CMakeLists.txt so that all targets have a
# # target_link_libraries() call to theFitBody_compiler_flags.
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-1-CMakeLists.txt
# if(TARGET testLibrary)
# list(APPEND installable_libs testLibrary)
# endif()
# install(TARGETS ${installable_libs} DESTINATION lib)
# # OR,
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-2-CMakeLists.txt
# install(TARGETS ${installable_libs}
# EXPORT testTargets
# # The EXPORT keyword generates a CMake file containing code to import all
# # targets listed in the install command from the installation tree.
# # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-2-CMakeLists.txt
# install(FILES test.h DESTINATION include)
# # Install rules.
# # May change mytest.cpp.!
# # may see:
# #
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-13-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # may see:
# #
# test.h under ~/theFitBody/test/test.h ---------------------------------------
#if defined(_WIN32)
# if defined(EXPORTING_MYMATH)
# define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
#else // non windows
# define DECLSPEC
# namespace test {
# double DECLSPEC mytest(double x);
# }
# #
# test.h under ~/theFitBody/test/test.h ---------------------------------------
# # Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-13-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# add_library(test test.cpp)
# # The test.cpp provides similar functionality to the compiler's dynamic func.
# # Dynamic Library Link step d-4-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# # OR the below |>
# #enable dynamic linking
# find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)
# # search for unit_test_framework
# include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
# add_executable(cmake_testapp_boost tests.cpp)
# # create a cmake_testapp_boost target from test.cpp
# target_include_directories(test INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
# # Use test Library as INTERFACE.
# # INTERFACE usage i-u-3-2-CMakeLists.txt/./test/CMakeLists.txt.
# target_link_libraries(cmake_testapp_boost ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
# # link Boost libraries to the new target
# target_link_libraries(cmake_testapp_boost test_library)
# # link Boost with code library
# # the Upper <|
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-4
# target_include_directories(test
# )
# # Adds the current binary directory to the list of include directories so
# # that Table.h can be found and included by test.cxx.
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-4
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-5
# # Adds header file ~/test/Table.h to ~/test/test.cpp
# #include "Table.h"
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-5
# # Adds a custom command and generate file a-c-c-g-f-n-6
# # Rewrite ~/test/test.cpp
# # may see:
# #
# # Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# install(TARGETS test DESTINATION lib)
# # Installs the library and header of Dynamic test Library and for the
# # application we want to install the executable nd configured header.
# install(FILES test.h DESTINATION include)
# # This install command CMake add to the end of test/CMakeLists.txt.
# # Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-1-CMakeLists.txt.
# # CMakeLists.txt under ./theFitBody/test ------------------------------------
# add_subdirectory(test)
# AddS the test library.
# Dynamic Library Link step d-4-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# Also,
# Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# Make subproject test target cmake_testapp_boost available for the main build.
# Place he add_subdirectory(test) command in the rootCMakeLists.txt.
# target_link_libraries(theFitBody PUBLIC test)
# Link the dynamic library test
# Dynamic Library Link step d-4-3-CMakeLists.txt.
# Also,
# Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-3-~/test/CMakeLists.txt.
# target_include_directories(theFitBody PUBLIC "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test")
# Adds the binary tree to the search path or include files o that we will find
# test.h.
# Dynamic Library Link step d-4-4-OVER.
# target_include_directories(theFitBody PUBLIC "${EXTRA_INCLUDES}") # OR below
# if use test as INTERFACE.
# target_include_directories(theFitBody PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")
# Optional Library step o-7-4-thefirbody.cpp.
# Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# install(TARGETS theFitBody DESTINATION bin)
# install(FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/thefitbodyCOnfig.h" DESTINATION include)
# Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-2-CMakeLists.txt.
# Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-3-~/theFitBody/test/CMakeLists.txt
# install(EXPORT testTargets
# FILE testTargets.cmake
# DESTINATION lib/cmake/test
# )
# Needs to explicitly install the generated testTargets.cmake file.
# Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-3-~/theFitBody/test/CMakeLists.txt
# Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-6-CMakeLists.txt.
# include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers)
# To properly configure and install that file, add the following to the bottom
# of the top-level CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# configure_package_config_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/
# "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testConfig.cmake"
# INSTALL_DESTINATION "lib/cmake/example"
# )
# Generates the config file that is includes the exports
# may see:
# write_basic_package_version_file(
# "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testConfigVersion.cmake"
# )
# Writes a file which is used by the "find_package" document the version and
# compatibility of the desired package. Use the THEFITBODY_VERSION_* variables
# and say that it is compatible with AnyNewerVersion, which denotes that this
# version or any higher one are compatible with the requested version.
# may see:
# install(FILES
# ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testConfig.cmake
# ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testConfigVersion.cmake
# DESTINATION lib/cmake/test
# )
# Sets both generated files to be installed.
# may see:
# Optional
# export(EXPORT test
# )
# If want project to also be used from a build directory we only have to add
# the following to the bottom of the top level CMakeLists.txt.
# may see:
# With this export call now generate a Targets.cmake, allowing the configured
# testConfig.cmake in the build directory to be used by other projects, without
# needing it to be installed.
# Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-6-CMakeLists.txt.
# Testing theFitBody t-t-f-b-n-1-OVER.-----------------------------------------
# may see:
# enable_testing()
# add_test(NAME Runs COMMAND theFitBody 25)
# Does simply verifes that the application theFitBody runs, does no segfault or
# otherwise ceash, and has a zero return value.
# add_test(NAME Usage COMMAND theFitBody)
# Does the usage message work?
# Does verify that the output of the test contains certain strings.
# set_tests_properties(Usage
# )
# function(do_test target arg result)
# add_test(NAME Comp${arg} COMMAND ${target} ${arg})
# set_tests_properties(Comp${arg}
# )
# endfunction()
# Define a function to simplify adding tests.
# do_test that runs the application and verifies that the computed square root
# is correct for given input.
# do_test(theFitBody 4 "4 is 2")
# do_test(theFitBody 9 "9 is 3")
# do_test(theFitBody 5 "5 is 2.236")
# do_test(theFitBody 7 "7 is 2.645")
# do_test(theFitBody 25 "25 is 5")
# do_test(theFitBody -25 "-25 is (-nan|nan|0)")
# do_test(theFitBody 0.0001 "0.0001 is 0.01")
# Do a bunch of result based tests
# Ddded to the project with a name, input, and expected results based on the
# passed arguments.
# Rebuild and cd the binary directory and run ctest executable:
# ctest -N
# and
# ctest -VV
# For multi-config generator, add the "-C <mode>" flag:
# e.g:
# Run tests in Debug mode use(from binary directory):
# ctest -C Debug -VV
# Run tests in Release mode:
# ctest -C Release -VV
# Others, IDE need to build RUN_TESTS target.
# Testing theFitBody t-t-f-b-n-1-OVER.-----------------------------------------
# Or Change "Testing theFitBody t-t-f-b-n-1-OVER." to Testing dashboard
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-1-CTestConfig.cmake ----------------
# may see:
# include(CTest)
# Enable dashboard scripting.
# CTest module will automatically call enable_testing(), so we can remove it
# from our CMake files.
# may see:
# Adds CTestConfig.cmake to the top directory of theFitBody Project.
# may see:
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-1-CTestConfig.cmake ----------------
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-3-OVER ----------------
# To create a simple dashboard you can run the cmake executable or the
# cmake-gui to configure the project, but do not build it yet.
# Instead, change directory to the binary tree, and then run:
# ctest [-VV] -D Experimental
# Multi-config generators, the configuration type must be specified:
# ctest [-VV] -C Debug -D Experimental
# OR
# ctest [-VV] -C Release -D Experimental
# Notice: I need to create a project named "theFirBody"on CMakeTurorial, or
# That Testing dashboard does not work!
# If create a project "theFitBody" on CMakeTurorial, then The ctest executable
# will build and test the project and submit the results to Kitware's public
# dashboard:
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-3-OVER ----------------
# Packages an installer
# may see:
# include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries)
# Includes InstallRequiredSystemLibraries,
# This module will include any runtime libraries that are needed by the project
# for the current platform.
# Sets some CPack variables to where we have stored the license and version
# information for this project.
# The version information was set earlier in this theFitBody and the
# license.txt has been included in the top-level source directory for this
# step.
# The CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR variable selects a file format for the source
# package.
# include(CPack)
# CPack module which will use these variables and some other properties of
# the current system to setup an installer.
# Build the Packages an installer Project and run the cpack execuable, just
# use:
# cpack
# To specify the generator, use the -G option, e.g:
# cpack -G ZIP
# Multi-config builds, use "-C" to specify he configuration, just use:
# cpack -G ZIP -C Debug
# OR
# cpack -G ZIP -C Release
# To create an archive of the full source tree would just type:
# cpack --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake
# Others,
# Run the installer found in the binary directory.
# Then run the installed executable and verify that it works.
# OR, CMake Installation/Deployment Configurations
# may see:
# Good coverage of the parameters of install command of CMake in:
# Main procedure in this process is to copy the files generated by build
# process to a destination folder on the host. Therefore:
# $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/test/with/cmake -H. -Bbuild/Release
# CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is the variable to define host destination. it is set to
# /usr/local by default. During the build process, you should point the
# destination folder in command-line.
# Keeping in mind that, you are getting prefix destination from terminal you
# should think about library and executable destinations accordingly.
# CTest: a framework for compiling and running tests as part of the CMake build
# process.
# may see:
# Separated Multiple directories CMakeLists.txt
# As your project grows, it is likely that you will organize it into
# sub-directories. Makefiles become more verbose when there are sub-directories
# present —in fact, it is usual practice to place an individual Makefile in
# each sub-directory. These Makefiles are then individually invoked by the
# Makefile in the parent directory.
# But,
# CMake can be very useful in this situation.
# may see:
# OR,
# may see:
# Update the optional variable USE_TEST
# cmake ../Step2 -DUSE_TEST=OFF
# may see:
# Installing and testing Library i-t-l-3-3-OVER.
# Install step, just use :
# make install
# OR
# cmake install
# multi-configuration add the "--config" argument to specific the configuration
# Separated install add the "--prefix" argument to follow the installed root,
# e.g:
# (This will navigate to the install directory nd verify that the installed
# theFitBody runs.)
# cmake install . --prefix "User/marryme/theFitBodyTest"
# may see:
# CMake Best Practices
# may see:
# Always remember the previous configurations, make sure you append new flag
# instead of overwriting it.
# It is better to implement, add_flag/remove method of yours, to achieve
# easier implementation.
# e.g:
# set(VARIABLE "${VARIABLE} Flag1 Flag2")
# Always check system information carefully, raise error if a certain
# configuration can’t be done to prevent faulty binaries.
# Always, check required libraries to continue build process, raise error if
# not found.
# References:
# CMakeLists.txt | CLion - JetBrains
# Quick CMake tutorial | CLion - JetBrains
# CMake Tutorial
# More Modern CMake Your first CMakeLists.txt file
# Introduction to CMake by Example
# The best, and most up-to-date documentation on CMake:
# The CMake Documentation Index provides a very useful list of available commands:
# The document is available at:CMake 3.22 Documentation Index
# CMake commands:
# KDE has its own CMake style guideline
# A detailed list of environment variables
# CMake Generator Expressions
# CMake Variables
# Following variables can be used to check for system related information
# Following script can be used to block in-source building.
# Source of script OpenCV Project:
# Cross Compiling for Linux
# User manuals:
# Optimisation flags-Setting Compiler Flags
# Warning flags
# Set Source File Properties
# Linker Flags
# Install command of CMake
# Other Resources
# GNU and LLVM Compiler Flags:
# FindBoost-cmake-modules
# CMake Wiki Examples
# Learning CMake A Beginner's Guide
# How To Write Platform Checks
// # # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-5-~/theFitBody/CMakeLists.txt.
include ( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/testTargets.cmake" )
// may see:
// # # Adding Export Configuration a-e-c-n-5-~/theFitBody/CMakeLists.txt.
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-2-CMakeLists.txt -------------------
# may see:
set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "CMaketheFitBody")
# The project name
# The project "Nightly" start time
set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/submit.php?project=CMaketheFitBody")
# The URL of the CDash instance where the submission's generated documents will
# be sent.
# Testing dashboard theFitBody t-d-t-f-b-n-2-CMakeLists.txt -------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> msg {"Hello", "C++", "World", "from", "VS Code", "and the C++ extension!"};
for (const string& word : msg)
cout << word << " ";
cout << endl;
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Debug With LLDB",
"type": "lldb",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": true,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"preLaunchTask": "Compile With clang++"
# Notices--------------------------------------------------
# This Seprated Multiple CXX Manully VScode(mac) Do Not USE Makefile.
# This Seprated Multiple CXX Manully VScode(mac) Do Not USE Makefile.
# This Seprated Multiple CXX Manully VScode(mac) Do Not USE Makefile.
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Thanks, Job Vranish.
# (
# Reference: Makefile Tutorial
# (
# Reference: @yagiyuki from Qiita
# (
# Reference: simonsso from Github
# (
# (1)Compiler
CXX = clang++
# (2)Compile options
CXX_FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -g
# (3)Build task directory path
# (4)Source files directory path
# (5)Library files directory path
# (6)Add library files
# (7)Target file, excutable file.
#TARGET := main fitbodyapp
#This main function helloworld
#TARGET :=fitbodyapp
TARGET :=helloworld
# (8)Source files(code), to be compiled
# Find source files we want to compile
# *expression must around by single quotos
# SRCS = $(wildcard ./src/*.cpp)
SRCS := $(shell find $(SRC_DIRS) -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.s')
# (9)Object files
# String substituion for every C/C++ file
# e.g: ./src/bank.cpp urns into ./build/bank.cpp.o
# OBJS = $(patsubst %cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
OBJS := $(SRCS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# (10)Dependency files
DEPS := $(OBJS:.o=.d)
# (11)Include files directory path
# Every folder in ./src find include files to be passed via clang
# INCDIR = -I./inc
# INC_DIR = ./inc
INC_DIRS := $(shell find $(SRC_DIRS) -type d)
# (12)Include files add together a prefix, clang make sense that -I flag
INC_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(INC_DIRS))
# (13)Make Makefiles output Dependency files
# That -MMD and -MP flags together to generate Makefiles
# That generated Makefiles will take .o as .d to the output
# Link: Generate executable file from object file
$(CXX) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
# Compile: Generate object files from source files
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.cpp.o: $(SRC_DIRS)/%.cpp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CXX) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(CXX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: clean
# rm -r $(BUILD_DIR)
rm -r $(OBJS) $(TARGET) *.d
-include $(DEPS)
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-4-OVER.
# may see:
# Run cpack specifying our custom configuration file with the config option.
# cpack --config MultiCPackConfig.cmake
# Packaging Debug and Release p-d-a-r-n-4-OVER.
"files.defaultLanguage": "c++",
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
"code-runner.runInTerminal": true,
"code-runner.executorMap": {
// Not Use Makefile
//"c": "cd $dir && gcc -std=c11 -stdlib=libc++ $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt",
//"cpp": "cd $dir && g++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt"
// Use Makefile
"c": "cd $dir && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && make clean",
"cpp": "cd $dir && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && make clean"
// 1.single source file compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__helloworld.cpp
// In-source build
// "c/cpp": "cd $dir && cmake . && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && make clean"
// Using CMake — execute the cmake command and pass it the directory
// that contains the source code and the CMakeLists.txt file — in this
// case “.” refers to the current directory:
// cmake .
// CMake identified the environment settings for the Linux/macOS/
// windows device and created the Makefile for this project, which can
// be viewed. Do not make edits to this Makefile, as any edits will be
// overwritten the next time that the cmake utility is executed.
// Once the Makefile has been created, the make command can be used to
// build the project:
// make
// ./$fileNameWithoutExt
// It works!
// may see:
// Introduction to CMake by Example:
// 2.single source file build directory compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__helloworld.cpp
// Directory build for target, CMakeCache.txt, CMakeFiles, Makefile,
// cmake_install.cmake.
// Out-source build
// For this Architecture from 2 ~ 12, I wish to place all of the build
// files in the build directory, which is achieved very simply by
// calling the cmake program from within the build directory, as
// follows.
// The build directory then contains the Makefile for the project,
// which correctly refers to the files in the src and include
// directories. The project can then be built from the build directory
// using the make command.
// One nice feature of this approach is that all of the files related
// to the build process are within the build directory as illustrated
// by the tree utility output.
// To clean this project you can simply recursively delete all files/
// directories within the build directory. which is the same file
// system structure as was present before the cmake program was
// executed.
// Important: If you add new source files to your project it is very
// important that you call the cmake program again, otherwise the
// Makefiles will not be updated to account for any additions.
// may see:
// "c/cpp": "cd $dir/./build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && make clean"
// OR,
// "c/cpp": "cd $dir/./build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*"
// 3.single source file build directory include compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// |__helloworld.h
// |__helloworld.cpp
// Directory inc for include files.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/./build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 4.source file build directory include compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// Directory src for source files.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/../build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 5. main source file build directory include compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__main.cpp
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// main.cpp for main function in top directory of the Project.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/./build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 6. main source file build directory include compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// |__main.cpp
// main.cpp for main function under the src directory.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/../build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 7. separated main source file build directory include compile
// command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__common
// |__main.cpp
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// main.cpp for main function under the common directory.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/../build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 8. separated main source file build directory include link library
// compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__library_link
// |__library_link_.css
// |__common
// |__main.cpp
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// Directory library_link: for the project to link library (e.g:
// library_link_.css).
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/../build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 9. separated main source file build directory include link library
// test input compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__inc
// | |__helloworld.h
// |__library_link
// |__library_link_.css
// |__common
// |__main.cpp
// |__src
// |__helloworld.cpp
// |__test_input
// |__test_input_.txt
// Directory test_input: for the project to input file (e.g:
// test_input_.txt or or others.
// Out-source build
// cd $dir/../build && cmake .. && make && ./$fileNameWithoutExt && cd .. && rm -r build/*
// 10. multiple separated main source file build directory include link library
// test input compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__patch_taylor
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__helloworld_taylor.h
// | |__helloworld_taylor.cpp
// |__patch_david
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__helloworld_david.h
// | |__helloworld_david.cpp
// |__library_link
// | |__library_link_.css
// |__main.cpp
// |__test_input
// |__test_input_.txt
// Directory patch_taylor: for the taylor to patch;
// Directory patch_david: for the taylor to patch.
// Out-source build
// 11. multiple directroy separated main source file build directory include link library
// test input compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__patch_taylor
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__inc_taylor
// | | |__helloworld_taylor.h
// | |__src_taylor
// | |__helloworld_taylor.cpp
// |__patch_david
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__inc_david
// | | |__helloworld_david.h
// | |__src_david
// | |__helloworld_david.cpp
// |__library_link
// | |__library_link_.css
// |__main.cpp
// |__test_input
// |__test_input_.txt
// Directory patch_taylor: for the taylor to patch dircetoy;
// Directory patch_david: for the taylor to patch dircetoy.
// Out-source build
// 12. multiple directroy separated main source file build directory include link library
// test input compile command below.
// The Architecture of workspace HelloWorld are:
// HelloWorld
// |
// |_.vscode
// | |__c_cpp_properties.json
// | |__launch.json
// | |__settings.json
// | |__tasks.json
// |__CMakeLists.txt
// |__build
// |__patch_taylor
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__inc_taylor
// | | |__helloworld_taylor.h
// | |__library_link
// | | |__library_link_taylor_.css
// | |__src_taylor
// | |__helloworld_taylor.cpp
// |__patch_david
// | |__CMakeLists.txt
// | |__inc_david
// | | |__helloworld_david.h
// | |__library_link
// | | |__library_link_david_.css
// | |__src_david
// | |__helloworld_david.cpp
// |__main.cpp
// |__test_input
// |__test_input_.txt
// Directory patch_taylor: for the taylor to patch all dircetoy;
// Directory patch_david: for the taylor to patch all dircetoy.
// Out-source build
"code-runner.saveFileBeforeRun": true,
"code-runner.preserveFocus": false,
"code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": false,
"code-runner.ignoreSelection": true,
// "C_Cpp.clang_format_sortIncludes": true,
"editor.formatOnType": true,
"clang.cxxflags": [
"clang.cflags": [
"clang.completion.enable": true
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"type": "shell",
"label": "Compile With clang++",
"command": "clang++",
"args": [
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include "thefitbodyConfig.h"
#include ""
// Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-12-~/test/test.h.
// #include "./test/test.h"
// Selecting static or shared Librarires s-s-o-s-l-n-12-~/test/test.h.
// Optional Library step o-7-5-thefitbody.cpp.
#ifdef USE_TEST
# include "test.h"
// Or # include "./test/test.h"
// Optional Library step o-7-5-thefitbody.cpp.
// Optional Library step
#ifdef USE_TEST
const double variable = accept_variable(input_value)
const double variable = accept_other_variable(input_value)
// Optional Library step
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Just test Project theFitBody via input-output-----------------------------
// may see:
float sqrt_test_project_input_, test_result_;
cout << "Enter any number to test input-output for Project theFitBody:";
cin >> sqrt_test_project_input_;
test_result_ = sqrt(sqrt_test_project_input_);
cout << "Square root of " << sqrt_test_project_input_ << "is" << test_result_;
// Just test Project theFitBody via input-output-----------------------------
const double inputValue = std::stod(argv[1]);
// Project version step
if (argc < 2) {
// report version
std::cout << argv[0] << " Version " << THEFITBODY_VERSION_MAJOR << "."
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " number" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Project version step
SofijaMarcas sofija_marcas_temporary_;
cout << endl;
return 0;
// aab4aa47eb3a0723f63427daed1a7bcfca5b6e5b
// Test to local Repository.
#ifndef thefitbodyConfig_h
#define thefitbodyConfig_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class SofijaMarcas {
void printHello();
void SofijaMarcas::printHello() {
vector<string> msg{"Hello", "C++", "World",
"from", "VS Code", "and the C++ extension!"};
for (const string &word : msg) {
cout << word << " ";
cout << endl;
std::cout << "25歳の元妻、資金が尽き「パパ活」をしていた" << std::endl;
int i = 0;
while ((i++) < 3)
cout << "若い身体を使って世渡りするのは構わないが殺人はまずいよ\n";
cout << endl;
#endif /* thefitbodyConfig_h */
#include "thefitbodyConfig.h"
// the configured options and settings for theFitBody
// Project version p-v-5-5-OVER.
// #cmakedefine USE_TEST
// Optional Library step o-7-7-OVER
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