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Free space via removing purgeable on mac.

The purgeable space on macOS


I have gone to bed before using TimeMachine to backup my mac and accidentally

clicked the Back Up Automatically button on the setting of Time Machine

yesterday night. I have found my mac only has 60 GB free space on Disk

Utility this morning. But the Storage tab of my mac shows 100 GB free space.

What happens to my macbook from yesterday night to this morning?


I do nothing about my macbook except backing up my mac. I calculate all the

usage storage of types and add to only 90+ GB used disk, where is the other

more 90+ GB used space going to? Maybe there are some snapshots on the local

of my mac. ALso, Disk Utility shows 90+ GB purgeable space. So, how to deal

with that purgeable space?


3.1Directly remove local snapshots

A.Enter your Time Machine Settings and cancel Back Up Automatically button;

B.Just log in your mac terminal;

C.Check out the list of local snapshots on your mac:

sudo tmutil listlocalsnapshots

Then, there will output some symbol containing Time Machine.

D.Just directly remove via tmutil deletelocalsnapshots XXXX-XX-XX-XXXXXX;

When the terminal outputs Deleted local snapshot, that means successfully

remove that snapshots.

E.After removing your no-needed snapshots, restart or reboot your mac.

Have fun!


macOS not showing the actual free space(Ask Different).

The solution of removing purgeable space and killing 100% usage on mac(Chinese Blog).


Finder, Disk utility and Storage tab shows different free space in macOS.

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WilliamHarman commented Feb 15, 2024

Thanks for the info! I got my first Mac just recently, and there are so many things I need to learn. I'd been using Windows laptops for years, and having a Mac is totally a new experience. I really like it and so far I see that it's better than all my previous laptops, but still need to learn how to work on it and use all the potential it provides. And it's good that now there is a lot of information online, like this article, or the one I read on Setapp also about disk space and freeing it up. It's not that hard to do, but for the person who has never done it, such information is needed. And in general, I can say that Apple gadgets have a lot of other functions and a lot of people don't know about them, so reading such informational blogs is a must.

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