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Last active May 30, 2023 00:42
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The configuration of IntelliJ Idea use Java8.

Fix Java8 For IntelliJIdea


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Two directory of IntelliJ Idea

~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IdeaICYear.month ~/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IdeaICYear.month

Google Java Style for IntelliJ Idea

Download Google Java Style from:

Import the style guide for IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ Idea->Preferences-> Editor ->Code Style->Java, in the top right corner of the Java code style settings page, click on the "gear icon" and select "Import Scheme", choose the menu IntelliJ Idea code style XML, then select the "intellij-java-google-style.xml" file that you downloaded and click "OK".

Formatting code using a shortcut key in IntelliJ IDEA is very simple. using


Debug Tips on IntelliJ IDEA

Bugger logo or ^D to start Debug the current program;

F7: Step into; alt+shift+F7: force step into; F8: Step Over; shift+F8: Step out, alt+F9: Run to Cursor; alt+F8: Evaluate Expression; Notice: Evaluate Expression calculate the value of an expression during the debugging process without printing it to the console, such as defining new variables, running methods, and more. This allows you to explore the code interactively during the debugging process and calculate the values of various expressions. Shift + F7: Smart Step Into; Com+shift+F8: view all Java Line Breakpoints,-> Condition->Log message to console->Evaluate and log: run the line code, calculate the expression and output the result into the console. Also, notices the Java Exception Breakpoints and NullPointerException. Multi-threads debug: View Breakpoints->Thread->Make Default(Switch thread); Back to breakpoint: (1)Drop Frame: back to the breakpoint step by step via call method; (2)Drop Frame->9(Resume Program). Interpret debug: Force Return. alt+Com+R: Resume program (witness the output after running on Console); Com+R: return program or re-run debug or re-run; Com+F2: terminal debug;

Nice tips to using IntelliJ Idea

Use the Smart code completion ⌃⇧Space after the new keyword to instantiate an object of the expected type(IntelliJ IDEA Community tips, #153). To evaluate any expression while debugging your program, select the expression in the editor and press ⌥F8. IntelliJ IDEA allows you to easily call a Java code from Kotlin and vice versa. You can narrow down the list of code completion suggestions by using camel case prefixes. You can remove breakpoints by dragging them from the gutter. To configure this option, open settings by pressing ⌘,, go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger, and select Drag to the editor or click with middle mouse button. When you click a breakpoint, you toggle the breakpoint status (enabled or disabled). Get access to the most common breakpoint actions and filters through intention actions (⌥⏎). Kotlin is a powerful, concise and expressive language crafted by JetBrains. IntelliJ IDEA supports it out-of-the-box. To create a Kotlin file, right-click the target folder, and choose the corresponding option on the New menu. If you position the caret at a symbol and press ⌃T, the list of refactorings applicable to the current context will open. Press F2 or ⇧F2 to jump to the next or previous error respectively in the current file. Press ⌥F7 to quickly locate all occurrences of code referencing the symbol at the caret, no matter if the symbol is a part of a class, method, field, parameter, or another statement. You can view all statements within the method where certain exceptions can be thrown. Place the caret at the throws statement and press ⇧⌘F7. The Extract Variable refactoring wraps the selected expression into a variable. It adds a new variable declaration and uses the expression as an initializer. To invoke this refactoring, select the expression and press ⌥⌘V (Refactor | Extract | Variable). Press ⇧⌘V to choose from the recent clipboard contents chunks and insert it. To make your printouts (File | Print) nice and informative, use keywords. For example, use $DATE$ and $TIME$ to specify the exact date and time of the printout. IntelliJ IDEA Community can generate getter and setter methods for fields in your class. With the caret inside the class, press ⌘N (Code | Generate). One can easily convert any Java class to the Kotlin one with the same semantics. To do that, just choose Code | Convert Java File to Kotlin File on the main menu. Scratch files are temporary files that let you experiment and prototype in the editor, without creating any project files. To create a scratch file, press ⇧⌘N, and then select the language to use. Press ⌘1 to open the Project tool window and switch focus to it. Postfix code completion is applied from right to left to avoid backward caret jumps when coding. Type a dot . after the code fragment that you want to change and select the desired option. To see the suggestion list with postfix templates, you can also press ⌘J.

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