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Terminal git GitHub via SSH Or SSH git GitHub using terminal

SSH Manually

GitHub source project here

GitHub Gist source here.

1.Search "Terminal log in GitHub"

The better way to build ssh for logging in cloud services (such as GitHub,

GitLab, Gitee, Bitbucket ...), remote web server(Nginx, Cloudflare Server,

Apache, IIS and Lighttpd, Microsoft Internet Information Services,

Sun Java System Web Server and Jigsaw), customer premises via git

is that just search "terminal log in github" by Google search engine.

A better way to learn the terminal to log in to github is to read the

official github related documents.

firstly search just using native language,

secondly search just using english,

thirdly search just using third language,

As the saying goes, well-informed.

2.What is SSH

Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network

services securely over an unsecured network.

Typical applications include remote command-line, login, and remote command

execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH.

SSH provides a secure channel over an unsecured network by using a client

–server architecture, connecting an SSH client application with an SSH server.

The protocol specification distinguishes between two major versions, referred

to as SSH-1 and SSH-2.

The standard TCP port for SSH is 22.

SSH is generally used to access Unix-like operating systems, but it can also

be used on Microsoft Windows.

Windows 10 uses OpenSSH as its default SSH client and SSH server.

SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and for unsecured remote shell

protocols such as the Berkeley rsh and the related rlogin and rexec protocols.

Those protocols send sensitive information, notably passwords, in plaintext,

rendering them susceptible to interception and disclosure using packet


The encryption used by SSH is intended to provide confidentiality and

integrity of data over an unsecured network, such as the Internet.

3.Build SSH

The most effective and safest way to build SSH is to refer to the search

engine to practice, and then use the search engine to find and solve

the problem.

3.1 Create GitHub Directory

I know, I'll have more than one GitHub account, some are personal, others

are corporate. So I just create a directory /GitHub in my current user

directory /Users/marryme, before doing this, I need to enter the terminal.

Some use the default terminal Apple Terminal, but I use iTerm here.

when i'm in the terminal, just use this command to create the directory


mkdir GitHub

Also, use this command to enter the directory /Users/marryme/GitHub:

cd /Users/marryme/Github

I know, I'll have more than one personal GitHub accounts and more than one

corporate GitHub accounts. Now I'll create a directory /Personal and a

directory /Corporate. Just use this command to create that directions:

mkdir Personal

mkdir Corporate

Now, I have more than one personal GitHub accounts. My personal Github

accounts Sofija, Starla, Sivert. Enter my personal GitHub directory

/Personal and create three personal GitHub accounts:

mkdir Sofija

mkdir Starla

mkdir Sivert

3.2 SSH Keys Generation and Configuration

Now the simple roadmap of logging in GitHub via terminal using ssh and git.

3.2.1 Create SSH key for my personal GitHub Sofija

Just use this command to enter my personal GitHub account directory /Sofija:

cd /Users/marryme/GitHub/Personal/Sofija Command create SSH key

SSH is to connect between my computer Git and my GitHub,so Enter the command

to create an SSH Key for my personal GitHub account Sofija:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

-t type

鍵の生成に使用する鍵のアルゴリズムを指定します。プロトコルバージョン 2 に指定可能な値は「rsa


-b “Bits”

This option specifies the number of bits in the key. The regulations

that govern the use case for SSH may require a specific key length to be used.

In general, 2048 bits is considered to be sufficient for RSA keys.

-C comment



む既定のコメントが作成されます。 is my email address Change the name of file rsa

The terminal prompt is as follows:

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa):

At this time, press Enter directly, and a public key named id_rsa will be created under

the path /Users/XXX/.ssh/, which is not what I want.

Because I want to manage multiple ssh keys, this naming does not have any characteristics.

I will store sofija_personal_github_id_rsa in /Users/user-name/.ssh/sofija_github_id_rsa.

Enter the following command in the terminal:


It means that this is the key of my private github account, and then according to the terminal

prompt, enter and confirm the password, and it can be generated.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /Users/XXX/.ssh/sofija_personal_github_id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /Users/XXX/.ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

| | | xxxxxx | | xxxxx | | | | xxxxx | | xxxxx | | xxxxx | | | | | | |

3.2.2 Start SSH-Agent in the Background

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

> Agent pid 59566

3.2.3 (Optional But Recommended)Configure SSH Proxy

Once you have created the above ssh key, you can start to manage it.

Enter the following command in the terminal to query the proxy of

the system ssh key:

ssh-add -l

If the system has set up a proxy, you need to delete:

ssh-add -D

All identities removed.

If prompted:

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.


ssh-agent bash

3.2.4 Adding Private RSA to My Computer SSH Agent)

SSH-Agent, a helper programa key manager for SSH, a agent server.

But during the SSH handshake my computer local git as a client,

and GitHub ad a server. Configure SSH config file

Create a config configuration file in the /.ssh directory:

cd /Users/user-name/.ssh && vim config

Pay attention to the common commands of vim or bash:

  1. Press the letter key "i" to edit mode;

  2. Press the return key "esc" + input the letter ":wq": save and exit;

Edit and adding :


   User git
   AddKeysToAgent yes
   UseKeychain yes
   IdentityFile /Users/marryme/.ssh/sofija_personal_github_id_rsa SSH key added to SSH-Agent

Add the SSH private key to ssh-agent and store the passphrase in the keychain.

If you create a key with another name, or if you want to add an existing key

with another name, replace sofija_personal_github_id_rsa in the command with

the name of the private key file.

ssh-add -K /Users/marryme/.ssh/sofija_personal_github_id_rsa

Check the proxy of the ssh key again:

ssh-add -l

4096 SHA256:............ /Users/marryme/.ssh/sofija_personal_github_id_rsa (RSA)

3.2.5 Adding Public RSA to GitHub SSH keys

Notice: Update 1:20 EST Friday June 2 2023

if your remote repository Bitbucket occurs:

SSH Host Key Rotation
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Bitbucket Cloud’s RSA SSH Host Key will be rotated on June 20, 2023 1700 UTC

You just need to replace the old Bitbucket's SSH host Key at your local laptop's ~/.ssh with the New bitbucket SSH Host key, via command:

ssh-keygen -R && curl >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Notice: You do not need to generate a non-RSA type SSH key pair for Bitbucket, as Bitbucket still supports RSA type SSH key pairs for authentication. You just need to update the SSH Host Key for Bitbucket on your local machine.

Refer:SSH Host Key Rotation(Stack overflow).

I know, no matter I directly copy the public key file via vim copying or changing the .pub

to .txt, that all does not successfully add to GitHub SSH keys, Use the

cat command to print out the just created ssh key in the terminal.

(After creating the local ssh key, I need to let github know that the ssh key

is myself, so I need to copy the generated ssh key, write it to github, and

enter it in the terminal under mac)

cat /Users/user-name/.ssh/

copy the print to GitHub ssh key location

Check the proxy of the ssh key again:

ssh-add -l

4096 SHA256:............ /Users/marryme/.ssh/sofija_personal_github_id_rsa (RSA)

3.3Local Git do connect with GitHub via SSH)

Enter the following verification command in the terminal. If it returns as follows,

the configuration is successful:

ssh -T

discover Terminal:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:XXXXxxxxXXXXxxxxXXXXxxxxXXXXxxxx.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Please type "yes".

Then success:

Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Hi Sofija! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

If that was in GitLab, then:

Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Welcome to GitLab, @sofijapersonalgithub!

If that was in Bitbucket,then:

if you enter "ssh -T", then:

`The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.`


`Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?`

please type "`yes`".

Then, successful:

`Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.`

`authenticated via ssh key.`

`You can use git to connect to Bitbucket. Shell access is disabled`

4.Upload Repository

First, before uploading the repository, you need to create a github repository. After

logging in to your account, click + next to the avatar and select New repository to

create a personal repository.

You can first create an empty warehouse, public, without,LICENSE, .gitignore

and .gitattributes.

Please remember the ssh-url(SSH Git Address) of the empty warehouse created.

4.1 TO Not Empty Repository

If your GitHub repository are not empty or you firstly download GitHub

repository to your local workspace or Your GitHub has that repository but

your local workspace has not that repository, please use command the step

## 4.1.

I need to enter my personal GitHub account directory.

cd /Users/user-name/GitHub/Personal/Sofija

Now I need to pull remote Repository:

git clone

(git clone only run once, once run git clone, then do not need to run git init

and git remote add origin

git clone will clone the remote repository to the local directory

/Users/marryme/GitHub/Personal/Sofija via creating the directory


The created directory /Users/marryme/GitHub/Personal/Sofija/hello-world-debug-vscode

is that my created GitHub Repository just now.

And, the created directory /hello-world-debug-vscode also include .git.

Now I need to enter my local repository hello-world-debug-vscode

cd hello-world-debug-vscode

Configure the information of the git user of the current Repository.

If I do not configure the git user of the current Repository, then the user name

submitted to GitHub is the current user name of the computer;

for example,

the current user name of my computer is marryme, if I do not configure the

user name of my current warehouse as Sofija, then submit The name of the

Repository to GitHub is marryme.

(I think a safe, convenient, and concise way to use git is to configure

different user names, emails, and passwords in each local Repository, so

that possible problems can be located in a certain Repository)

In the terminal, enter the following commands respectively to check the

partial configuration information of git in the current computer. If it

does not return, it means that there is no partial configuration.

If there is, you can see that the corresponding default account is that.

git config

git config

If the return is empty, it means that no partial configuration has been

performed, and the account name and email address of github can be

configured separately:

git config "Sofija_Personal_GitHub"

git config ""


git config --list

You can view the specific configuration information of the current Repository.

The configuration viewed in the current Repository directory is the global

configuration + the local configuration of the current project. When using it,

the local configuration of the current Repository will be used first. If not,

the global configuration will be read.

Now we create and write "# hello-world-debug-vscode":

echo "# hello-world-debug-vscode" >>

Add the file that needs to be updated to the local git repository:

git add

(git add <your file name>: specify the class update)

(git add .:All classes that need to be updated)

Check if the file to be uploaded is correct:

git status

Record this submission:

git commit -m "Create"

Create main branch, git workspace and move from master branch to main branch,

-m attribute is used to rename the branch name without affecting the branch’s


git branch -M main

Mention the main branch to the remote github repository, -u attribute is used to

set the upstream tracking for the branch.:

git push -u origin main

The main here refers to the main branch name, if it is another branch, fill in the

corresponding branch name.

Log in to github to view the submission results.

4.2 TO Empty Repository

If your GitHub repository is empty, then just use the step 4.2.

i need to create a directory /hello-world-debug-vscode.Please remember every

GitHub Repository to create one directory, and i'm in the directory

/Users/marryme/GitHub/Personal/Sofija, Now:

4.2.1 The Summary for Step 4.2

Update EST AM 03:32 May 30 Tuesday, in summary for Step 4.2:

cd ~/GitHub/Personal/Sofija && mkdir hello-world-debug-vscode &&
cd hello-world-debug-vscode && touch &&
echo "# hello-world-debug-vscode" >> && git init &&
git config "Sofija_Personal_GitHub" &&
git config "" &&
git add && git commit -m "Create" &&
git branch -M main &&
git remote add origin
&& git push -u origin main

mkdir hello-world-debug-vscode && cd hello-world-debug-vscode

The same thing, create and write "# hello-world-debug-vscode":

echo "# hello-world-debug-vscode" >>

make this directory /hello-world-debug-vscode Git Repository

git init

git init only run once, that will create the local Git repository.

ALso, enter the following commands respectively to check the

partial configuration information of git in the current computer:

git config

git config

And, the account name and email address of github can be

configured separately:

git config "Sofija_Personal_GitHub"

git config ""

To view the specific configuration information of the current Repository:

git config --list

Now, add the file that needs to be updated to the local git repository:

git add

Please notice: git add/rm <file> run every-time while changing files.

Never forget check if the file to be uploaded is correct:

git status

Record this submission:

git commit -m "Create"

Once run git add/rm <file>, must run git commit -m "XXXX".

It's time to create main branch, git workspace and move from master branch

to main branch:

git branch -M main

git branch -M main only run once, or git branch -M other-branch.

Associate a remote library command. Fill in my github repository (repository)

after git@. After creating the repository in github, there are links to http

and ssh. Origin is the name I gave to this repository and can be customized.

git remote add origin

"git remote add origin ssh-url" is to connect between local repository and

remote repository, only run once.

Query whether the connection is successful:

git remote -v

But if you remote add Wrong address via url using "git remote add origin ssh-url"

or you want to change the url address, you could use this command to

change the ssh-url to the target address:

git remote set-url origin ssh-url


git remote set-url origin

Mention the main branch to the remote github repository:

git push -u origin main

"git push -u origin main" or "git push" run every-time once "git add/rm <file>",

or run git push -u origin other-branch.

Update Nov 21 2022 EST 21:04

If you use git push -u origin main to mention the main branch to the remote

github repository, that may generate the problem:

Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

To fix the upstairs problem, firstly, using Git try to connect the GitHub

via ssh again, e.g: ssh -T

Also, GitLab or Bitbucket do the same.

Just use this to fix that via git pull --rebase && git push -u origin main.

Or maybe you should check the connection of your network.


If you just use rm file on your local workspace with no committing that file,

then your local repository again has that file, your remote repository also has

that file. Just use git restore <file>... to discard changes in working

directory, and your local workspace will display that file. Remember to check

the status of your repository's git via git status. Also, if you delete some

files on your local workspace but not commit those to the local repository, you

should use git pull --no-rebase to pull the remote repository. Finally, if

there are some code collision or conflict, you need to use some commands liking

git merge ....

5.Multiple GitHub accounts

It is necessary to consider logging into multiple GitHub accounts on the

same computer, as well as logging into the same github account on multiple


e.g: logging in GitHub(personal), GitHub(company), Cloud(company), Cloud

(personal),Blog(personal), BitLab, Bitbucket, Azure devops... via ssh on

a terminal.

5.1 Log in to the terminal and GitHub client separately:

one to log in through the terminal, and one to log in through the

GitHub client.

5.2 Cancel global settings:

What if there are two GitHub accounts on the same computer?

Cancel the global setting, set the user name and password for each

warehouse separately: cancel global;

git config --global --unset

git config --global --unset

And, If the corresponding git repository is not specifically configured,

the git global configuration will be taken by default, that is, the

default global configuration account will be used for git submission.

At this time, we need to configure different warehouses accordingly.

We can cd to the root directory of the corresponding git repository and

execute local git configuration commands.

For example,

/Users/marryme/Github/Personal/Starla is the root directory of another local git

repository hosted on the github platform. I can execute the following


cd /Users/marryme/Github/Personal/Starla

git config

git config

If the return is empty, it means that no partial configuration has been

performed. The account name and email address of github can be configured


git config "Starla-Personal-GitHub"

git config ""

5.3 Other Gits Accounts

In the same way, under different git repositories, you can configure git

account names and git mailboxes for different platforms.

Although this seems troublesome, as long as the settings are completed,

as long as the path of the corresponding git repository is no longer

changed, there is no need to change the configuration.

Moreover, even if we did not cancel the default global git configuration,

After partial configuration, the latter will have a higher priority.


git config --list

You can view the specific configuration information of the current

warehouse, The configuration viewed in the current warehouse directory

is the global configuration + the partial configuration of the current

project, When using it, the local configuration of the current warehouse

will be used first, if not, the global configuration will be read.

Set up each repo's own

git config ""

git config "Sivert_Personal_Gitee"

If there are two git accounts, they are and In order to submit git, we need to set the

corresponding ssh key, so each git account needs to create and manage

ssh key, add public key to git platform, configure file config, verify

ssh key.

5.4 References to the use of multiple Github accounts:

A.Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent(Github Docs)

B.Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account(Github Docs)

C.How to Work with GitHub and Multiple Accounts(Github Gist)

D.Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys(Github Gist)

E.How to manage multiple Github accounts on one machine

6.Other SSH Reference:

1.homebrew-core/Formula/sshtrix.rb:("SSH login cracker")

2.homebrew-core/Formula/sshguard.rb:("Protect from brute force attacks against SSH")

3.homebrew-core/Formula/ssh-vault.rb:("Encrypt/decrypt using SSH keys")

4.homebrew-core/Formula/ssh-copy-id.rb:("Add a public key to a remote machine's authorized_keys file")

5.homebrew-core/Formula/ssh-permit-a38.rb:("Central management and deployment for SSH keys")

6.homebrew-core/Formula/git-ssh.rb:("Proxy for serving git repositories over SSH")

7.homebrew-core/Formula/assh.rb:("Advanced SSH config - Regex, aliases, gateways, includes and dynamic hosts")

8.homebrew-core/Formula/openssh.rb:("OpenBSD freely-licensed SSH connectivity tools")

9.homebrew-core/Formula/stormssh.rb:("Command-line tool to manage your ssh connections")

7.Others English References:

1.Your first time with git and github

2.Set up Git

3.Start using Git on the command line

4.How do I log in using the Git terminal?

5.How to switch git user at terminal?

6.Set-up Git and GitHub

7.An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)

8.Using Git with Terminal

9.How to Install, Configure and Use GIT on Ubuntu?

8.Others Japanese References:

1.Git for Windows のインストール手順





6.使い始める - Gitのインストール



9.Git のインストールと設定





14.Git チュートリアル - Gitをインストールする




9.Others Chinese References:

1.git command line to log in to github for operation

2.Use GitHub to share on the terminal

3.DevOps uses terminal to configure GitHub account on Mac

4.git connection github summary

5.One computer to manage multiple Git accounts and SSH KEY

6.How to manage multiple Github accounts on one machine

7.Use SSH to connect to GitHub on Mac

8.Upload files to GitHub in MacOS

10.Staying up late will lose dealing with fear

Oh shit. Northeastern young couple at home. I was so scared that I was afraid

of being broken in and raped! Hurry up to find a job, change the house to rent.

Ok, i'm fine.

While watching pornographic videos and masturbating with hands, the brain is

the most involved in this process. When watching pornographic videos, the

provocative body and exposed sexual organs will cause the brain to secrete

a large amount of dopamine.

And dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical substance used to help cells

transmit impulses. It is related to human lust and feelings, and it transmits

excitement and happiness. In addition, dopamine is also associated with

various addictive behaviors.

At the same time, dopamine is a dopamine receptor stimulant, which can

excite adrenaline alpha and beta receptors, and can accelerate heart rate,

constrict blood vessels, and raise blood pressure. If it is secreted too much,

Then it may cause the heart rate to increase, the blood pressure to rise, it

may cause arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,

paroxysmal atrial flutter, and the patient may also experience dizziness, and

may even occur Insomnia, dreaminess.

Dopamine appears in the forebrain and basal ganglia (Basal Ganglia). The basal

ganglia are responsible for processing fear emotions, but because of dopamine,

it replaces the feeling of fear.

Therefore, many people's addictive behaviors are caused by dopamine.

Excessive dopamine can also cause emotional problems, anxiety, fear and even

mild depression.

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